I don’t know everything, I don’t pretend to.
There’s a lot of folks in here that have been in this game a long time, as well.
If there’s any newbs in here that need some questions answered, this would be the post for it. Us oldheads can shoot some links over. If you’re an experienced researcher, but have the desire to discuss a particular topic, I’m also all-ears.
I plan on making a detailed writing sometime in the near-future about my experiences in the conspiracysphere.
The most important conclusion I’ve come to, and early on, is that a vast majority outside these spaces have absolutely no interest in learning how the sausage is made.
Do you think there will be any housing market crash again, like there was in 2008?
Yes. I'm in construction and I see the writing on the wall. Some areas will hold value much better than others, but it's coming
Can you elaborate? I have a couple family friends who are sitting on savings, wanting to buy but a bit worried it might be overheated market. The property values seem crazy. How are people coming up with down payments? 20% of $500k is a $100k. How are people coming up with a hundred stacks? People used to struggle to come up with $20k down payment.
Welcome to the American trap. 20% is for a conventional loan (one typically acquired through a bank or private underwriter). FHA has loans available with as little as 3% down. To qualify for such a loan, you need to provide tax returns for a number of years. Income tax in this country is voluntary by some interpretations and this is a way to get you to comply (volunteer). Mortgage insurance is included (at a price) in an FHA loan and most people refinance to a conventional loan after building up enough equity to qualify. To further drive up housing prices (and state property tax revenue), loans with a term longer than 30 years has been proposed, and may have been implemented already. It also has the benefit of making conventional loans harder to obtain and forcing people to comply with income taxes if they want to own a house. It's a wicked game they play
Markets in California are definitely overheated right now.
Haha literally
Houses are, perhaps unfortunately, a traded as a commodity.
This has led to semi-tofu drege houses in the US, houses that after a traditional 30 year mortgage is paid off, start to degrade in such a way that it’s best to bulldoze it down and start over.
Planned obsolescence and Jewish usury has pervaded nearly every industry.
Commodities rise and fall. Middle class people get caught up in leveraging massive debts and are forced to liquidate. Bank-owned homes that have been repossessed can be sold off at quite a discount. The challenge is making an offer before blackrock does.
Imho, people that do the “buy and hold” investing strategies in RE are both retarded and evil.
Personally, I enjoy monolithic dome architecture and are pretty simple to build. If you make friends with any Amish or Mexicans in your area, you’ll find a few that actually know what they’re doing and will work on a discount basis if you keep them fed and in the case of the latter, provide cerveza y mota at the end of the workday.
Commercial real estate is dying, but the properties are underwritten several times over with derivatives. In the next few years, we will see thousands perhaps hundreds of thousands of commercial real estate properties re-engineered into apartment and condo housing units.
Here’s some information you may find helpful: https://5minuteeconomist.com/economic-history-of-the-united-states-in-two-charts.html
I listen to Christopher gardeners bio-charisma podcast sometimes and he talks about building domes. Something about how it is the ideal shape, not a box or rectangle with gable roof design prevalent in USA.
Residential housing seems ridiculously overpriced. So I'm just wondering do we tell a young guy to take the 30 year loan and get in now, or wait for another crash because current properties are priced way more than they cost of labor and materials, which is why corporations got so involved, and why importing migrants to fill them was priority over the domestic citizens.
I can't tell young guys to save, because like someone on this forum told me yesterday, the cost of housing increases at a pace faster than anyone can save for it
All by design. You will own nothing and be happy
100%. I think I’ve seen that guy interview with BB a couple times… another guest he’s had on is the uneducated economist, and I love that guy’s perspective.
“Saving” in the traditional sense is now backwards. There’s no interest rates that keep up with inflation, which is targeted at 6% per anuum. Best rate i’ve found is a CD with a minimum of $1,000 over a one year period with 5% interest.
Young people are going YOLO with various blockchain products, meme stocks, or outright casino and sports betting. Sometimes it pays off! Most of the time, you lose. House wins.
If you tell a young person, they should be “investing” instead of “saving,” they’ll be more receptive. Best to push them into sound investments like small denomination precious metals, micro-businesses, (like selling fake weed outside of festivals or on demand screenprint tee shirts) and various licenses. i.e. get your bartending license and do side gigs. There’s apps where you can get 1099 work instantly, like when a bar has the entire staff call in sick on friday morning, they’ll post on these apps crazy pay, like $35/hr + tipshare, tonight only.
I know a construction worker that makes $300-$500 a night bartending, but only works special events
Sounds about right. Bartenders easily make $300+ at a busy bar in one night.
Building domes https://www.bitchute.com/video/0ihTIRWvHWY
Apparently he doesn't need permits. He's using earth bag packing which I guess is loophole in most states.
I agree with your assessments, but it's going to be tough to change office space into rental units due to building code. It might be cheaper to demolish and start over (with a subsided program because what developer doesn't want free money).
is it almost often the jews?
Yes, thank you for noticing.
What are the top 3 dumbest conspiracies you've looked into?
Well, as far as “dumb,” sometimes its the theory itself and sometimes it’s the people pushing it.
Sometimes the official story is so retarded, you’d have to be dumb to believe it. e.g. Building 7.
Let’s see. I’d say:
Care to add anything? Suggestions?
What, in your opinion, is the most important conspiracy?
Life is like the Screwtape Letters. But real.
Care to give your tldr? I haven’t ever heard of this.
Everyone is assigned a personal demon… Self sabotage, nihilism, coomerism, consoomerism… that nasty lil dude will get in your head.
I agree to a point, it's also very 'the space trilogy' too, I think.
Could you give a quick summary of your theory here too? Thanks
C.S. Lewis wrote three books fantastically describing the nature of the world, outside of time, in multiple dimensions, and the evil macrobes have infiltrated all aspects of life and the big show is going down, I think.
best way to protect savings for tge upcoming crash? physical precious metals not an option
Life Insurance, believe it or not. The Ultrawealthy don't fuck with the market. They put their money in Life Insurance like Index Universal Life policies. When you put your savings into it, your money grows based on an index like the S&P 500. But if the market crashes, you don't lose any money. Once the market recovers you start where you left off and keep growing while everyone else is spending years trying to recover what they had.
It's also a completely liquid savings account. You can take money out any time. You can also borrow against the Death Benefit and you never have to pay it back. This is great for retirement.
This only works if you are young enough or you have a nice fat chunk of money and you need to be healthy (Life insurance!) to qualify.
If you're too old and not healthy. Then look at annuities with guaranteed income for life.
The ultrawealthy put their newborns on an IUL. This is the way the wealthy pass their wealth from one generation to next. Life insurance death benefits are tax free. This way the family doesn't have to liquidate the estate to pay estate taxes. They don't need to shut down and liquidate the business or sell the real estate....etc. All thanks to life insurance. Creditors also can't get to the life insurance proceeds. The family is free and clear with millions and the fully intact estate to boot. But whats killer are all the living benefits you get. Look up Premium Financing. Look up infinite banking.
thats really interesting. i will definitely look it up. hope its not an elite family exclusive deal though!
because the scenario i have in mind is not only the stock market crash, but something bigger, something more coordinated.
I think the dollar will implode due to a liquidity crisis, meaning only people with physical cash, gold and maybe tbills will "survive" and scoop up all the other hard assets for a penny. Or they will hack some central bank, fed, bis, blame it on AI, china or iran. All the numbers on the screen of everyone will be erased.
In both cases the solution will be to reset the economy with cbdc and gov willl give out this free cbdc so the newly formed giga slave class doesnt rebel.
in those cases, im not sure the insurance company would be honoring the deal you know? maybe for a ultrawealthy family but for anyone else idk. thoughts?
You’re likely correct. When it does go to CBDC it will likely be tied to the mark of the beast at some point via a chip in the hand or forehead. Can google the Microsoft patent or look up videos to see that has already been created. Can also see real life example of it being used via chipgirl on TikTok (not 100% sure she’s still around, that was a while ago). With that being the case… living pretty far from a future smart city with tangible goods, like minded people, and a means to protect your property is your best investment imo.
I have two of these policies and they have been amazing. Only reason I’ve ever been able to afford down payments on my current and previous homes. This, 100% for your kids or if you’re in your 20s. Not so much if you’re in your 30s. Don’t expect to get rich off this though… Fixed rate growth is only about 4%ish, but it’s safer than Wall Street.
Your guess is good as mine.
I think the best way to protect anything that’s truly yours is with guns.
And they almost always go up in value, unless it’s a super rare calibered collector item. That market varies.
Get a few for you, and some for close friends and family. Form a posse. If the looters and killers come, unleash your inner rooftop Korean.
Tangible goods. The means to survive, protect, and build. This means food, weapons, tools, land, friends and family, experience, etc. The world is heading towards a complete crash at some point. Bible tells us that our days wages will basically get us our daily bread during the tribulation (which we will be here for for 3 1/2 years). Don’t be locked into that. Try and have some stuff stocked away with a long shelf life.
Are you gainfully employed?
How old are you?
Do you own a home, and is it paid off?
what color are your socks, and what ratio of cotton are they?
I was in the past, mostly live off the land and volunteer/barter. I’m hiring sharecroppers for farmland this season. Do 1099 contract work in marketing, graphic design, sitebuilding as needed. Social engineering, life-hacking, and relationship building gets me by properly. I live a very simple life.
Early onset Millennial, some crossover with Gen X. On that cusp.
Several homes. And yes. One still is tied up in a note, but it’ll be in the clear pretty soon, God willing. I’m investing in farm equipment.
White with multicolor polkadots. 85% cotton, 15% rayon polyester and viscose. When I eventually move into my hermitage, I plan on getting a 100% cotton wardrobe. I haven’t bought my own socks in a long, long time. I’m that crazy uncle who gets several pairs of patterned socks for Christmas every year. Funny you should ask. I’m in talks for social media marketing for a sock company that’s in a mall about 100 mi from here.
I strongly suggest working wool into your portfolio. Merino.tech (shorts and base layers) and Meriwool (boxers/briefs) brands are great on Amazon. Great in all temps and climates, and as a sweaty guy it regulates the temperature and prevents b.o. from setting in MUCH better than other fabrics imo. Wool and cotton all the way.
I'm going to try growing my own cotton this year. No regulation against it in Colorado
I just bought a stand mixer. Going to try making my own bread loaves for now on. Price of good quality bread is so high. Time to do it myself
Here’s a tip for bread making success, the yeast and flour you use are both equally the most important parts in creating enjoyable & delicious bread.
Finding a decent flour you like will take some trial. Finding a good yeast is not too hard. There is a guy/company that sells some good sourdough strains on Amazon. You 100% need to start your bread making journey with a decent yeast. The fermentation smell & taste profile will permeate in every bite. Don’t make the mistake I made and get the cheap quick rise yeast you can find everywhere. That stuff will make you give up on making delicious bread everytime..
Sounds fun
What are your thoughts on Iodine in relation to the Third Eye
I’m not well-versed on this topic. But natural iodine is a necessary nutrient for the body to work properly, and thyroid conditions affect the eyes. (First and second eyes, lol)
It would make sense that it would have an effect on the third eye as well.
Copypasta: Iodine is a critical element needed to make the essential thyroid hormones that circulate in your body. These hormones – known as T4 (thyroxine) and the more active T3 (triiodothyronine) – ensure healthy signaling between your thyroid, brain and body to regulate your energy, weight, cell metabolism and much more. Unfortunately, the feedback loops between the thyroid and the brain can easily be disrupted when you aren’t getting enough of specific nutrients like iodine, selenium, tyrosine and B vitamins.
Check out Grave’s disease, and Thyroid eye disease. The causes of these maladies is unknown to doctors, and a lot of folks get sanpaku eyes.
Iodine is heavy in Japanese diet, due to all the seafood and seaweed. It would be helpful to compare notes about their populations experience with the third eye. DT Suzuki was a Zen Buddhist who wrote many books, might be a good place to start. I was once a big fan of his writings in regards to “The Golden Buddha Within.”
I think there’s a lot more to iodine than most educated people know. Folk medicine and tradition has an ancient wisdom to it. I’d look for Iodine-heavy foods and natural medicines, then cross-reference how those were implemented by ancient physicians.
“When the diet is poor, medicine cannot help. When the diet is good, there is no need for medicine.”
-Hippocrates (from noez’s memory, probably butchered the quote.)
Anyone hear about 'flowcode' qr code tattoos?
Edit: i'm waiting for it to archive Edit2: DONE
I've noticed chemtrails since 2012 and I absolutely hate jews.
Why do they spray us?
I don’t hate Jews. I love them, and pray for them to accept the true annointed one, Jesus Christ.
I’ve noticed chemtrails since 2003… There are different formulas it appears.
Which do you prefer, cock or the balls?
(((Khazarian has entered the chat.)))
As I do not worship the phallus, I can’t say. What about you? And don’t say “obelisk.”
I think he meant chicken or organ meat. I guess he must be Dutch.(original- Swedish.which country eats balls?. The French??)
Bork bork