I don’t know everything, I don’t pretend to.
There’s a lot of folks in here that have been in this game a long time, as well.
If there’s any newbs in here that need some questions answered, this would be the post for it. Us oldheads can shoot some links over. If you’re an experienced researcher, but have the desire to discuss a particular topic, I’m also all-ears.
I plan on making a detailed writing sometime in the near-future about my experiences in the conspiracysphere.
The most important conclusion I’ve come to, and early on, is that a vast majority outside these spaces have absolutely no interest in learning how the sausage is made.
Welcome to the American trap. 20% is for a conventional loan (one typically acquired through a bank or private underwriter). FHA has loans available with as little as 3% down. To qualify for such a loan, you need to provide tax returns for a number of years. Income tax in this country is voluntary by some interpretations and this is a way to get you to comply (volunteer). Mortgage insurance is included (at a price) in an FHA loan and most people refinance to a conventional loan after building up enough equity to qualify. To further drive up housing prices (and state property tax revenue), loans with a term longer than 30 years has been proposed, and may have been implemented already. It also has the benefit of making conventional loans harder to obtain and forcing people to comply with income taxes if they want to own a house. It's a wicked game they play