I don’t know everything, I don’t pretend to.
There’s a lot of folks in here that have been in this game a long time, as well.
If there’s any newbs in here that need some questions answered, this would be the post for it. Us oldheads can shoot some links over. If you’re an experienced researcher, but have the desire to discuss a particular topic, I’m also all-ears.
I plan on making a detailed writing sometime in the near-future about my experiences in the conspiracysphere.
The most important conclusion I’ve come to, and early on, is that a vast majority outside these spaces have absolutely no interest in learning how the sausage is made.
What are your thoughts on Iodine in relation to the Third Eye
I’m not well-versed on this topic. But natural iodine is a necessary nutrient for the body to work properly, and thyroid conditions affect the eyes. (First and second eyes, lol)
It would make sense that it would have an effect on the third eye as well.
Copypasta: Iodine is a critical element needed to make the essential thyroid hormones that circulate in your body. These hormones – known as T4 (thyroxine) and the more active T3 (triiodothyronine) – ensure healthy signaling between your thyroid, brain and body to regulate your energy, weight, cell metabolism and much more. Unfortunately, the feedback loops between the thyroid and the brain can easily be disrupted when you aren’t getting enough of specific nutrients like iodine, selenium, tyrosine and B vitamins.
Check out Grave’s disease, and Thyroid eye disease. The causes of these maladies is unknown to doctors, and a lot of folks get sanpaku eyes.
Iodine is heavy in Japanese diet, due to all the seafood and seaweed. It would be helpful to compare notes about their populations experience with the third eye. DT Suzuki was a Zen Buddhist who wrote many books, might be a good place to start. I was once a big fan of his writings in regards to “The Golden Buddha Within.”
I think there’s a lot more to iodine than most educated people know. Folk medicine and tradition has an ancient wisdom to it. I’d look for Iodine-heavy foods and natural medicines, then cross-reference how those were implemented by ancient physicians.
“When the diet is poor, medicine cannot help. When the diet is good, there is no need for medicine.”
-Hippocrates (from noez’s memory, probably butchered the quote.)