remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

IDK about deaths but lots and lots of vax injuries.....

remindmelater 3 points ago +3 / -0

interesting....these poses remind me of the pictures of all those celebrities with one eye covered....

remindmelater 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's the one thing I was disappointed at with trump is that he deferred to the "medical experts" when they were lying to his face. I think he suspected it. However the states were responsible for the lockdowns for the most part and the call for it was a global one. Pushed by global elites who want to kill everyone. Many countries had their own lockdowns and many politicians taking kickbacks ignored common sense to feed at the pig trough of big pharma. It was really quite amazing to see almost every news outlet, government agency and business shout in unison the exact same words with no alternative viewpoint allowed. I couldn't even enter a store unless I wore a mask and (if I didn't) I was surrounded by store employees harassing me without listening. Like a mass brainwashing event.

remindmelater 2 points ago +2 / -0

By this time everyone with common sense should know that 911 was an inside job.....

by DrLeaks
remindmelater 4 points ago +4 / -0

My Aunt and Uncle eloped to SC to get married when they were 15 because you could get married in SC when you were 15. They've been happily married every since.....They laid her in the grave earlier this year from old age. IDK how long they were married but it was a long long time. His brothers were in ww2.

by DrLeaks
remindmelater 5 points ago +5 / -0

They're trying to legalize what they've been doing.....

by DrLeaks
remindmelater 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wonder what all those bio labs in Ukraine were doing.....

remindmelater -1 points ago +1 / -2

Everything that happens in the middle east, specifically to the Jews is significant because of biblical prophecy. It's not that all those other tyrants weren't bad or the people they killed weren't precious.....You see the evil elites want to do anything possible to keep the bible from being fulfilled because Jesus is predicted to come back and restore humanity to it's original design where the lamb can lay down with the lion. This infuriates the devil (and his minions) because they know their time is short. Everything in the bible is being fulfilled even as we speak. There's no way out. And to those who read the book.....God wins and that is a good thing because God is for you, not against.

remindmelater 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well...going into a store and being surrounded by 6 people screaming at you to put a mask on before they even introduce themselves and then preventing you from buying groceries unless you complied is more than just psychological manipulation.... it's actual coercion. The amazing thing is they somehow convinced the average person to be their defacto enforcers of this new religion.

remindmelater 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can't do that with my neck.....Is this fake or real?.....

remindmelater 3 points ago +3 / -0

They forced everyone to act like a fool for now good reason except to make big pharma rich and they just get away with it....

remindmelater 3 points ago +3 / -0

The problem is they want to give you a vaccine for an ever increasing list of ailments many of which are preventable, or not very severe (like the flu). When I was growing up I think 5 vaccines were required and they were for the big diseases......

remindmelater 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same thing happening here....in my county the average price is 400K.....it's doubled in the last 5 years....

remindmelater 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's also imaginary.....unplug it and you have nothing.....

remindmelater 5 points ago +5 / -0

Several reason....the population is aging because nobody is having children. In SC when e-verify started they fired all the illegals and hired Americans....many which were older.....we still have illegals in construction (as subcontract labor) but not in restaurants, grocery stores etc that hire employees.

by DrLeaks
remindmelater 3 points ago +3 / -0

yep chromosomes.....If it has a y.....then it's a guy.....

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have my router on a timer so it turns off at night when I'm not using it. At least at night I get some relief from whatever that radar device is doing.....

remindmelater 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is no safe level of radiation and no safety studies have been done to see how these things including our phones affect people....

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

cellphones use microwave radiation......just like your microwave oven.....put that router as far away as possible and use the speaker on the phone if you have to talk for more than a minute. A lot of people getting thyroid cancer from talking on cell phones. There's no telling what the psychological effects of constantly being bombarded with this radiation does to you. It's a frequency, music for instance can change your mood and it too is a frequency. I wonder.....

by DrLeaks
remindmelater 0 points ago +1 / -1

He was hired by somebody and it looks like they expected him and let him in...

remindmelater 2 points ago +2 / -0

I kinda figured this was a psy-op.....empty parking lot, fast turnaround for body camera footage, no blood on crime scene, arm coloring looks strange, and now the shoes are different. This usually precedes legislation which takes your rights away....Remember everything on TV is a lie anyway so why would this be the exception.....

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

Turns out that much of what they call science is fake and gay.....

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