remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doctors are now like our politicians.....for sale to the highest bidder.....and in their case it's big pharma kickbacks........

remindmelater 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep....we're being played. They show us stuff that they think will make us angry....some of it has got to be made up.....

remindmelater 2 points ago +2 / -0

Google will stop indexing your website if you don't keep updating it....I have an old site that can't be updated easily so I'm just making a new one....I imagine other people do the same thing...

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's a good point.....I image they don't rig every machine.....just the important ones which is why we have a few good people up there.

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

Our politicians are going to sell their vote to somebody.....Isreal, Iran, China, Vatican....now we have to decide who we want to be ruled by, jews, muslims, China or the devil......not a good choice.....

remindmelater 6 points ago +6 / -0

They don't really work for you then....they work for the people who pay them the most.....so essentially they're big pharma's doctor.....

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sure, if they were serious about studying for an experimental vaccine then there would have to be a blind control group. This would explain why so many of my friends got cancer, heart problems, brain clots, bells palsy etc. but some didn't.

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

Airplanes and especially the wings are made of very lightweight and flimsy materials. They have to be otherwise it wouldn't be able to fly.....

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

Boing.....putting profits before people.....The people who tell you what you want to hear are rewarded while those who do their job are starved out of business.....typical....

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

Died Suddenly.......btw....they just tried to kill everyone on the planet with a death vax......one more murder is just another notch in their belt......my guess is that all evidence will mysteriously disappear......along with anybody who has evidence.....

remindmelater 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think memes ever gave someone a heart attack, stroke, bells palsy, or colon cancer......but vaccine propaganda......not so much...

remindmelater 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe in the case of Ukraine we pushed into Ukraine first......the bio weapons labs Russia found are a concern. They're were reportedly mixing up a bio weapon that targets ethnic Russians.....and they were warned against NATO expansion into that area and totally ignored the waring.....so there's that.

remindmelater 2 points ago +2 / -0

As skinny as those cereal boxes are I'm surprised they don't fall over. Only about two servings in a regular sized box.....

remindmelater 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe I can put a picture in front of my mobile home to make it seem like a luxurious three story estate with a swimming pool....

remindmelater 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doctors are baffled my ass.......Anybody who can't correlate taking an experimental vax (which they forced onto people) and subsequent cancer, bells palsy, heart attacks, strokes and death are idiots....If I ate food that made me sick they would immediately say it was bad food......Doctoring now days is not about your health. It's about complying with a system which rewards doctors with lucrative business. Comply and you do quite well....get out of line and they'll squeeze you dry......

remindmelater 0 points ago +1 / -1

Easy......He knows how they operate.....anybody that thinks had to know what they were up to. They did the same thing with regular flu shots.....every year the hospital would make my ex wife take the flu shot for work. The box said only 40% effective but you have to figure they're lying about that. So 20%. Plus how would they know in advance which flu variant was going around next year. Total bullshit. But good money for doctors and hospitals...It's never really about your health but it's about complying with the system that rewards you with lucrative business....

remindmelater 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think there's something about or in bread that is making everyone sleepy and fat.....IDK what it is but......it's there....that and high fructose corn syrup.....

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep....vets have gone the way of doctors....it's all about the money. There's a process for everything and you have to go through a wallet emptying process before they can treat your animal. Biggest scam now is they want to give the rabies shot every year. When I was growing up in the '70's it lasted their whole life....now they have a one year shot and a two year shot....what a scam....

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

It used to be that pet food had real meat in it. Not so anymore.....just simulated meat....and my cat won't even eat most of it....and quite frankly I don't blame him....

remindmelater 4 points ago +5 / -1

Well....I heard she worships satan.....so they're probably using her for all that they can squeeze out of her....and it keeps us from talking about anything important that is really happening......so yes...

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well....I think genetic manipulation was going on before the flood. This is why we have legends of Pan and other creatures. We know the Israelites had to defeat the giants before they went into the promised land. And later David killed Goliath and there are other mentions throughout the bible about Giants. One with six fingers and six toes (24 in all). From what I can tell God wanted them to rid the land of the Giants. It's clear in the bible that we're not to engage in genetic manipulation. On one place it says not to plant two different kinds of seed in the same field. There's also some archeological evidence that serpent headed people existed (sort of like cone heads). Could one of these have been the serpent mentioned in the Genesis?.....who knows?. But getting back to Ham's sin......Trey Smith has a documentary out....and he seems to think that Noah inherited a certain garment from Adam. The one God clothed Adam with. Apparently it was endowed with special powers and Ham snuck in and took the garment. Ham was the great grandfather I believe of Nimrod who is credited by some for building the Tower of Babel.....but apparently Nimrod acquired the garment from Ham. Nimrod was an evil king who had his own evil type of religion. I think he wanted to rule the whole earth. But at the time of the tower it is said that they had conspired to build the tower and "nothing will be restrained from them which they had imagined to do" Which is why God mixed up the languages (to save humanity again). We now see the types of evil that some "imagine to do" with the death vax and conspiring to kill and starve everyone on earth while simultaneously altering human genetic code. As the bible says "as it was in the days of Noah....." Now the story about the garment is somewhat speculative but there are clues in some of the books which lead people to this assumption. IDK myself as I only have a rudimentary knowledge of this.

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not trying to be rude......I just don't have time to write a book.....I got a job you know......the information is there for those who wish to dig deep....

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trey Smith from "God in a nutshell" has a video about this....I think some records exist in Jasher and Enoch......at the very least he was disrespectful to his father but there is some speculation about something else...

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