He has some really good interviews.
Someone told me about Marzinsky several years ago. If you are into understanding the other realm and how it influences human behavior, then watch his interviews. How his thinking got to where it is now is a fascinating story.
I am not that familiar with Owen Benjamin, but I heard about him before.
I think we all are subject to intrusive thoughts because we are in the material realm. The trick seems to be to control these intrusive thoughts and keep the demons/archons/jinn…. under control. It seems like this is why different religious groups practice meditation and fasting and discipline and self-control. I am pretty sure that these entities need a host body to exist in the material realm, but they can influence us from afar by using intrusive thoughts.
I am not sure how much you know and don’t know, so I’m not sure what else to say. I don’t even know how much I know and don’t know. Lol.
I listen to and read Manly P. Hall, Mark Passio, Helena Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, etc. Manly P. Hall has some great lectures about Demonology. His lecture about Faust is also very good.
The Star Trek episode called The Return of the Archons is very interesting.
I only watched part of the video, but, so far, Owen Benjamin has not asked for money. They are mostly talking about schizophrenia and chemical imbalances and their correlation to intrusive thoughts.
Maybe his fans are subject to intrusive thoughts put there by inter-dimensional entities.
She could be birthing a homunculus.