It could be the little black box you clip to your waistband when you have a wireless mic on… it does appear a bit square…and the clips on them are shitty and they slide off, especially while the actor has movement…. but it might be deez nuts. There’s other pics of “Big Mike” out there with the discernible peen head…
There was even a pilot in the ring named William Cooper. It wasn’t the Good Ole Bill we all know, but it’s just one of the synchronicities. There’s even a Harari from the ethnostate mafia, who’s wife has the same name as yuval-noah’s mom.
Gary Webb is a hero. Our posts are neck and neck on the front page lol. It’s like a double feature.
The doc I posted briefly touches on Gary Webb, but it’s 4 hours of goodness, connecting even Lee Harvey Oslwald, as well as the origins of the 80’s-90’s American Smuggler network in Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia.
Loving this convo between you and Gyna. Relating so hard, as I bet many are.
I visit my highschool friends once or twice a year… how naive I used to be that they “got it” and how I thought Cobain’s “our little tribe has always been /and always will/ until the end” applied to us.
We were all hanging out about a year ago, and one of them straight up asked me… “What’s “based” mean?”
All of them but one got vaxxed. They still think a bat fucked a pangolin, I guess.
Good post, Zap!
Take hope in the fact mentioned in the video that they believe themselves to be invicible, i.e. “gods among men.”
Pride is the deadliest sin. And their own weapons will be turned against them. They invented the internet to surveil and control us… But it’s a two-way mirror…
Their children are dopamine slaves, too, chasing social media clout. Only a matter of time before they spill the beans for likes and shares. Not all of them can be quietly swept away to that famous LA hospital where they come out blonde.
Leaders and heroes will again start to rise to the top, they already are, and will inspire us conspiritards to whittle away at the barnacles of apathy that formed while we were psy-opped floating aimlessly in the sea of information.
The red line will be crossed, and that’s what they want: total chaos (anarchy) and a demoralized society they can whip into shape with a new fascist movement. This is right out of the soviet playbook, as they saw this happen in Germany during/after the Weimar era and seek to emulate it. It’s written about in the two pandemic simulations…
The caveat is that we won’t want what they offer us after the next big shoe drops. In other words, the apathy will transmute into a rejection of cosmopolitanism. People are realizing they would rather work the land and have a family than be trapped in a Zoom prison and bang randos on the weekend.
Slowly, but it accelerates daily until the tipping point.
Cookies, trackers, facial recognition tech… imagine how many servers store your every detail. Banks, Social media, cell phone location… your avatar could already be AI in a simulated mirror universe… it’s body shadow walking in your digital footprints.
You don’t read much, do you, mate?
Look at pangea and continental drift though. If the earth were inflating like a basketball, it would make the same thing happen. Stars expand. The earth is made of stardust, right? And allegedly oil is biodegraded waste right? And lava flows and cools as it expands, no? Maybe It would be a slow creep, like a few inches every few hundred years.
Back when video games and software were made by 6-12 devs and not a woke workforce, it was the common practice, not the exception, to sleep, work, and play in the office. When a 250ft square apt is $6000/mo. In Sanfrancisco and you have to wade over seas of used needles, thugs, and homeless, i wouldn’t want to leave that office past sunset anyways.
Talk about unified field agent theory! If you’re pressed for time, I’d highly recommend everything after the timestamp around 35 mins.
Touches on and connects:
-Bronfman family (NXIVM)
-L. Wexner
-Gihslane/Robert Maxwell
-Palantir/Peter Thiel
-Ukraine/Russia conflict
-Project Lifelog/Facebook
-Main Core
-Iran Contra
-the ((GayDL)) founding, history, and secret society behind it…
…and many more! All the greatest hits and favorites, lol.
Someone please crosspost on r/con if you can, I deleted my reddit acct long ago following the night of the digital long knives!
Magnesium and B6 my brother. Copius amounts, not that “100% RDA” bullshit. Look up upper limits, do the math on mg/weight. Always helps me.
You can also web search other vitamins and minerals that have been proven low in people with depressive states. D helps, too, I’m told but I just take that regularly.
I’ve read all of your posts from all of your banned accounts and all of your sock puppet accounts. I usually just ignore you, as does anyone of significance and the long-term dwellers. I recommend anyone reading this to do the same.
The idea of Trump getting a second term is controlled opposition^2. It’s a pipe-dream within a pipe-dream, with a pipe-bomb disguised as a sewer main.
Swamp creatures can’t drain the swamp. Trump is an egotistical narcissist. It will take an egotistical narcissist to break his spell. Kanye is Trump’s Black Mirror.
I agree that some of them are not matches, but a few appear to be the same. Especially the Minnesota cop.
The OP of the investigative thread should take this to the chans. There is opensource FRT they can point to, and they already have compiled nicknames and video compilations of a lot of these guys. Video is better than still photos, because gait, blinks, nervous ticks, etc. can be analyzed.
I disagree with you completely about facial recognition. Humans may have a high degree of error rate, but AI facial recognition tech is over 97% accurate, even with sunglasses, hats, and covid masks. Maybe not wearing all 3 at the same time… but there’s video of an olympian wearing a hat and a covid mask going through a FRT scanner in China in a crowd and it confirms his identity. You can also unlock your iphone with FRT wearing a mask and hat. There’s a story going around about a female attorney that went to an event at MSG and was asked to leave by security after being seated, because hidden FRT had her on a no-entry list as an attorney involved in a case against MSG’s parent company.
This shit is scary accurate, and as AI, i believe the heavy software used by intelligence services can extrapolate and compile more data, i.e. give it a single photograph with or without a name, it can find that person’s social accounts and pull those pics, and be even more accurate. 99%+— It can probably pull EXIF data on the original photo and look for other shots within the same vicinity, and repeat that, compound that, search the phones/clouds of people in your network for more photos of you, security and CCT footage of you around your house and work, etc.