muhqtardtho 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lol you guys didn't learn anything from Bozos' divorce? It's to cash out large amounts of shares to fund their evil orgs of choice. 'protecting democracy' aka stealing an election. To fund antifa. The scientologist said it best in the movie Swordfish.

Wars cost money.

If bezos or gates cash out an excessive amount of their shares (where the bulk of their constantly referenced wealth resides) it would negatively impact the price of those shares. If a bitter ex wife does it after winning or being given those shares in a divorce settlement that is less likely to happen. At those levels family and friends are just more pawns on the board. Stop judging their actions through the lens of normal human beings. They are anything but that.

muhqtardtho 2 points ago +2 / -0

Except no building has ever collapsed due to prolonged fire. Look into how many sky scrapers have burned for hours and hours but stayed standing. It's the laziest excuse ever when the guy who basically gambled on a tragedy occuring that day and won big is on video using controlled demolition terms like 'pull it'

muhqtardtho 7 points ago +7 / -0

The reason there's always an 'exercise' that coincides their exact tragedy is because they are government operations and therefore need to be funded and that requires paperwork. It's way easier to move mountains of money throughout bank networks than duffel bags of cash.

muhqtardtho 1 point ago +1 / -0

What do you expect when it's a video about an AI 'hallucinating' a video game lol.

muhqtardtho 4 points ago +4 / -0

On the very popular news site with the only contributor from a popular movie called Fight Club. You're the absolute lowest rung on the useless totem pole. It's sad and I can only hope you're ones and zeroes. Otherwise we should pray for your soul.

Oh and to stay on topic. This isn't a surprising development after what El Salvador pulled off. Deep state soldiers needed to be recruited from a new shithole.

muhqtardtho 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's why I stopped following tuckers protegee. Instead of fucking doing the super hard task of 'replicating this' he just reposts the garbage. Anybody who's dug into these types of videos knows Alexa can have any preprogrammed response put in it.

muhqtardtho 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice shitpost.

muhqtardtho 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's pedo talk.

muhqtardtho 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're gonna impress those schizos with your properly formatted replies.

muhqtardtho 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hey guys don't vote for the guy who goofed around at a halloween party. Signed the shittiest shill in all the land.

muhqtardtho 1 point ago +2 / -1

This account is pretty much always misinformation. If you're legit then you just suck at this whole research thing. Step it up or gtfo shit heel.

muhqtardtho 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imagine using your alt in your own post.

muhqtardtho 2 points ago +2 / -0

They literally removed him from his own outfit and significantly reduced the size of his reach by making him grow a new channel that does not hit the same numbers. Best logic ever. Next time go with the 'he would be dead' route.

muhqtardtho 3 points ago +3 / -0

Then he flew on a domestic flight with him, learned just how young, and promptly banned him from maralago. Rich people have rich friends. This one cut off the pedo once he found out.

muhqtardtho 1 point ago +1 / -0

Weird how this game of telephone managed to stay consistent with only the most minor changes that have zero impact on the message and come down to grammatical shifts. What's weak is your leaps of logic to avoid educating yourself on the only truth in this world. This post reads like some tween myspace post from a few decades ago. Dig in homie. It's fascinating how real it all is.

muhqtardtho 1 point ago +2 / -1

You new here? Xiden has been one of the biggest child traffickers in human history. The open border is not just about lowering wages and recruiting brown shirts. It's about moving their most expensive and difficult to aquire vice. Children for sex and human sacrifice. The deep staters used to fund their black ops with drugs. Now they have a more lucrative product that has an added bonus of sexual blackmail for their customers.

muhqtardtho 1 point ago +1 / -0

There have been multiple attempts on his life. The Hawaiian missile crisis was the most public one before the retard on the roof.

muhqtardtho 1 point ago +3 / -2

Lol keep exposing yourself. He lost because of mail in voting put in place by globohomo covid pushers. He shit on Biden at the debates. Hillary lost because they thought trump was gonna be an easy target to score political points and underestimated his public support due to living in their liberal bubble you only get a window into when you watch pedowood garbage.

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