I use PostgeSQL!
I use PostgeSQL!
I use Linux! Zognald is a globalist scum.
How many Krispy Kreme donuts can that buy?
I use Linux. Apple users are cuck faggots.
Trust the Science, bigot!
Jesus is already married. The Church is the bride of Christ.
Eating beef is antisemitic
Are there free donuts?
White Americans will kill themselves and the Shit Skins will inherit the Land. You are being played. Fake and Gay Civil War.
Zogbot Fidelis!
Stop asking for the plan. Just trust it. And be excited for the next plan.
What is this? Food for chickens?
This is Pro-Semitic.
So video calls does not work in Texas?
I use Linux.
There is only one true Linux distro. That is Debian and Slackware!
Francis is a heretic.
Only faggots will attend that school.
Could have been worse.
Could have been worse.
The NFL should mandate wearing of double or triple chest plates from now on.
Francis is the last. We just do not know the day.