janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

All you have to do is establish a binary voting system i.e. is this theory true or false. Percentage would establish consensus.

For the record I don't do a lot of research myself. Just take all the facts into consideration and add a gut instinct on top.

janglepuss 7 points ago +7 / -0

Faggot pussies in the west won't riot or do a God damned thing. They will take it up the ass like they always do.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

Optic neuritis is swelling of the optic nerve? I can see how this could cause blindness, but how would that alone kill you?

janglepuss 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lmao that was my thought, too. The "merciful" thing would have been to bathe this neverending nightmare planet in hellfire until all that remains is a charred husk.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is something I have had to come to terms with. After trying so hard to convince the people in my life not to take those jabs, and failing completely, I have just told myself that these people want to die.

Maybe not consciously, but they just have something in them that slowly but inevitably steers them toward death. For them, to die is just their role in this world. They're like the slow antelopes in the herd. Their entire role in the ecosystem is to fall to the back of the pack and be eaten by whatever predator happens to be hunting that day.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

How can we remove fluoride from drinking water? Which filtration systems are effective, if any?

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sure there's some are whites are supreme in. I just can't put my finger on it...

Lol how about inventing literally everything that all of these ingrates enjoy every day, like the internal combustion engine, the automobile, radio, telephone, television, airplane, personal computer, cell phone, internet. Just for example.

janglepuss 8 points ago +8 / -0

Lol these places are so difficult not to get banned from that you might as well just type "nigger" as your first and only comment and get auto-permabanned by a bot before any human mod has the chance to enjoy banning you. These people are so far gone that the nuclear option is the only rational option in dealing with them.

janglepuss 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes and I'm sure they have many different measures at their disposal. They probably want to follow the path of least resistance and their playbook for this process probably looked something like this:

  1. Present the case to the given president/prime minister/king/leader in much the same way as it was presented to the general public. "There's a deadly pandemic and you must implement these policies in order to save the lives of your people"

If they refuse, continue on to...

  1. Leverage the country's debt against them, threaten to withhold foreign aid which they might rely upon, impose other economic measures and sanctions.

If they refuse, continue on to...

  1. Resort to less legitimate means (bribery, blackmail, interfere in elections to remove the leader).

If they refuse, continue on to...

  1. Simply assassinate them at this point.
janglepuss 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've seen your stuff posted around the alt sites. You are super talented, man. Your songs never fail to impress or make me laugh. Sorry about the ban and I hope you keep on keeping on.

janglepuss 5 points ago +5 / -0

It doesn't matter anymore. The entire thing was planned well in advance and they got exactly what they wanted. The overwhelming majority of people to comply with being injected with whatever they decided you ought to be injected with. Human rights are over. We're all slaves forever now because the vast majority of people are too weak or too stupid to do fuck all about it.

janglepuss 12 points ago +12 / -0

I'm a millennial, grew up in the 90s, so I kind of always have been exposed to this kind of thing. But I have no interest in TV whatsoever. Haven't really watched it since I moved out of my boomer parents house years ago. Every once in a while I'll catch a glimpse of it and it really is horrifying. It's even more horrifying when you realize that most people are completely tuned into it and, as you put it, they think it's normal. It's really like an episode of the Twilight Zone or something. When you realize that those dystopian future horror stories are actually real, and you're living in one. And no one can see it but you. And they think you're crazy.

janglepuss 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oh I'm actually really grateful. It sounds insane, I know. But I would have spent my life manipulating data for governments and satanic NGOs. Some of the shit I saw and heard from my peers in that field was part of what woke me up. I've been awake to reality for a long time before the whole covid thing but early on in the pandemic I sat in on meetings where everyone discussed how we can strategically visualize and present data (essentially manipulate the masses) to increase compliance with government mandates. Literally none of those soulless fuckwits saw anything wrong with what they were saying. It sucked at the time losing everything but looking back now I never would have fit into that world. It was all my choice. I could have masked up and taken all my shots and pledged allegiance to satan or whatever and been golden. But I just couldn't do that, so here I am. I'm actually doing great and I'm really happy. Life is just funny sometimes.

janglepuss 21 points ago +21 / -0

I spent 8 years in university pursuing a lucrative career and finally finished in April 2020. Mask mandates started shortly thereafter and vax mandates not long after that. The nature of the industry is such that if you were not compliant you would essentially never be able to work in that field. I had to throw away everything I worked so long and hard for and start over in a new industry making a fraction of what I stood to make. The nature of that industry is also such that if you aren't on the cutting edge you will be left behind and be essentially unhirable. I basically lost my life's work thanks to the compliance of these normie NPC sheep.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

Damn, really? I had the 'vid twice too and it did suck for like two or three days each time. But 6 weeks? That's insane. Do you supplement with vit D?

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not buying this one. There are a number of frequencies between 0.6 and 10.2 Hz that can cause all range of emotional states? Seems a little too neat and tidy, a little too easy to me.

janglepuss 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trevor Moore did? I thought he died before the vax was a thing.

janglepuss 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's true. I make more on paper now than I did before the plandemic, I saved a lot of money back then because I'm just naturally cheap. But now it's almost impossible to save.

But it's all by design. They want to make it so expensive just to live that you can't afford your mortgage payments and you lose everything. This is how they plan to make sure you will "own nothing and be happy".

by DrLeaks
janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

All it should theoretically take is a few super-high IQ people like Terry Tao or however you spell it to reject THEM.

by DrLeaks
janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hunt. I will eat deer and bear and pheasant. Fish provide good protein too and aren't too hard to come by depending where you live.

by DrLeaks
janglepuss 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah clot shot and everything but I mean the guy's 700 years old.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just think twitter was being run as a propaganda machine. As in, it's purpose was not to make money.

Much like the way Netflix is ran. They produce all this woke garbage that no one likes and no one watches, not because they're stupid and hate money, but because they aren't really in it for the money. They just need to bring in enough to keep the lights on, but beyond that, the purpose is to manipulate minds. They are deep state/commie/jew/globalist/cathedral/whatever-name-you-want-to-give-it operations.

So after Musk bought it, he actually wanted to run it like a traditional business. He saw all these useless employees who brought nothing of value to the company and decided to get rid of them. They were fine being there before, acting as thought police taking down anything that would go against the hive-mind, but they are just dead weight when you actually want a company that is profitable.

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