free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Current (inception towards life) implies unification with the ether (death)

a) A unit (life) coming in (inception) and out (death) of current...

b) Uni (one unit) fic (to make) ation (action)...action (inception towards death) makes reacting units (life) aka the current of dying makes living waves.

c) Instead of "ether"...think EITHER (one of two) OR (alternation of partial within whole). One can be tricked to ignore OR for EITHER.

Wrong. You have it backwards

a) A conflict of reason (right vs wrong) among many about a suggestion by few...not natural, but artificial.

b) If current (inception towards death) implies TOWARDS, then each unit (life) within can navigate by free will of choice in-between forwards/backwards + left/right + up/down.

In other words...motion generates a momentum for navigation of matter within.

In short...one can be tricked to ignore "towards" for every which way of perspective.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

a) There's only ones response-ability...free will of choice.

b) Fe(minine)Male + Wo(mb)Man + S(plit)HE...hence in balance with one another for each ones choice within.

c) As for neglect...consenting to a chosen ones suggestion neglects ones choice.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

eventual tyranny

Even (balance) generates odds (choice)...choosing to ignore this for another ones choice establishes a tyrannos (master), while enslaving self.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any group of people need a chain of command and a leader.

a) Nature doesn't group together (people) it sets apart (person)...few within nature tempt many together into groups.

An off-spring isn't a group...an infant can be domesticated to freely choose to be part of a group called "family" aka Latin familiaris - "a domestic" aka a familiar - "evil spirit that answers one's call".

b) If singular (person) consents to suggested pluralism (people), then ONE chains self to another ONE aka ones choice chaining itself to a chosen ones suggestion.

c) Suggestion becomes the leading command if one consents to follow it.

d) Suggestion tempts to follow; perception inspires resistance (need) of temptation (want).

e) Nature sets FREE (will of choice) which needs DOM-inance (balance)...the choices of others become wanted temptations to ignore that.

f) Slave (ones choice) chains itself (consent) to a master (suggestion by another ones choice).

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0


  • Rebel aka re-bellum (resisting war)
  • War/werra/wers (to confuse, mix up)

If one consents to a suggestion, then one confuses self by mixing up with others within conflicts of reason. Consenting to suggestion ignores perception...hence "rebel without a cause".

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

to keep us in line for eternity.

Eternal line (inception towards death) generates perishables (life)...few trick many to keep hold onto perishables in hope for surviving eternity.

Keeping hold onto anything within a moving system makes it perish faster...which is how few get rid of many.

to keep us...then look at

To look/lock implies focusing on, hence trying to keep for self. That implies a danger for self...just trying looking at the sun.

The few ain't keeping the many; each one among many chooses to keep holding onto/looking at suggestions by few.

Best thing we can do is "prepare"

PREPARE; verb - "set in order or readiness for a particular end"...that implies suicide for those living within the natural order of dying. There's no particular end...only whole end (death) for each particular (life) within.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

when the People unite, we gain power

Many are united under few; gentiles are united under jew; slaves are united under master; followers are united under leader; students are united under teacher; buyer are united under seller; watcher are united under shower; believers are united under preachers; consent is united under suggestion...

The power of few implies the united/collectivized/aggregated many...and what is it that many are preaching to each other to overcome few? Let's unite harder, we just need more on our side; if only we could come together.

Logic/reason tempts many to believe to be DIVIDED against each other, while ignoring to be UNITED in consent to the suggestions of few.

In short...nature sets apart; few within tempt many together to benefit from unchallenged apartheid within natural wholeness.

our own responsibilities in our hands

Response-ability implies each ones free will of choice...not many choosing to follow the suggestions by a chosen few, which implies shirking of ones response-ability to a chosen one.

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +1 / -2

a) -ist (communist) implies ones consent to suggested -ism (communism)

b) Few trick many to consent to suggested community (communism) and society (socialism).

c) COM implies "together"; being implies apart from one another...only self discernment can get rid of COM-munism.

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +1 / -2

change the rules

Rule/reg - "to move in a straight line"...that implies change.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

if TPTB don't give a shit about the current Constitution

Current (inception towards death) implies setting apart (life)...that's what empowers each being. Constitution implies setting together...which deprives each being of power.

Giving currency (bank) and taking currency (trust)...few apart who give, many together who take.

why would anyone think They would give a shit about any revision?

What if suggestion implies a revision of perception? Doesn't a merchant constantly revise suggested offers? What's the changing of prices but revisionism?

to restrain the government

Restraining the control (govern) of mind (ment) implies ones free will of choice...especially from suggested temptations by others.

They never ever ever mention it (constitution) when it restrains their own power.

CON (together) STITUTE (to set) implies mind controlled (government) many following suggestions by selected few.

The power of few implies DEMOS (people) KRATOS (strength) aka democracy...the power of suggesting few are consenting many.

what was explicitly agreed on

a) Many consented to suggestions by few...what few have suggested is irrelevant, as is the conflict of reason (agree vs disagree) among many. Both distract from consent...which implies denial of self for another, hence denial of "ones choice" for "chosen ones" suggestion.

b) Explicit implies unfolding; implicit implies infolding...being implies EX (life) IN (inception towards death).

Suggested fold aka "doubling of any flexible substance" aka "in composition, the same quantity added" aka "pressed together" aka "flock of sheep"...tempts being to ignore self for others.


A jew folds gentiles together to establish layers upon layers of deception as a fabric over life.

he (DJT) was not empowered to do so (his words) "by something called the Constitution"

Many are the constitution of few...DJT was selected by few to speak in the name of many, hence unconstitutional.

Gentiles are tricked by a jew to vote for representatives...the vote by ones choice implies the constitution; the representatives imply unconstitutional representation of ones free will of choice, and the chosen ones, who suggested voting, imply the ones controlling the constitution, while puppeteering the representatives.

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +1 / -2

Isn't it time to start thinking of a new Constitution?

a) Constitute implies "setting together"...answering a question of another also implies setting together. This consent given (answer) to a suggestion (question) by another establishes a new constitution.

b) A talmudic jew protects an old constitution (mishnah) by tempting gentiles to reason (gemara) about new constitutions.

c) Underneath that deception operates nature, which "sets apart" each one within from one another...all the reasoning about setting together among gentiles permits each jew to remain apart, while setting gentiles together.

free-will-of-choice -2 points ago +1 / -3

a) Both -ism (journalism) and reason (good vs bad) are artificial and in ignorance of natural.

b) Controversial/contra-versus (turned against) implies reasoning against one another over the suggested -isms by another.

c) A journal as an account of daily transactions implies ones registry of debt to another...that only happens if one burdens self with artificial, while ignoring natural.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not even you know

a) To know implies ones perception of all perceivable..."not; nothing" implies suggested nihil-ism (Latin nihilo; nothing) by another and ones consent to de-nial perceivable for it.

b) Even (all perceivable) generates odds (each ones perception) through differentiation...many consenting to suggestions by few tempts them to respond "alike"

In other words...the natural balance of even/odds can be imbalanced with likeness, hence order followers; NPCs; slaves behaving like one another.


What can you tell me about Jacob/iacobus/ya'aqobh - "one that takes by the heel; a supplanter"? https://www.etymonline.com/word/Jacob#etymonline_v_1631

free-will-of-choice 5 points ago +5 / -0

jewish occultism...

...can only work if one consents to the suggested -ism.

Black Magic

Making (magic) ignorance (black) requires ones free will of choice selecting suggested (fiction) over perceivable (reality).

the devil and the jews...

a) Consenting to suggested THE-ism gives authority over self to others.

b) Devil/diaballein - "to throw across"...hence devil (inception towards death) within details (life).

free-will-of-choice 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kabbalah the jewish book

Cabbala/qabbalah/qibbel - "to receive, admit, accept"...not the suggested book, but ones consent by free will of choice to any suggested information.

the "process" by which the Mishnah was transmitted

a) Transmission (ones perception) of mishnah (all perceivable)...corrupted by gemara (reasoning about suggested).

b) Process (motion) sending (momentum) transformation (matter) aka matter (life) within momentum (inception towards death) of motion.

Kabbalah arose in Babylon

BA'BEL, noun (Hebrew) - "confusion; disorder"...established by ones admission/acceptance/consent (qibbel) to suggested information (gemara); while ignoring perceivable inspiration (mishnah).

influenced by...occult

Holding onto suggested (matter) conceals (occult) perceivable (motion). Influence implies being (life) within fluid (inception towards death).

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +2 / -3

Alex has a flair for the dramatic, hes a talk show host. Doesnt make him wrong however....

a) Comedy (life) can only exist during drama (inception towards death)...few utilize both to distract from one another.

b) A host with an audience on the drip for suggested information...YET...why does the audience need to consent for the host to deliver suggested information into ones mind/memory?

c) Sleight of hand: https://genius.com/Talk-talk-talk-talk-lyrics + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IgjUYrDbWI

  • When every choice that I make is yours
  • Keep telling me what's right and what's wrong
  • Don't you ever stop to think about me
  • I'm not that blind to see that you've been cheating on me
  • All you do to me is talk, talk

Also check out... https://genius.com/Talk-talk-its-my-life-lyrics

  • If I could buy my reasoning, I'd pay to lose...one half won't do
free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

Haym Salomon aka 'Chaim Shalom' aka L'chayim Tovim Ul'Shalom...

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +2 / -1

An army needs generals and soldiers.

a) Soldier...sold for what?

b) SOL (whole) DIE (passing away)...

c) If general (whole) opposes special (partial), then why does a general hold a special rank within an army?

d) Army/arm/ar - "to fit together"...doesn't that contradict being special (set apart from one another)?

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +1 / -2

They squander money then guilt trip us for not having given them enough.

What is enough money? What is enough money during a $35 trillion debt foundation? Where would you attribute guilt...suggesting interest or consenting to be interested?

Usury/usus/uti - "use" implies user...

more free speech than any other platform

How does a platform/plateau - "elevated position" offer more if those on the platform have less room to operate from?

free-will-of-choice -2 points ago +1 / -3

It is a total lie.

If it's a total/whole/entire lie, then there couldn't be truth...

no any need for servers

a) If thirst is needed, then does one serve that need by drinking?

b) What can you tell me about the relationship between web-servers (jews) and web-browsers (gentiles)?

  • Server/serve/servus - "slave".
  • Browse/breast/bhreus - "to swell"

other distributed solutions

Distribution (life) by solution (inception towards death)...how could there be any other?

no tools for censorship and no owners

How does one censor a fox without claiming ownership over a chicken? Does a chicken coup imply censorship...a firewall...state interference...a dead legal body (corporation) in-between the living?

If ones free will of choice is a tool/tōwalan/tol - "implement", then how could it be negated and what implemented it?

free-will-of-choice -2 points ago +1 / -3

Each one wields the FREE will of choice to shape SPEECH...consenting to what is spoken implies buying into it, while selling self out.

The trick...few suggest "free speech" to tempt consenting many to argue against each other about it. Those who consent lack to comprehend that the suggested words "FREE SPEECH" imply speech shaped by another ones free will of choice, and ones consent to it establishes another as a chosen one over ones free will of choice.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +2 / -1

word origins

Singular origin...sound.

historical connections

Each ones consent to his-story establishes a connection.

tenuous at best

That's in the eye of the beholder aka the being choosing to hold onto the aforementioned connection.

To make connections that are not obvious. Kind of like what u/free-will-of-choice pretends to be doing

Why would FREE make CONNECTIONS? That contradicts itself...

I glanced over it. For me, it seemed to be an exploration of word origins

Try glancing over Ior Bock 'The Bock Saga" for way more word origins...

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

a) Jumanji aka "jew magi"... https://forward.com/culture/621088/forgotten-judaica-chris-lisa-van-allsburg-jumanji-polar-express/

b) Hope implies towards outcome, which tempts one to ignore resisting (life) origin (inception towards death)...which sucks one back in.

c) Just like a game...amazon suggests one to consent to play with fire. It's temptation sucking ones consent in...unless one resists.

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