I have always told People that the heroes of this story are a united People worldwide but they wanted to wait and see if Politicians would save us first. They didn't so now we have to take our own responsibilities in our hands. There is a way to beat them in Spiritual Warfare that is very easy to do and it would lead to their demise. In fact, that is probably how this story ends. Basically, when the People unite, we gain power. You will see what I mean. It's LOTS of power. All it takes is uniting like family. 2nd, you put your foot down and say no to anything that doesn't serve you and the People's self interests such as taxes. Many already stopped paying. Then as the corrupt institutions fall, build new honest ones. Finally, never rely on a Politician again. Only rely on each other through 100% voluntary assistant of each other just as a family does.
Believe it or not, this is a Spiritual War. The dark side knows how it works but they love that we the People are mostly ignorant about it. Winning on the Spiritual/Psychological front means victory in the physical front as well. It's like setting off dominoes that eventually lead to victory. Those dominoes are already in effect but the next domino is for the People to be responsible enough to unite and save the World hands on starting with fixing food, water and shelter needs worldwide. Then do plumbing and energy. Then keep building up until we turn this whole planet into a wealthy, thriving, happy place. This is basically guaranteed to happen now because the dominoes are already falling. I am just trying to push them down faster. The dark side even know they probably lost but are afraid of losing it all so they are trying to hang on. Everything they post on TV from politics to the news is all fake. Ignore all that. What I am saying is what's real.
Many are united under few; gentiles are united under jew; slaves are united under master; followers are united under leader; students are united under teacher; buyer are united under seller; watcher are united under shower; believers are united under preachers; consent is united under suggestion...
The power of few implies the united/collectivized/aggregated many...and what is it that many are preaching to each other to overcome few? Let's unite harder, we just need more on our side; if only we could come together.
Logic/reason tempts many to believe to be DIVIDED against each other, while ignoring to be UNITED in consent to the suggestions of few.
In short...nature sets apart; few within tempt many together to benefit from unchallenged apartheid within natural wholeness.
Response-ability implies each ones free will of choice...not many choosing to follow the suggestions by a chosen few, which implies shirking of ones response-ability to a chosen one.