Oh, boy; a "government probe"! I'm sure that government will make things right post haste.
The colonizers of [formerly]"Great Britain" have turned it into exactly what they fled, and are supposedly 'seeking refuge' from.
Ya, das ist der Lebensraum.
[draining the great lakes]
BWAHAHAHA! You're going to just pull the drain stopper?
The only way the Great Lakes are "up" from the Desert West is on a wall map. The highest surface elevation is about 600' source
When discussing actually moving water through pipes, it's a different story. Lots of pumping stations like this "biggest in world" example will be necessary to move the water over regions where some 'flatlands' are 3-5000 feet.
Primer on how (((they))) turn "Americans" into the Golem that rampages around the world making it "safe" for Israel's purposes.
Although; it appears the wheels are starting to fall off the current model: I wonder who (((they))) are counting on as a replacement.
Here's an old scraping of a site from 2006, before the internet started "forgetting"...
"Page 2" of the site with analysis of the murals.
Hadn't heard of "Project 65" before, but I was suspicious of the timing and lack of details provided over the 'resignations'.
On the 49-year anniversary of Camp of the Saints,,,
You're not going to get much traction among the black belts of Keyboard-Karate with talk like that! /s
But of course you're right. The organizers of "let's overthrow..." are short-sighted at best and dishonest at worst. The critical mass of followers has to be:
- Shown an alternative that's better than their current situation, and...
- Taught how their sacrifices and participation will bring it about.
The "Reddit revolutionaries" on the web had better take another look at the raw material they have to work with here before they start mouthing slogans that are better applied in other cultures during harder times.
Revolutions require loss of support by the masses toward the established order. Even in the midst of our multiple "emergencies", the U.S. population just doesn't fit that definition, and won't until they literally have nothing to lose.
When 45% don't pay taxes and 70+% get .gov benefits you have to ask, "who from among those percentages is going to withdraw their support for the status quo, and what is RobinHood/Che Guevara going to have to promise them, in order to get them to do it?"
The revolutionary and the guerrilla require Mao's "sea" of cooperative (or at least non-hostile) people to "swim" in. Nothing is more unlike that environment than the U.S.'s "see something, say something" population.
TL;DR: The masses of asses will remain inert until the Soylent Green - "Scoops" come for them.
Fine: Round up every fucking Keyboard Kommando® in that thread and send "him" to fight the 'subhuman Russkie'.
Shit-eating Reddit-Rambos, firmly in the center of the 77% military-age males who are unfit to serve.
Sign up now for the first trials!
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