Yggdrasill 5 points ago +5 / -0

It was those damn Italians the whole time, the meme says so

Yggdrasill 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jay Weidner has some interesting tales on the JFK assassination:


Yggdrasill 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting stuff. If you know someone who is better at coding, it may be something to pocket and improve on later if you can get some help.

I’ve came here from Reddit r/conspiracy mostly, started on TheDonald, then moved to GreatAwakening, then c/conspiracies, then ConPro. Tried Gab out but that was my first Twitter style forum.

Now that Torba has self-immolated the site I went to poa.st just because that’s where most of the people I followed went, but a lot went to Nice Crew Digital. Seems like people say Minds is gay. I guess each instance is owned by whoever runs the servers, and it seems like NCD is run by an American.

The one feature Gab had that the fediverse doesn’t have is Groups, which were actually pretty based and I got used to them.

If I could find something better engineered than Gab but with similar features, and a CEO who is actually pro-white, that would be my ideal but I haven’t found it.

Yggdrasill 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh I didn’t know that, I just made sure my account was anonymous. Most of the people I follow from the Gab exodus went to either Poast, Minds, or Nice Crew Digital, which are all on the fediverse. I’m looking for basically a Twitter-style version of this site, thought you may be on one.

Yggdrasill 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where is Lin Wood at now? I was following his telegram once everyone thought he was a shill and he actually was pretty based and didn’t come across at all how people were portraying him. But then I saw he pleaded guilty in GA (iirc) and was going to testify against Trump and the election interference.

Yggdrasill 3 points ago +5 / -2

I sought the truth and determined that I don’t believe in Jewish fairy tales

by DrLeaks
Yggdrasill 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wasn’t there another cartoon with a similar premise that people said was pretty funny? Would have been from maybe 2-3 years ago

Yggdrasill -1 points ago +1 / -2

Great scam.

Yggdrasill -4 points ago +1 / -5

Lol that’s a good way to run cover for anything they do ever

Yggdrasill 4 points ago +4 / -0

RFK groveling for Shmuley Boteach, symbolically in front of a portrait of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson:


Left, right, doesn’t matter, you’re getting a Zionist either way

Yggdrasill -2 points ago +5 / -7

The Old Testament is toxic. The New Testament is pesher based on the Old Testament. You’re the one who needs to educate yourself and stop believing religious texts as anything more than mythologies, instead of taking them as some sort of mystical truths.

Yggdrasill 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, I understand how he comes across to this community so I won’t argue with how you feel about him, I’m just saying he is active on the larger network and he actually has conversations with people on other subs so it’s not a complete picture to just link to the conspiracy sub for his comments:


Yggdrasill 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not totally fair because Tallest posts on communities but you are viewing and sharing only the conspiracy community, which is not the main board he frequents.

Yggdrasill 21 points ago +22 / -1

I have literally never seen you active on this site until like this week and now you’re coming in demanding changes. Very girl boss of you

Yggdrasill 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank god they’re a Muslim country

Yggdrasill 0 points ago +1 / -1

I never said I found the globe earth theory fully convincing either, but I’d also postulate that our current globe theory isn’t the same as older globe earth theories, so regarding your gif, yes I do think that doesn’t make sense, but that’s also our current model that is influenced by societies like NASA, and to me that’s just one theory in a litany of theories, just like flat earth is.

To say something like “if globe theory is wrong then so is precession and you gotta throw everything out with it” is disingenuous. Precession by a quick Wikipedia search was discovered, although incidentally, in the 2nd century BC. And ancient astronomers have historically been seen to get their astronomy knowledge from older civilizations like the Babylonians, so we’re talking a lot of time and a lot of astronomers to get to where we’re at. And most of that knowledge happened before the internet where people actually had to write papers and justify their theories with mathematics and real explanations.

Now, they may have believed in a geocentric universe too while also having plausible theories on precession and the celestial equator, I’m not an expert, I just wanted to know if FE had plausible explanations about this stuff.

As to “have a really dug deep?”, I’ve watched documentaries about it, nothing that I’d say I’ve retained super well. I find it interesting but I also just think it’s another theory, not law. So the idea that we’re being lied to about globe earth? Sure, I think that’s possible. But do I think that means FE is the only alternate explanation? No.

I’d probably be more inclined to seek the wisdom of ancient astronomers than internet people who get all worked up as if I’m a retard for not giving my entire life to FE. It’s just one of many different things to look into and it’s not one I care about at the moment beyond “huh I’ll watch this internet documentary” maybe once every 2 years.

Yggdrasill 1 point ago +2 / -1

Does FE have a way to determine astronomical principles like precession, the celestial equator, and the ecliptic? It seems to me that the round earth theory came about to explain all of the various astronomical principles that line up mathematically.

As in, you see a lot of explanations with FE that have to do with the curvature of the earth and stuff, but do they have an explanation as to how all of that fits into larger astronomical phenomena that are predictable, for example the 25,772 year precession cycle?

It seems to me that both flat earth and globe earth are trying to figure out models where tangible phenomena like that would make plausible sense but I’ve never seen a FE explanation of something like precession or why the celestial equator exists.