cablez 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had been thinking. Everyone is using the chat AI programs. Asking it questions about Q, and other psy-ops and other false flags. What really has me worried is. People are asking specific outcomes to certain events. What if this is like...lowkey looking glass? Us truthers and shit spamming questions has it computing and compiling all sorts of scenarios. To where the thing will "out think" our plays.

cablez 2 points ago +2 / -0

LOL I up voted this because you made me really L. o. L. :D

cablez -3 points ago +1 / -4

I am not jabbed.......faggot :D

But I am also not virtue signaling on a board of randoms.....to make myself feel better.

cablez -15 points ago +1 / -16

So now your son will masturbate with the fury of the unvaxxed.........

Kudos? I guess to him.

I dont like this bullshit.

You are acting just like the fucking cucks who got "I got vaxxed" on social media platform.

+1 to Virtue signaling.

cablez 1 point ago +1 / -0

I get it man. I do not trust the narrative. But to me. I am more after spiritual growth, and pursuing knowledge on how to better myself, and heal myself and the Earths energetic fields.

I already understand there is controllers of knowledge. Those who want to keep us dumb and blind.

I watched a few FE videos. Watched some crater earth videos which all made sense.

To me....i'd rather know ju jitsu, than the shape of this shithole we are on.....

Get what I mean?

cablez 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah I am saying the spinning ball is currently being used to fun NASA. I believe Athiests use this to discredit God. The Church.

IF The Earth is flat that would 100% mean divine intervention.

BUT IF the Earth is flat all the flight plans, all the data, all the "space photos" are a lie......NASA is in charge of the lie.

As I said I dont have any skin in the game. As I dont give a shit what shape we are on. :D

cablez 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have posted about it before in a few posts. Click my name and check out my post history. I dont post THAT much. Should be easy to find. :D. Hope I didnt sound like an asshole there. I was just trying to be helpful. :D

cablez 4 points ago +4 / -0

If the earth is flat...then it was indeed created by a space sky daddy. Also makes "science" less believe able. Because that means all the "space" shit all the funding has been going to is a lie.

The Earth being a big ball spinning left to chance and slime turning into primates, then to us. Is how Atheists shit over the God theory.

I dont know about flat earth. I dont care about the shape of this fucker we are on to be honest.

cablez 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have seen and experienced Archons. There is something bigger and badder feeding off of us. I dont quite know what to name "it" "Them?" But Archona are childs play to get rid of from yourself. These bigger badder fuckers seemingly stick into your Astral/etheral body/soul self. And they feed there.

cablez 3 points ago +5 / -2

I thin k the Bible is written by Jesuit JEWS who allowed this bullshit to be spread. So people think there is going to be an anti Christ or whatever........Or apocalypses/revelation. They want you to be good subserviant assholes whom pay your taxes and turn the other cheek while getting fucked for millenia. This was the purpose of the Bible. And the Church.

cablez 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not only that...calcium and carbonate is what coral reefs are made of. Adding more of this to the system really spikes the alkalinity and calcium in the area...making the Magnesium out of whack...where it fucks with the uptake of the corals...aka fucking BLEACHING!

by DrLeaks
cablez 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dude it was funny to hear Paul gurgling his way back to consciousness at the end of the video lol.

cablez 1 point ago +1 / -0

ORRRRRRRR does His-Story Simply repeat itself. And we keep ending up here in this same place. After many versions of Earth....Humans keep fucking it up and destroying ourselves?

cablez 2 points ago +3 / -1

There is literal Christian churches carved into bedrock in Africa....Where guess what retard....There are Black Christians. You seem like a shill dude...........Your fake hate smells like fed bait....see I rhymed that for black culture :D

cablez 4 points ago +4 / -0

You should see the effects of Ozone inside a Reef tank aquarium. The fish look like they are floating in air. Because of how clear the water becomes.

cablez 4 points ago +4 / -0

You read my mind...oil pulling is same thing right? Also wouldnt Coconut oil be great for this. It is an anti parasitic and anti fungal and all that? I use coconut for these reasons...and also it tastes less like swishing with Exxon lol

cablez 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not just Christians either right? Protestant's believe in Jesus, Muslims, Mormons, Latter day saints, Jehovahs,Then there is African christians...like alot O_O.

cablez 2 points ago +2 / -0

This resonates deeply with me. Exactly how I have been feeling.

by qclick
cablez 2 points ago +2 / -0

In 2 more weeks? It will solve more.......just watch the water bro

by qclick
cablez 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ohhh like Bill Clinton shoving that cigar in whore pink then smoking it? Thats bad :D

cablez 2 points ago +2 / -0

UFC betting is getting insane too. Drake betting a Million on a fighter to win or lose. I feel the UFC is being infiltrated. Not the insiders. But the fighters. Sean O'malley being one.. A couple more. Hang with that crowd.

I would guess it maybe started with Andrew Tate. Since his dad was CIA and shit. And his whole "arrest" bullshit. A "Pizza-" gate box catching the cabal puppet........how many 17's and Q's are in that larp? lol

cablez 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is how I also like my cocaine particles.

by DrLeaks
cablez 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sun screen causes cancer too.....probs more than the "radiation" ever will. Infact I highly suspect the Sun gives cancer at all. And instead the "skin cancer" is a symptom of something else underlying inside the body. Poor lifestyle, diet, shit like this.

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