TrustNo1 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Nature doesn't make right angles" , until it does...

TrustNo1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Has there been a way to run Windows programs on Linux? I remember wine used to do it but was hit and miss. Need Windows for work programs.

TrustNo1 1 point ago +1 / -0

This happened last year or a couple years ago and everyone had the same freak out.

TrustNo1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you think that the sun was designed to heat us and then the moon was designed to cool us?

I've seen people explain moonlight is cooler because the shade provided to block the moon also blocks heat escaping to space. Is there an experiment which has controlled for this?

TrustNo1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't understand the reason for it in water. It barely touches your teeth when you're drinking, ingesting it won't somehow make it all go to your teeth. There's already fluoride in toothpaste. The government doesn't give a fuck about our health but the population having healthy teeth is somehow their number one priority?

TrustNo1 -1 points ago +2 / -3

The sun was too far away to see, as it travelled closer it left the convergent point and appears to rise above the horizon.

TrustNo1 1 point ago +5 / -4

Perspective, it's one of the first flat Earth arguments. There are multiple videos where people have demonstrated the optical illusion on a flat table and a local light.

TrustNo1 3 points ago +3 / -0

I didn't know she got it. I thought it was settled that none of us would get it. I did not get it.

TrustNo1 7 points ago +7 / -0

This was almost a year ago. My wife would not have done this anyway. This issue has certainly put a strain on our marriage. Since the shot she has turned into a vaccine zealot. It was so odd watching her switch to a different person completely contradicting herself.

TrustNo1 19 points ago +20 / -1

My wife is a nurse and initially she was completely against the vaccine, until they mandated it. She was breastfeeding our daughter at the time and my daughter vomited and pooed blood. The doctors said it was the apple she ate or blood from the nipple. It was 3-5 days after my wife's vaccine. Both the obstetrician and emergency department doctors said categorically that the vaccine will not pass through breastmilk. Who knows what damage has been done to my daughter and wife. They both get sick far longer than I do with colds and flues. I had very little support from people when I raised my concerns, vindication hardly makes up for the ongoing pain this has caused.

TrustNo1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even a simpleton should be able to visualise the position of the sun on a flat and round earth and see how it can be true on both.

TrustNo1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Flat earth is a perfect little science experiment, you test hypothesis and record what you observe. It's better than the accepted theory of in the beginning there was nothing and then for no reason at all the nothing decided to explode and from that moment on everything existed.

by pkvi
TrustNo1 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only country in the world where it's constitutionally required for you to use deadly force to protect your way of life yet no one does it.

TrustNo1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wasn't NAC almost banned or was banned last year because people caught on to how good it was for covid or vaccine side effects? I remember Stephen Crowder talking about it because he could no longer get it.

TrustNo1 1 point ago +2 / -1

Mirages are upside down too, aren't they?

TrustNo1 3 points ago +3 / -0

The spin of the earth affects water going down a drain but rivers and oceans flow wherever the fuck they want, hahahaha fucking hell you're funny.

TrustNo1 2 points ago +2 / -0

You get the same result by moving the sun closer on a flat plane, it's basic maths.

TrustNo1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can someone please publish a book about a racist baby.

TrustNo1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Isn't this the club supporting women? Kind of a reverse psychology.

TrustNo1 8 points ago +8 / -0

You just have to appeal to something they already hate or are annoyed with. For me it was learning why our nations are being flooded by third world apes and who was behind it. Manipulating people is easy once you hit the right emotion.

TrustNo1 3 points ago +3 / -0

I had this happen. I was thinking of catenary wire and how it was a weird word. I have never used it, spoken about it, googled it, been near a shop that sells it as far as I know. The next day I got ads on Facebook for catenary wire.

TrustNo1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even here in Australia there are news ads on special reports for the "great resignation" that's coming. What fucking resignation? Who and why would there be masses of people resigning from their jobs?

TrustNo1 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was fucking right. I told my wife do not get the vaccine while breastfeeding, she didn't listen. She listened to her doctors who were fed bullshit lies. Our daughter had a reaction and the hospital cut us off every time we asked about the vaccine causing it. They were adamant that the vaccine will not go through breast milk. Every other fucking medication is scrutinised for pregnant and breast feeding mothers, even the safe ones, because doctors don't want to risk infants, yet the vaccines are like a load of hot steamy cum on their faces that they lap up.

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