It's really gone the other way: there's almost no theory left in conspiracy theory.
Picture the classic conspiracy theorist meme of a wall covered in pushpins and red string. Reduce that down to two pushpins and one bit of string between them. The pushpins are facts and the string a theory of their connection, and each of these elements may not be well known or even unknown. To say that 5% of conspiracy posts fit this model of theory may be an overstatement. Two percent? Sub one?
To be blunt--and not to single him out but only because he was specifically mentioned--James Corbett is not a conspiracy theorist either. He's a stenographer, a collater, a documentarian, but not a theorist. Nothing he says breaks new ground or reveals that which was previously hidden.
Frankly, I suspect he's a certain type of long-running disinfo mole. I didn't realize it until he made certain comments on the Ukraine War. How could any self-respecting conspiracist be in total agreement with the NYT and WaPo without having deep misgivings? And even if you somehow did, you'd still feel compelled to begin with a disclaimer such as, "It's bizarre to me that I'm in agreement with these people, but...."
Just as the normie world has official narratives set by the mainstream media, so too does the conspiracy world, set by people like Corbett. Could anyone possibly believe that "They" would infest and dominate one world, but it completely slipped Their minds and Their grasp not to do so with the other? That's retarded.
From another angle, you can see he has nothing to say about issues where you'll stir up a real controversy in conspiracy circles. Did planes crash into buildings on 911? Were the towers nuked? Were Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuked? Did anyone actually die at the Vegas shooting? Who shot JFK? Nope, none of these questions were intriguing enough for him to wish to find an answer.
We know this item is important--even key--because the mainstream is silent about it (obviously) but even more tellingly it isn't blazed all over r/conspiracy with the rest of the disinfo gambits. No one wants to talk about it, so we'll do that here.
First, is this news itself disinfo? No. It's quite anomalous, and doesn't fit into any conspiracy theory out there. Nor does it neatly suggest a new conspiracy theory. And who would bother planting disinfo right after the event that not one in a million people will ever come into contact with?
So it's the truth, but still puzzling. How could blood end up in the sink? And whose blood?
Let's dispense with the "officer cut his hand" story they'll try to float. The blood was found when police first breached the building and were searching for a shooter or an accomplice. It wasn't a clumsy cop cleaning up while everyone else is running around with hot rifles at the ready.
Long story, but TMC was a patsy, shooting five rounds from a .22LR loaded with blanks. After he finished with his distraction, he was executed by a single shot to the side of the head by a compromised agent in a concealed position in the second floor window behind him.
Then either that guy or another agent has to make sure TMC is dead and swap out his rifle. He scrambles up to the roof and checks TMC, then grabs his rifle out from under him. His fatal head wound has cause him to bleed all over it.
The agent apparently feels he has to step back a bit so he can't be seen swapping, but he drops the rifle he's been carrying and takes TMC's with him. That's why TMC's rifle ended up seven feet away on his weak side. That's a related fact no one wants to talk about.
TMC's rifle was as generic an AR-15 as you can get and would not raise eyebrows if an agent had it, but now that it's covered in blood it sure would. He ducks into the bathroom and rinses it off as best he can. He's rushed and fails to clean up the sink properly.
It's TMC's blood and that's how it gets there.
I just heard an old interview on Tin Foil Hat with Christopher Jon Bjerknes regarding Einstein. That guy wrote a (IIRC and this is not a typo) 2,900 page book exposing Einstein. Amazing amount of detail and nuance to the story.
Given the curious timing of this revelation, so long after the event, I have to speculate as to whether this information from "whistleblowers" is actually a warning shot for Kimmy to keep her mouth shut regarding the Trump assassination attempt.
That is, does she want to be the only person involved in the Butler incident to be dragged into court over something that had nothing to do with the Butler incident?
Well, since you bring it up, I also think conspiracies is full of useless dumbfucks with pointless comments that they use to jerk off their own egos. I guess because their dicks are too small they stroke their keyboards?
So, you know, I've gotten that far. But thanks for your input! :)
Invermectin seems to have a pronounced effect against three conditions (1) parasitic infection, (2) COVID, which is either a bioweapon or relabeled influenza (and further that neither COVID nor influenza is caused by viral infection), and (3) vaccine injury.
Given that these are widely varied in both cause and effect, it makes you think that Science(tm) really has no idea what is going on and is dead wrong about a lot of fundamental matters.
This document preserves some of the historical diplomatic finger-pointing about how the Gulf War began:
A Bum Rap for April Glaspie — Saddam and the Start of the Iraq War (Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training 2/23/2016)
The topic of paramount importance in the study of any war is why it happened, and particularly how it could have been avoided. That topic is studiously avoided, except to assert that the Enemies of the Empire are bad, bad people who start wars for no reason except that they are as crazy as they are bad. Proof!
In the article, the diplomats not only cannot see the forest for the trees, they've lost track of the concept that a forest is a collection of trees. Bottom-line, they mention in various ways that had the US simply expressed it's objection to an invasion of Kuwait, Saddam would never have invaded. This is proof the US wanted Iraq to invade Kuwait, and to then use that as a pretext for the US invasion of the Middle East.
We have, once again, the typical inversion: that which is simple is made complex. No diplomat or historian seems to be able to conceive in their mind the simple question: "If the US really objected to Saddam invading Kuwait, did anyone ever just ask him not to?" Nope, no one.
When I was first researching this a long time ago, the item that got me was Hicks doing his "Goat Boy" bit. I thought, "If you didn't know what this was, you'd think it was someone doing his dead on Alex Jones voice impersonation."
Oh, I think both were entirely CGI, done from scratch by separate people sharing only certain resources.
First, they're synced very, very closely but not perfectly. Why even attempt to replicate a live performance so closely just to get an additional angle?
The easiest anomaly to overlook is the difference in color tone between the two versions. Two cameras might differ in color-balance with a very lame cameraman, but not two copies of the footage. Also note you can see they're identical in the two angles of the newer version.
So as I would argue, two different groups at two different times used CGI to produce the clips. They appear to have used two different CGI software packages, though. In one, the software and settings yielded Biden's suit as dark blue while in the other, almost gray.
Even in a big feature film with hours of CGI, I'm sure they have to be careful but such problems would rarely occur because one team would be using one package for, say, all the spaceship exteriors and laser blasts. It would always match itself perfectly and automatically.
I'm sure the 2nd team was so proud when they finished their work they never compared it to the earlier stream for continuity and quality. Too busy smirking with duper's delight.
The one where the angle changes is posted on and here on Instagram.
I don't think it's a different location, but rather that both were completely generated using CGI. Reality, such as a live shot with two cameras, maintains it's own absolute coherence unfailingly. With CGI, you have to make sure everything, every single detail, is just as you need it to be or there will be "continuity errors".
Download while it's hot!
I haven't noticed anything with Garand Thumb, since his videos are almost exclusively about firearms. One was in regard to escape and evasion, on which he passed along elements from his SERE training. In a couple of the others I've watched about other topics, you can tell he's a bit out of his element. It's like he's passing along "things he's heard along the way".
YouTube is indeed chock full of these ex-operator types. I started watching them hoping for some first-hand insight into the underlying political situations. That's how I figured out they were all ex-special forces operators and current psychological operators.
They hook impressionable young men with the bang-bang stuff, then feed them the bullshit politics and history. That's the operation: they come for the black ops and stay for the propaganda.
I came at it from exactly the opposite direction. Their politics and history were so far off that it was not possible that it was a mistake or differing point of view. There's virtually no possibility their audience of wannabes and never wases would be aware of that. It was all so sickening I stopped watching such videos completely.
Not that I've gone out of my way to look up their material, but if someone had an interest in these unconventional warfare types of topics, I'd suggest Craig "Sawman" Sawyer and Eric Prince. That's why one of them is familiar to very few, and the other is known by all as a Horrible Person and (worse) Friend of Donald Trump.
DAE find it kind of a weird thing that these elite teams were texting each other? It's nothing like what's portrayed in the popular media.
It would be like "Mission: Impossible - Poor Signal Quality", where Tom Cruise digs in his pocket, pulls out his iPhone, and says, "Eggplant plus butt plus crying face? OMG, we've been compromised! Everyone get the hell out!"
Maybe that's true, but for anyone trying to see what's up on the scoreboard as to whether Erdogan is a Zionist puppet at present even if he was one before, he's recently said:
the ICC must hold the butchers of Gaza accountable
the corrupt oligarchical Islamic world has let Palestinians down
they will send Netanyahu to Allah
Israel surpasses Hitler in committing crimes
Turkey will end the Jewish criminal occupation
terrorist Israel will set its sights on Turkey if Hamas is defeated
no place on Earth is safe from Jewish global terrorism until international law is honestly enforced
Muslims must unite against Israel
'Like we entered Karabakh and Libya - we will do the same to Israel'
Everyone's free to decide if that all means anything, but you'd think Netanyahu would at least send him an email saying, "Bro, take it down a notch. Going to be hard to walk some of that stuff back."
It's really hard to say what's going to happen there.
Israel has taken a beating against Hamas and Yemen, with a handful of Hezbollah and a dash of Iran. Anyone in their right mind would declare victory and wind the whole thing down. But, well, it's now more clear to the world than ever that we're not dealing with people in their right mind.
Then on the flip side, it's hard to figure out where the "Resistance Axis" is really at. We have to set aside (the real, not controlled) Hamas, Yemen, and particularly Hezbollah, who are pretty straight talkers to begin with and now have little time for rhetoric.
But there's one thing I've noticed about Middle Eastern types, and maybe it's a cultural thing: the US swings it's dick around with aggressive warmongering, but the Middle Easterners--most particularly Iran--seem to constantly issue the most inflammatory and apocalyptic threats. The North Koreans could not hold their jocks when it comes to threats.
And it's not that they're too weak that they could not follow through, or too pussy that they would not follow through, but the rhetoric is seemingly it's own form of diplomacy. You're left being able to tell nothing about their true intentions from deciphering their public statements. Is that perhaps the point?
As it stands, Hezbollah could (re)take the Galilee all by themselves, Iran would remotely leave every facility of importance decorated with blast craters, and the Turks would hammer whatever was left. Will they? Who the hell knows?
And the clock is ticking with Trump headed back to office. As CinC, he'll pull the plug on it militarily, which in the end would be enough to stop it. In the meantime, he has carefully crafted a trump card of trump cards: he's the most popular politician in the world among Israelis and Jews in general. (Years ago, I saw a Jew who criticized him get booed off the stage at the Israeli film festival in LA. Could not believe what I was seeing. Not covered in the news... lol)
I keep thinking that if the time becomes ripe--President or not--maybe he says, "Hey, I think Netanyahu and Gvir and these other clowns and losers are doing a lousy job, and they gotta go for the good of Israel!" Get the worst lunatics out, end the war and, you know, work from there.
Since I first learned about it from Mark Passio, I have always been on extreme alert for solipsism as the core, foundational concept the Dark Luciferians wish to implant in everyone's minds:
Solipsism: The Biggest Lie (3/10/2014)
On the flip side, to even begin to consider oneself a moral actor, one must begin by accepting it as an inherent duty to discern objective reality to the best of your abilities.
Lacking that, you just get infinite variations on, "Why wouldn't I drop these bombs? I don't know for sure what's going on down there, but this paycheck is real enough for me."
We may live to see the end of the Olympics because no one gives a shit. Know why France won the bid for the 2030 Winter Games? There was only one bid.
They try to disguise it by talking all around it in this very long article: Bids for the 2030 Winter Olympics. Everyone except France just fell off the table before submitting a bid.
The real villain is not total lack of interest, of course, it's climate change. Yes, they do say that.
You know, if you take a look the comments on this post, you really do see how much of "Reality" people just make up. And they are not uncomfortable that they don't have anything reliable to back up what they believe. In fact, it's the opposite: they invent "Reality" to makes themselves comfortable.
For anyone trying to figure out how the world actually works, this is a vital point.
Well, the thinking which I've noticed become prevalent might be classified under "hasty generalization", probably because disinfo operations hammer on that basic fault in reasoning to drive people away from the truth. Selling you a particular lie is ideal, but divorcing you from the truth is imperative.
Suppose you take nukes. People will look at an example or two of fakery and conclude that--absolutely--all nukes are fake. Disinfo then piles on. The exact same works in reverse. It sounds ridiculous, but it's amazingly effective (which is why They do it).
I don't know how many times I've told people, "Some are fake and some are real, and some real ones have been set off which they tell you was something else or ignore entirely." They believe this to be an absurd statement, utter lunacy. These people will never discover the truth.
I suppose this all goes to show that very few people are capable of what we're supposed to think everyone does: gather evidence, exercise their reasoning and judgement, and come to a conclusion if warranted. That's not how it goes for most.
"They" are well aware that's not how it goes for most.
Joy Reid: "In another obvious Mandela Effect, right-wing nut-job conspiracy theorists are now claiming they remember Kamala Harris was named as something called the 'border czar'. What'll they think of next? Czars are from the evil country of Russia, idiots!"
Why doesn't MSNBC ever make me an offer? Better than the shit they're shoveling.
I always wonder where the flat earth/space is fake and ghey" shills/retards are to explain this to us.
It would have to be something like, "Since there's no such thing as the ISS, they're trying to convince us it exists by very subtly opening the door to suspicions about NASA and Boeing's competence, all while trying to brush it off like it's not really a problem. Pretty clever, but yUr DuM if u fall for it! PrOoF!"
Anyone? I just typed it out so you can copy and paste it. Could not be easier.
The angles I think about are the ones no one talks about, no one sees, no one even seems to suspect. I've been meaning to write up big posts on some of these, but as I alluded to in first comment, there are only a handful on the same wavelength to receive them.
Take, for example, the book "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon" by Dave McGowan which has rightly become legendary. Essentially, the book was about the children of the MIC pumping out programming through your local FM station, right? It has gotten so much worse since then.
I stumbled onto the fact that the same "money guy" was behind Napster, Facebook, and Spotify. I realized that "They" had clandestinely changed the entire media landscape and installed a stranglehold on society's listening habits (and we know it's all about habits).
So we've gone from rock bands with suspicious origins to completely manufactured acts and songs. We've gone from a handful of talk radio shows to hundreds of "independent" podcasts either infiltrated or constructed from scratch as psyops. All this gets pumped out through Spotify and Apple, where they know exactly what you're listening to and when. You used to turn the dial yourself, but now their "algos" put each of us in our own personalized Skinner Box.
There's a level of conspiracy beyond the one where "conspiracy theorists" operate, and getting them to realize that is exactly and precisely the same as convincing normies that conspiracies exist. So, you know, that's why I haven't got around to posting about this yet... lol