Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +2 / -1

To be fair, he only has to try to force a paid users model because of the constant attacks on the site, and the deplatforming requiring him to have his own servers.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eh, as a regular Gab user who won't ever pay a dime to them, I don't mind my old posts not being available.

Mad_King_Kalak 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because I suspect the goal is to make the crash when Trump is in office, yes.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't look into what public school teachers are caught for more than priests ever were.

Or for that matter, protestant churches have sexual abuse happen all the time. The thing is, it's pastor Bob's church down the street in the converted Pizza Hut, and nobody connects it to pastor Bill's church with Presbyterians around the block.

40,000 different denominations.

Besides, we all know the Jews and Mohammedians are the worst at sexual abusing minors.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

He says he is, that's all I was reporting mon ami. Notice, I didn't say I believed him.

The point, to me at least, is that a major presidential candidate is admitting that they are real.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oi, you are dense as a rock.

I want to play on the New York Knicks. I really, really want to badly play on the New York Knicks. However, since I'm just shy of 6' feet, and middle aged now, I won't be playing for the New York Knicks.

Am I a basketball player?

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

The way around this, and I've seen it done, is to eliminate the position. Or alternately, you reassign the person or position to 1/2 way across the country based on some ill-defined need. When the person invariably doesn't want to move, then away goes the person and the position.

In the end, it will slow things down quite a bit, unless there is civil service reform.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sweet Jesus are you dense.

I'm sure you've thought about playing football, does that make an NFL player? Does it make you a foot ball player talking about last week's game?

If you're going to accuse someone of something reputation ruining, well, it's best to have proof. Maybe you're comfortable with gossip, innuendo, hearsay, calumny, and slander, but the rest of us aren't.

There is already a lot to NOT like Milo for, but since he was a sodomite, I figured you'd be all in on him.

Mad_King_Kalak 3 points ago +3 / -0

One piece of evidence I learned today...the used car market is going strong because people aren't upgrading.

The place where I work leases four used vehicles per year, with less than 20,000 miles as a requirement. These are vehicles that were previously leased, or sold as someone wanted a newer model. All the dealerships in my moderately sized city were unable to find four.

Mad_King_Kalak 4 points ago +4 / -0

Which AI did that Youtube channel use that spat out five African computer scientists, one of which has no less than two cyberpunk arms?

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

The trial going on in your head.

What he said was unambiguous, but what he actually did was another, the latter of which there is no proof that he engaged in sex with underage children. Do you understand the difference, or are you just playing Devil's advocate at this point.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

The same level of us vs. them rhetoric hasn't been reached as the Soviets vs the West. No open proxy warfare, not since Korea at least. I would say it's still an open question.

Mad_King_Kalak 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, you need to create an account to see replies and threads. All you can see is the initial tweet without an account.

There is nitter or other apps to help with that, or create a burner email and use that for the twitter account.

Mad_King_Kalak 2 points ago +2 / -0

Absolutely a coincidence.

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