Nice meandering AI recreation of old story floating on weird wide web some years ago..used to find on Before Its News, goes along with the Stasis Giants & other anomalies.... ancient texts imply humans been around very long time, Russia was once a Great Empire UttaraKuruDvipa, etc....
George Washington was said to have had very long arms, one of the 32 Marks of the Great Man, my art history teacher explained that so embarrassed was Washington he would have his arms 'foreshortened' in portraits, but maybe it was the imposter...( long arms, the sign of Unifier)...
Or good Buddhist eat only between 6 am to 12 noon, this makes body stronger, and abstain from all bad deeds, according to Buddha Abhidhamma disease is caused by Karma, Citta, Utu , Ahara, in ratio of 16, 8, 4, 2. 16 x karma, 8 x mind, 4 x environment/ elements, 2x food.... mostly we get sick because of karma, that is old bad deed, now is the time to pray, fast, meditate, make forgiveness,...
Everett WA was the first covid case in US, WA the 'Evergreen State', many cases broke out in a nursing home called Evergreen in Krkland WA next town from billygates place...