Earlier this morning I went to work for a few hours to task out the workers for the day. Someone had left a shovel out overnight and the guys from Guatemala told me how valuable a tool to leave it out. They then told me how they build roads with such tools and heavy equipment is only used in big cities. My garden thought is.... What if they plan on destroying the landscape and the reasons for massive immigration from impoverished parts of the world is to have replacements for the many that are doomed to die should infrastructure be obliterated. It's not just white replacement, but replacement of everyone in a developed nation. Or maybe it's all in my head and I think too much


AI is nothing more than machine learning. A day or so ago I recall seeing someone post a story stating Google was paying for rights to data mine a social media site for AI training purposes but I forgot the name of the platform. If AI has limited input via censorship, it will limit the available viewpoints. I had heard on the radio several days before that post that AI will likely be making local government and some corporate decisions in the not too distant future. What better way to deflect bad decisions than blame it on AI. They obviously don't want AI to learn any alternative views because it would muddy the waters and make it less predictable. How are we able to get information into the training data without being censored? Just my thoughts and something to consider


I'm curious as to how many US government shills post here. If they're " on the clock", the shills would not be here today because of the holiday. Occasionally I browse, comment or post during the work day. Today it's because of Sub-Zero temperature and snow so the construction site is closed. Normal Joes have the day off, so we may see more from them. Pay attention to who is absent today but is normally active. Just a thought...


Just documenting in case something happens, we'll know the trucks were mobilized ahead of time


Eating lunch with a friend today and He had a thought after reading about cricket powder in food. It was profound enough of a thought to make me ask this. Does this help to confirm reptilian are among us?


My wife tested positive for the rona. I'm pretty sick myself. She went to the doctor and was prescribed PAXLOVID, I noticed it states "for use under Emergency Use Authorization". I refuse to be tested and day 3 it just feels like the flu to me, and not the worst I've felt. Ant comments will be well received, my wife will wait 2 hours before taking a dose to see what can be learned