free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

a) GARTH; noun from gher - "to grasp, enclose" contradicts free will of choice. Few utilize suggestion to tempt many to grasp it by consent, hence enclosing oneself with the suggestions by another.

b) Notice that after medication; Garth lost his memory...and so the first thing he does afterwards is grasping the hand of Kirk aka kirkja "church".

c) "Whom Gods Destroy"...written by Lee Erwin & Jerry Sohl and directed by Herb Wallerstein..."this episode was not aired by the BBC in the United Kingdom because of sadistic plot elements".

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0
  • OBE aka outer (motion) body (momentum) experience (matter)

Few are distracting many from momentum by calling matter "body" aka FRAME, verb - "to fabricate by orderly construction and union of various parts".

That's the foundation for e pluribus unum (out of many; one) aka tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together) aka abrahamism (father of multitude) aka equality through diversity etc.

Ones consent to suggested information permits another to frame within perceivable inspiration. All those consenting become the framed body for the suggesting few aka a GOLEM.

wave modulation

Being implies wave-form (life) within direct-flow (inception towards death)...others suggest modulation (composed of interchangeable units) to destroy units within change by tempting together what nature sets apart from one another.

free-will-of-choice 3 points ago +3 / -0

ID aka Identic (Latin idem) - "the same"...off-spring implies differentiation. Birth implies coming out of origin and into being aka out of same and into difference. Father through mother into child...a differentiation/separation/setting apart from one another.

IDENTIC (same) FICA (fruit) TION (action)...fruit of action (inception towards death) implies reactions (life) aka cause generating effects aka loss generating growth aka whole generating partials etc.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

a) Two implies composition of one and one...nature disperses all (whole) into each one (partials).

b) Solar; sol; soul; sole...there can be only one.

c) Sy-stem implies symmetrical (inception towards death) setting differentials (life), and differentiation implies separation from one another.

d) Credit stupefies aka perceivable moves; while accrediting suggested tempts one to ignore that. One cannot hold onto anything within a moving system without corrupting self.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

a) Only during fall (inception towards death) can one rise (life)

b) Gentiles consenting to jewish suggestions implies OCCUPY; verb - "to take possession of and retain or keep". A jew utilizing suggestion to tempt gentiles to consent implies AVOCATION; noun - "a calling away from one's occupation".

Why does that work? Because nature cannot be occupied by those within; yet those within can tempt each other with avocation (to sell) and occupation (to buy).

c) GAZA (Hebrew; az) - "force; strength"...active power (inception towards death) generates reactive powers (life)...ones reaction to suggestion empowers another, while weakening self.

will be

A suggested inversion of perceivable...being will. No one else can will being; only being can will. Being willing to ignore that for whatever another suggests...that's too tempting for many to resist, and so a few are permitted to shape what will be.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

CON (together; with) contradicts SELF (particular aka apart from one another)...

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

All mainstream technology

Main stream (inception towards death) implies natural, which generates resistance (life). Others suggest TECHNOL'OGY, noun (Greek; art, word or discourse; reason) as the artificial opposition to natural, hence suggested "mainstream" tempting one to follow.

Main stream implies ALL; technology tempts ONE to ignore ALL.

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anything that is run by a committee

a) Any implies each (partial) within every (whole) aka a setting apart from one another...COM (together; with) contradicts that.

b) Ones consent to suggested com-unity-ism (communism) implies ones commitment to another.

c) Only nature runs (inception towards death)...each one within implies re-run (life).

Sleight of hand: "And I ran, I ran so far away...I couldn't get away"

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0
  • Motion implies source
  • Momentum implies open (inception) and close (death)
  • Matter implies free to share (life).

Suggested WARE (veer; change direction) tempts one to consent to freeware; shareware; hardware; software...while paying for it by selling self out to another. Suggestion tempts ones consent to merchandise self to another, hence a jew being permitted to be merchant by gentile consent to be ware.

Only merchant controls wares...not consumer.

free-will-of-choice 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah man, I tell ya what, man, that dang ol’ internet, man, you just go in on there and point and click, talk about w-w-dot-w-com, mean you got the naked chicks on there, man, just go click, click, click, click, click, it’s real easy, man.


free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

the connection to sin and demons

a) THE-ism connects those consenting with those suggesting.

b) TION (action) separates into reactions...others suggest "connection" to tempt reactions together aka many tempted to follow directions by few leaders.

c) TO aka towards implies a separation of whole (inception towards death) into partials (life)...not a connection.

d) SIN implies a voluntary departure aka division of partials within whole against each other. This is called "reasoning" and few utilize suggestion to tempt many to reason against each other about it.

e) AND is a conjunction, connective or conjoining word...and if one utilize it; then one CONNECTS with another.

If all is one in energy; then energy AND what else?

f) Demon aka dai-mon (divider-provider) aka provider (inception towards death) and divider (life). Nature provides separation; those within wield the free will of choice to ignore that for division against each other, and division (reason) requires connection (consent to suggestion) first.

what is

a) Energy...what else?

b) All was perceivable before ones within can suggest what it is.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +2 / -1

flip flopping

Gentiles are being domesticated to hold onto a side within conflicts of reason; a jew can then utilize talmudic reasoning to contradict both sides, which those reasoning view as "flip flopping".

Before one can reason over suggested sides....one consents to a suggestion, while ignoring perception. For example...suggested words tempt one to ignore perceivable sound. The latter moves; while the former tempts one to hold onto definitions (definite; to affix).

Those reasoning ignore that nature moves; while those "flip flopping" mimic adaptation to a moving system (sound) within the boundaries of an affixed system (words).

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

the idea of Anarchism

What came first...theism; idealism or anarchism?

a taboo

a) How does one restrict FREE will of choice?

b) What if "forbid" implies ones free will of choice to bet forwards aka ones desire to request from another?

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

My big question about anarchy is who enforces it

a) Those who suggest anarchism gain permission from those consenting to be anarchists to enforce.

b) Question implies ones consent to suggested progressivism (quest towards outcome); hence now waiting for suggested answers from another.

Those who question others are permitting answers to be enforced.

Nature isn't a quest towards outcome; but each ones resistance (life) within origin (inception towards death) as temporary problem within ongoing solution.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1


a) AN (without) ARKHON (ruler)

b) A suggested -ism tempts ones consent to follow a ruler.

c) 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' Credits Song...

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1


Perceivable inspiration can only be seen by the naked eye; while consenting to suggested information pulls the wool over ones eyes.

In regard to that...SHEER, adjective - "pure; clear; separate from anything foreign; unmingled". Each sheep needs to sheer self; waiting for a shepherd hurts/herds sheep.


free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Science has long pondered

Pondering implies holding onto; science (Latin scio; to know; to perceive) implies letting go of, hence all perceivable setting free each ones perception within.

Few suggest scientism to tempt each consenting scientist to perpetuate information for many to hold onto.

how to build an artificial

Natural implies ones perception within all perceivable...anything suggested by another implies artificial IF one consents to it.

mirrors the functionality

a) Presentation (perceivable) generates representation (perception)...mirroring/admiring/mimicking suggested presentations prevents perception to re-generate.

In other words...how could one grow discernment of self by getting information by another?

b) Function implies Latin functionem; functio; bhung - "be used" by action aka func (life) within tion (inception towards death)...this cannot be mirrored without destroying self within origin.

living organisms

a) Consenting to a suggested -ism diminishes living by repressing expression.

b) OR'GAN, noun (Latin organum) - "a natural instrument of action"...instrument implies reaction within enacting sound. A person (Latin per sonos; by sound) implies an instrument within sound aka insane (Latin in sanus; within sound)...few suggest "insane person" to distract many from discerning self within origin.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0


...willingly follow suggested scientism, while ignoring science (Latin scio; to know; to perceive).

to prove

PROVE, verb (Latin probo) - "to ascertain some unknown quality"...if one ignores perceivable knowledge (science) for suggested understanding (scientism); then knowledge turns unknown to one.


Each brain is set apart from one another, hence differentiated...few utilize suggestion to tempt many to consent "alike", while ignoring each ones unique brain.

computer can exist

a) To compute implies throwing together; to be implies set apart from one another.

b) The EX in exist implies ones expressed growth outwards; which COM (together with) inverts into repression of self under suppression of others.

c) A jew computes/compiles/collectivizes gentiles together so that a jew can remain apart... https://www.amazon.com/People-Apart-Europe-1789-1939-History/dp/0198219806

artificial synapse

Natural implies inception towards death setting apart life from one another...few suggest artificial synopsis aka syn (together) haptein (to fasten) to tempt many together; which fastens the demise of each ones life.

In short...natural flows; artificial forms indigestion within flow; flow forces dissolution of formed indigestion.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

one dedicated

DEDICATE, verb - "to set apart and consecrate to a divine being" aka perceivable whole setting itself apart into each ones perception within. Meanwhile...a suggested dedication tempts ones vow of consent to another, which ignores perceivable.

Nothing like...

What is nothing like? How could nothing be equal in quantity to anything?

like referencing

Referencing to likeness tempts one to ignore being different from one another.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Illegal (Latin illegalis) aka IN (within) LEGALIS; LEX (law) aka being within natural law.

The trick...ILL (not) or IN (within) depends on ones choice to discern self within or de-nial (Latin nihilo; nothing) thereof. Few suggest nihil-ism to tempt many to de-nial self discernment.

Consenting to laws of men denies/ignores laws of nature. The former punishes breaking; while latter breaks whole into partials, hence setting each one within free from one another. It's called punishment, because ones consent inflicts a suggested penalty upon ones mind.

show me

Sight as oneself (perception) or shown by another (suggestion)...free will of choice. Guess what? Perceivable moves so the suggested "show must go on"... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t99KH0TR-J4&themeRefresh=1

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

a) Tax implies the burden taken upon self when consenting to the suggestions of another, who in return are being charged to govern; administer; regulate; police etc.

Furthermore...ones consent implies "to charge; to adjure; to bind by an oath; to instruct authoritatively".

b) Suggested "the people" tempts one to consent to theism and pluralism, while ignoring to be ones sole authority over self aka free will of choice.

c) Payer are selling themselves out aka "discharging a debt", and ones consent implies ones creed/credit taking on debt from another.

Being implies re-charge (life) within charge (inception towards death); hence no buying and selling unless one ignores being FREE within ALL.

d) "work for" implies energy (work) and motion (forwards)...for employed matter within. Few suggest occupation to tempt many to seek possession within work aka trying to hold onto a moving system...a temporary issue working itself out aka electric (inception towards death) weakening magnetic (life).

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

TROLL, verb - "to move in a circular direction"... https://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/Troll

Flatline (inception towards death) generates waveform (life)...no circle.

Few suggest many to ignore that for the band of hope aka the leap of faith aka the wheel of fortune aka the circle of life on the path unwinding... https://genius.com/Elton-john-circle-of-life-lyrics

free-will-of-choice 3 points ago +3 / -0

We need to round these people up

Tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together)...few are rounding many up by tempting them together. This is called circling the square aka kaaba aka kabbala.

Notice kike/kikel/circle and cutting off circumference (circumcision) and utilizing N(orth) E(east) W(est) S(outh) to tell-a-vision towards center.

Furthermore; notice that reasoning implies circular logic aka no matter what many are reasoning about; they remain in conflict with each other. Meanwhile in reality...being implies wave-form (life) within direct-flow (inception towards death).

One ring to rule them all...ouroboros...ring around the rosie...ring of fire...you spin me round...cirque du soleil etc.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +2 / -1


a) CON implies "together with"; being implies "apart from".

b) Ones choice selecting chosen ones suggestion permits consensual control.

c) Consent tempts together; resistance sustains apartheid (life) within wholeness (inception towards death)

access denied

Ones perception within all perceivable implies "all access"...suggested nihil-ism (Latin nihilo; nothing) and ones consent to de-nial perceivable for it, tempts one to ignore all access, while permitting others to restrict access.

limit reached

Being implies free (choice) within limit (balance); hence inception of being implying "limit reached". Few tempt many to ignore/deny self discernment by consenting to self imposed limits aka "reason".

How to limit "ones choice"? By consenting to "chosen ones" suggestion.

they will

There can be only ones free WILL of choice...plural cannot choose; singular (one) can be tempted to choose suggested pluralism (they).

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