anticommunitarian 2 points ago +2 / -0

What about 9/11?

Assange, 2010:

"I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud."


Assange is a POS loser. 9/11 was as pivotal as March 11, 2020.

anticommunitarian 2 points ago +2 / -0

They come up with all kinds of names, in their efforts to not have to use the term 'political communitarianism'.

Degrowth communism, too, is political communitarianism - the merger of communism and capitalism.

Long before Maurice Strong, fake environmentalism and death cult fear tactics are being used to achieve that merger.

anticommunitarian 5 points ago +5 / -0

For that international economic zone (see: "Palestine Has Fallen"), the Israeli government will give exclusive commercial rights to the U.S. and Arab states.

If any 'Palestinian' government is created by 2035, it will be a puppet of the Israeli government.

("Gaza 2035 Revealed")


Gaza, in 2035, will be a template for other 15-minute (C40) cities. Where political communitarianism at its worst will be revealed, imposed and violently enforced.

anticommunitarian 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only thing missing is "free candy here"

anticommunitarian 8 points ago +9 / -1

The new taxation of tourism and, so the intended limitation of traveling for both tourists and locals, in Venice (Italy) and Magdalen Islands (Canada), is not random. The taxation and limitation are part of the C40 cities programs, in which Venice & Magdalen Islands participate.

These programs are an attempt to establish "15-minute" cities, where people's freedoms will be limited/reduced by unelected governments. Following the communitarian global governance blueprint. Which was already forcefully imposed in 2020 worldwide.

anticommunitarian 1 point ago +1 / -0

This part tries to cover the 'crypto scam'


However, as an investigative report it fails to present the evidence.

It does not prove that crypto currencies themselves are a ponzi. Which would be very interesting if one could prove that.

It merely mentions how corporations can deceive their clients and investors. But that is just as possible with fiat cash, gold, silver,...

anticommunitarian 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's been well documented (twitter.com/WarFeed25) that they are going for a broad, advanced hybrid war in 2025. A highly scripted hybrid war.

So with that in mind, it's to be expected to see these kinds of 'news' stories.

anticommunitarian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Netanyahu's communitarian agenda is not secret.

It's the establishment of the 'final authority on everything', in Israel. From where all governments are supposed to receive their orders.

Using advanced source code technology ('A.I.') that they ripped off from many others.

Backed up by nuclear blackmailing any and all foreign nations.

All rooted in Cabbala and Talmudic law.

anticommunitarian 1 point ago +1 / -0

And of course as expected, not even once is the political religion, communitarianism, that ties it all together mentioned.

Leaving most readers, once again, completely oblivious to the well-documented existence of their 'globalist' enemies' doctrine and pseudo law system.

anticommunitarian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Freemasonry is crypto zionism, rooted in Cabala. It came before communism, which is also crypto zionism. Though zionism was 'officially' coined later.

Zionists don't recognize Jesus.

This image on display is therefore a deception at best.

by DrLeaks
anticommunitarian 0 points ago +1 / -1

"Funded by Biden"....

Who actually believes that nonsense.

Biden doesn't fund anything. He's a meaningless tool that can be disposed of at any time.

He's less than a puppet because he keeps falling from the stairs, meaning his strings aren't attached properly.

by DrLeaks
anticommunitarian 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, they all have to wait until 2025... It's all planned years in advance...

"There will be a plethora of malevolent attacks in 2025 with new technology by state and non-state actors. Russia and China will also come under attack. It will be a constant brush fire of information attacks." - Lewis Shepherd, Pentagon advisor, director at VMWare, 12/11/2020

2025 was not mentioned randomly, nor accidentally. This was at the Paris Cyber Forum, headed by Unit 8200 and other Israeli agents. 2025 was mentioned because there is a broader agenda being followed by the forum members, who are supposed to steer governments 'accordingly'.

anticommunitarian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Programmed by jewish supremacists. There's no other reason why that bot gave those replies.

This is the kind of technology that is being used to implement communitarian tyranny, i.e. unelected, centralized, micropolitics, transhumanist governance, rooted in Talmudic law and Cabala.

by DrLeaks
anticommunitarian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Laura Poison Ivy Loomer, Zionist Princess.

anticommunitarian 3 points ago +3 / -0

October 4, 2023: "Israel on Alert After Islamic Jihad Launches Military Exercises in Gaza"

But Netanyahu and the IDF were not on high alert, nor prepared for Hamas on October 7.... Right....


anticommunitarian 2 points ago +2 / -0

The US NRC even had "a drill" that very moment. What are the odds, right? They always have drills when big events happen .....

anticommunitarian 6 points ago +6 / -0

Israel's "Pearl Harbor": "The entire system failed. It’s not just one component. It’s the entire defense architecture that evidently failed to provide the necessary defense for Israeli civilians [..] This is a Pearl Harbor-type of moment” - Jonathan Conricus, former IDF spokesman

And there you have it. The 'invasion' by Hamas was allowed to happen. Netanyahu needed this to become the de facto dictator in Israel.

anticommunitarian 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is not to be challenged in any court, because all courts have adopted community law.

It is to be studied, exposed, rejected, and banned from society.

anticommunitarian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Neither the UN or WEF have a legal mandate. They both operate in the pseudo legal framework of community law (communitarian law), known as acquis communautaire in the EU.

And like international law, it is make-believe.

anticommunitarian 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's obviously not a war as in the 1st and 2nd. And that's the whole point.

People are waiting for a confirmation of ww3 by the media, while it was declared already in 2020.

The 3rd is very much a hybrid war, and I doubt that the press is goung to admit any of this, ever.

The history of the 3rd war is being written since 2020. And that's something they can't stand because this time they are not the ones writing/documenting the narrative.

anticommunitarian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not a conspiracy, but I assume it is acceptable to see a different perspective... Instead of the unhinged perversion we get in the western media.

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