Told you so....
Layers of censorship will be removed, but you'll get more shock-effect traumatization.
"EvErYtHiNg yOu'Ve HeArD aBoUt uS iS tRuE. NoW, FeaR uS!"
It can be 'Chinese' hackers, though that is hard to prove. Any decent hacker can make you believe anything he/she wants.
And then there's the fact that Unit-81 and Unit 8200 also have access to anything 'American'.
For decades, Israeli agents have infiltrated US companies. To then sell tech info to China and Russia.
In New York alone there are at least 5000 active Israeli agents who spy, and extract information.
Remember that time when the Israelis refused to provide the source code for Iron Dome weaponry located in the US?
I bet that the Israelis stole that source code to begin with. And the US military had no clue. But they would have once they examined that source code.
Every major tech company has a R&D hub in Israel. All of them. Upon invitation by Netanyahu. How easy it is then to steal tech from around the world.
Australia, Europe and the UK will all do the same in 2025.
This, too, shows that the communitarian doctrine is religiously enforced worldwide. Without any representation from your and my side.
Never trust a jew, especially not a zionist princess.
Poison Loomer was SPAMMING, that is the issue here. Zion Musk his algorithm didn't target her for anything else.
It's typical for a jew to play victim and stab you in the back.
You didn't honestly believe Zio Musk is on your side, right? Right?
Zionist princess
Ah, yes. The zionist princess!!
The same is true for the U.S., the U.K. and all of Europe:
The revisionist zionist death cult deceives and perverts western politicians into flooding their countries with futureless migrants, including 'muslim terrorists', war refugees (who they created),...
That same cult, decades from now, will present itself as saviors and OPENLY occupy those nations and their unelected governments.
CONFIRMED: Taleb al-Abdulmohsen, the alleged attacker at the Magdeburg Christmas market, in Germany, is a brainwashed supporter of the genocidal Israeli government. And highly likely is a disposable Mossad asset. Simply look through his Twitter/X account.
Hal Turner is even worse than Alex Jones when it comes to sensational 'alternative' infotainment.
The EU is a fake authority. When will everyone understand that? The entire construction is a hoax.
Who actually believes this narrative.
The most important event of all time for humanity, until today, if it happened.
The tapes should normally be put in a triple-lock vault because they would be the most valuable assets that the U.S. government has ever had or created.
There are no ifs or buts in this case.
It has everything to do with this:
"There will be a plethora of malevolent attacks in 2025 with new technology by state and non-state actors. Russia and China will also come under attack. It will be a constant brush fire of information attacks." - Lewis Shepherd, Pentagon advisor, director at VMWare, 12/11/2020
"Information attacks" is very broad....
That was 5 years ago. They already knew what will happen in 2025 because it has all been planned and scripted for several decades.
I already mentioned this before, many long-term agendas have 2025 as their target.
Similar as the many agendas that had 2020 as their target.
Not once, in more than 15 years, have I come across anything that indicates that Jesuits control the EU, the UN, the US, Russia, China.
While researching the political religion communitarianism, too, I have never come across anything about the Jesuits.
I have come across dozens and dozens and dozens of facts and pieces of evidence that document how the revisionist zionist death cult does control the EU, the UN, the US, Russia, China.
And how political communitarianism is rooted in that same death cult's mysticism, and that it is headquartered in Saturn Nation - Zion.
The hyper-normalized mainstream media:
Shameless recycling of the 'Iran almost has a nuclear bomb' story, ironically started by Netanyahu himself decades ago.
Complaining about the same guy, Benjamin Netanyahu, trying to shut you down. While still believing his propaganda!
There is a clear pattern that indicates that the entirety of "COVID19" is a revisionist zionist war campaign against all the enemies of their death cult.
It is part of their conmunitarian agenda for full-spectrum dominance and tyranny, worldwide, of which the "Community 2020" program is a part.
They got their war campaign backed by NATO, meaning in all of Europe, the US and Canada.
Communitarianism = zionism = communism = freemasonry.
World war 3 started on March 11, 2020.
Expansion of Israeli territory will happen, the revisionist zionist mafia will do anything and buy anyone to assure it gets its Greater Israel.
And Putin and Jinping will not stop that from happening. In fact, they are helping to achieve it.
It was really about hardcore implementation of the communitarian agenda, as initiated in the 1990s, of which "Community 2020" was a central program.
It was also really about killing people, a slow-kill program. Still ongoing.
It was also really about medical experimentation. To improve weapons of mass destruction/mass kill.
Life extension is not for the transhumanist masses. It's for the transhumanist heads of corporations and other higher level assets.
Transhumanism is very central in the communitarian agenda, so is 'climate change'.
Their transhumanism is a merger of human and machine, in order to better control the human. Not to let him live longer. At least not the average person.
The transhumanist person, a communitarian asset, is then controlled through unelected 'authority' or governance (avatars/gamification). When government and the multinational corporation have fully merged as well.
When you look at Sara Netanyahu, it's like staring at the personification of hell.
I'm trying to find all my articles and reports on my devices and online, several were republished by others.
It was published on my website, which has been offline since 2021
What more is there to say. Everyone already knows the fires were started on purpose. And why they do so.
They've been doing it for decades.
DEWs are 1980s knowledge.