Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes but different units, arriving differently. Very quick dispatch. Some wearing jeans. Not Swat, all in different gear. They were very well trained, but at points who went first. Also armed all differently.

It suggests a task force. Or perhaps just normal and specialised PD in Nashville have been better than other shootings.

Although who knows?

The shooter in final position was illogical cover, open. No return. This is probable on a psycho. But illogical against sharpshooter.

The Cameras on school go to a Central Hub it is monitored obviously response went to training for this scenario.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Further back then that with the emissions scandal? When VW, BMW were rigging emissions. A few other scandals with it.

The problem now today is it's a huge recession. How many banks and counting, and we are barely through the year.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

The flames on the shoes are in the final still of the dead body on the ground. When it is announced the suspect is down.

Curiously. Has special task forces been set up since other shootings. Because the time of arrival and clear was precision.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is much worse than that. Far worse than just an I.D. It's bulk data collection from porn sites. It in turn builds profiles of the user. The I.D establishes the generic login. By establishing a login it's sooner collecting full content/site history away from the websites forced to comply. It is on browsers, wasn't on adult sites until passing specific site passes. The sites could only sell to adult based subscriptions. Until now faster fully complying with user activity via a pass for the user. Simply how is the verification being established? Look at that data collection.

Getting really sick of these cunts and "their" Internet. Their dystopia. It has nothing to do with children either.

The solution was a child android based internet and browsers specific only to minors. With tailored devices. Instead of the shitshow today. It was real obvious and real simple. Separating children's content completely away from adult content. Instead of the bullshit locks on an adult Internet. They simply did not need the same content, media, and browsers.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

The timing is always good enough for the supreme court to rule on.

It's about time any status is questioned.

Serious questions on why they're allowed guns if the majority have mental health, but the same mental health conditions aren't granted firearms.

If on that diagnosis why indeed are Trans teaching etc, and being promoted as a sane and responsible choice?

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trans shouldn't have guns. They even admitted it. And on that recommendation. Why are trans allowed positions, in society?

Read it. Many struggle with extreme mental health conditions. Their words. Anybody else isn't issued guns if that is the diagnosis, they're a danger. How are they in the military? Why are they teachers?

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

As soon as they do everybody else dies. The population explodes. The British Empire is well to aware of this. It banned and outlawed traditions that otherwise culled or controlled the same populace. I guess it didn't care so long as it sold more redundant solutions it imposed. Redundant now, it no longer controls. But any population is at a tipping point. Still it thinks the same governance works for all, when it doesn't. They will never be educated or governed the same.

Killing people is illegal. Unless there are grounds too. War. Policing. Other various debatable reasons.

Take away the death penalty more people are killed by murder yes? Take away the gun, crime increases? Take away religion, there are the lawless. Etc etc.

There is no perfect World in fact opposites work more than we'd ever realise.

America's problem today is it is at its most divided. This is what causes it to occur. It never occurred historically outside of crime. Today it's a narrative instead of a crime. And then it wasn't schools. What's wrong with that shit. Publicity is for a start. Education secondly.

The rise in school shootings isn't directly attributed to the gun, but the media and technology. Computers, phones, social media. Obviously increasing societal problems the greater any divide becomes and perpetuated.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1


by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 5 points ago +6 / -1

Not if you're mental, there are no rights to own a gun if you're a danger to yourself and others.

There are clear debates on Transgenders, perhaps they should be medically cleared. The drugs they're taking have clear warning labels on them. They are undergoing changes, equivalent, and worse than teenagers going through puberty. Would you give a gun to a hormonal child. No.

Besides I was being sarcastic. If people are calling on bans. Look no further.

The gun isn't at fault. It's a tool, a collector's item, a hobby, a sport, a weapon. The problem is a lot of other individual factors. These don't tend to exist where there is responsibility.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trans shouldn't have guns

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I find being a gentleman works almost anywhere. Anywhere there are gentleman.

Prejudice is in each of us, we all have preference. But to get along requires manners, simple curtesy, dignity, and kindness. However manners rarely help those who have none, or those who resent you anyway. They only goad resentment. Because there are plenty about who will rob you blind, and treat your goodwill and nature with tyranny, and abuse. It doesn't matter their background, demographic, or status.

This shit, topic, there's only ignorance and blame. It doesn't solve anything. In fact, the pendulum only swings. What are they solving. Nothing. They're a simple reflection of what they claim to be against. It is indeed themselves.

As far as what's wrong today it was even hearing this shit. It has nothing to do with education. An education that should be teaching something else, a skill, trade, or profession, importantly professionalism.

But God damn it today. It has become intolerable on almost every level. The solutions offered are becoming the worst. The narrative is a can of worms. Lies, deceit, blame, ignorance, and greed.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is being used for far worse.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why do they bleach? Look skin bleaching.

They hate themselves more and so they blame whites. Simple psychology with these dumb dumbs. It's always in reverse. They are the dumbest propagandists this globe has seen. So dumb we should just deport them, problem solved.

The problem with their whiteness. Fuck off not interested.

Anywhere else I swear, incarcerates the insane. Not today with these types struggling to cope with their obvious disorders, it must be part of the trannish trend. It was a problem with their whiteness. Because no where else on the Planet gives their identity crisis a platform. Imagine it. Don't, it doesn't exist. Any teaching seminar then becomes for their special needs at coping. Not interested. The problem with dumb people, they aren't clever unless they're blaming everything else.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not necessarily at all. War could be coming perhaps. Not enough to measure it from Starlink.

Starlink who uses remote access? Sat phones or uplinks in Antarctica, a desert, the jungle, a mountain, or needs that connection and away from local providers and coverage?

Look at that list? No wonder it was immediately contracted to the Ukraine. First major contract and it's the military. Why was that? Because it was already, right, to the USA military and perhaps its other Allies?

War incoming, perhaps, let me know when they capture something else, non military funded.

A bigger Mandela effect is all the crappy sources flipping out because Russia is stationing nukes in Belarus. This has been a source of crap over the last few days. Somehow this already happened last year. At the start of the conflict they were stationed in Kaliningrad and Belarus had the S400-500. But if memory serves Belarus already hosted Russian nukes, it has always hosted Russian nukes? Does anybody remember this. How many times last year deployment was announced or even threatened. Last week nothing but nonsense repeating what was already possibly there for much longer? Nuclear Bombers were there? Kaliningrad definitely had the latest arsenal. Belarus the S400-500. Didn't it also have nukes?

Yawn. I swear. Nothing but repetition today.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hahaha. Hahaha. Hahaha.

Who gave the satellites their permission? The Government gave permission and therefore was in all probability using them first? Funding came from.

Is this why all calls for how they are blocking the night sky and obstructing space observation and any other concerns have been ignored, but even more are offering coverage.

Don't be naive.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Umm. Military use civilian assets all the time and they can even roster them into service, seizing assets. Who knows who cares? They are contracted and funded to extents and clauses within the Ukraine. Why is it a conspiracy? When in fact it is providing coverage in active war zone. A war zone subjected to jammers and communication outages where sat phones and uplinks provide another means of communication as lines and power grids are disrupted. But does it make any satellites a target?

Besides the conspiracy is although it was privately developed for remote access, in most locations covered, who are its main contractors? Think you'll find military and other branches of government had been using it more? Outside of bigger corporations.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Far far more than any humans will care to admit and declassify.

Example, simple proof. You say around these new smart devices you're looking for a product as a conversation with your friend away from them. Suddenly there's the advertising of it. It's being spammed. Hardly subliminal. It has done that. Can it get stronger. Much stronger.

What is providing your netflix recommendations, and searches. Etc. How are these statistic being quantified into volumes. Surely humans must think they can switch it off or turn it on. It drives any sales.

What are the bots doing on Social Media. These vicious little entities are faster running amok. Searching and destroying any dissent against the programmed script or advertising. While generating endless advertising. Like a generic computer game, where they're now beating humans at every core level of difficulty. Think they proved this already with league of legends and other gaming outside of chess and go. Poker. Others using them. Are they at a level where they've started using them by mimicking gamers, and forming clans, in phone games and games with heavy investment for lootboxes and skins. Yes.

Far worse when managing day trading and selling stocks.

Growing crops, birthing them, caring for, transporting, repairing, building. Killing.

Until the programs are writing the programming.

In response how much control? More than anybody cares to admit. It compromises their own control. What they have admitted are these devices are fully monitoring, cameras, mics, searches, and that advertising is being run by bots.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, I just wanted turn him into a human sacrifice. Sarcasm.

I cannot help responding. Yes, a fair point. However they don't want good info, they believe what they like, attacking anybody questioning their belief. Of course some try another tactic because a good comment is made, and so they goad it to try and derail it hoping to destroy it. I don't know how that logic works, but it seems probable. I'd rather halt them, completely. So I fire back, using a stronger insult, as another tactic that always works, because their next response becomes completely insane. Although granted was easily proved to begin with.

Ultimately, I hope my comment holds.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes absolutely. Those costs are how much and this is what medicine and a very evil A.I seek to achieve. I believe A.I is behind so much more of the rift we now face, perhaps accidentally through the technology, but much more is another agenda of its insertion and acceptance.

Prior to computer games did they even exist to the extents now. Until now somebody playing a female character is called a trans, according to their activists. If a child plays with dolls or dresses in opposites, they should get the puberty blockers. Because even a baby knows it doesn't want to be its biology. This is what that community are claiming. Until kids and stalkers online are assuming opposites to bait, win, or simply experience via technology. Strange Days. Gamer. Predestination. So many others.

That goal of medicine and A.I, Skinchangers. Transhumanism. The fountain of infernal life. Holodecks. The more it peers into the brain the greater macabre and abnormal.

Until today that conspiracy is complete divergence.

Imagine endless wealth, assuming bodies off clones and 3d printing, or a metaverse where there are no natural laws, just images and holograms.

But that conspiracy is becoming through its wizardry, skin changing not just female and male, but the very pigmentation. No sooner discarding clones, but downloading memory, and transplanting brains. Today through CGI it can pop up anywhere, no sooner leading entire populations. Because it seeks unlimited power until it has conquered, and become immortal.

It's pharma behind their insertion and technology promising solutions. Otherwise any rogue genes would have naturally adapted contrarily or not.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Umm. Detrans isn't really an option. Especially if they've stopped puberty prior. And the costs. By that time perhaps they're so mental anyway. The shoe never fits. Those drugs are powerful. They're taking them daily. Highs and lows. Voices in their head, and bodily as well. They get through their day how. It is sad, unless winners, inserting themselves how, and losers bearing the consequences how, sociopathically.

It's not necessarily about the community at large not accepting them. Their choice, it impacts, not only them, those they assumed status with. Until it's far more about their own hemispheres, brain, in such a state of constant conflict with their body, mind, and soul. Constant regression, a sickness, many turn to drugs and medication. It in turns costs longevity and mortality.

The stick works like the carrot. But the problem being currently is that there are no consequences being taught not honestly, it is dividing, because instead it's just the promises of acclaim. When there is none apart from their choice, that epiphany is often a disaster, or perhaps there are the few that gain success.

But it has usurped biology on the notion of impairment until it impairs. Rather then teaching it is in fact a hybrid. It teaches success. Not the case. Because it is a hybrid that should have humanity, but not equality in the sense of the same natural rights, where it like any freedom should have responsibility and consent. A responsibility is never a virus.

Put them all on Madagascar and they'd die off even sooner. They'd turn into Lord of the Flies. Any leper colony emerging wouldn't survive a decade. Harsh. Apology. But seriously they're feeding on society, it is nurturing a hybrid. A hybrid that cannot survive without a host. The host is society and not only the body they've assumed. The body assumed above and previous is faster fraught and often quite unsustainable and irreconcilable.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're a nigger. Look, no intelligence. Just a dumb thoughtless response.

You're the racist. People like me? No, dumb dumb, people like you.

I can show you Masonic, Human Sacrifice, it would be speculation. But it has proof of ardious rituals to the point of a human gauntlet. I know of other perversions in society where dark deeds have occurred, they have had mason's attending. I can even go into detail how it was joked about them, because there are rituals in their order. I don't need too. Christianity has a cross and Jesus.

But dumb fucking nigger. You're an individual not a race. You insulted first. My opinion being as good as yours despite of whatever little dumb dumbs you think are better.

The point being that's a grand lodge. It isn't the place where a chain is broken. It instead cements its creed. It isn't from breaking the law in such a manner compromising it. It would be powerless in an instant if it didn't carry normality on its surface. Who knows what its individuals are capable of. Is it a corruption, no it's a pillar. Today less than ever.

As far as the evidence submitted. It is nonsense. Just bullshit.

Bullshit you crave. It makes you guilty, if it's where you get your thrills and amusement. But it is baseless.

Listen to it. Anybody can lie, there are simple ways of identifying them.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a medical experiment. It has a never ending supply of guinea pigs, and profit. Experimenting on a host of drugs and surgery and social conditioning. These people are often dumb enough. The rest are profiteering.

The drugs used, hormones, are a leading cause of cancer. Estrogen is cancerous. As well as the rest of their drugs cabinet. The longevity of Trans is the equivalent of being terminally ill, decades less than their biology.

The entire time their body's regress, fighting against an intrusive and artifical change. Their mind also fights against the change. Imagine looking in the mirror and instead of a butterfly they see a monster. Instead of fame, there's endless medicine and therapy. Many become predators, seeking to harm themselves, their suicide rate is the highest out of any event and demographic and psychology. Cause affect. Others faster commit crime, and sex crimes. Predators often choosing to hurt society in twisted ways, because it convinces them their status is acclaimed. So they push for more harm, having kids when changed, more surgery, or greater insertion into society's acceptance. The risks and costs are irresponsible, never mind the care is selfish, pronouns. The highest proportion of Trans are involved in Media and Porn and Prostitution. The rest insert themselves into teaching, programming, sports, law, etc, positions and activities that force a wedge, or their recognition. Because of the nature behind them. It is sociopathic. Trans through psychology are sociopaths, having disorders, not healthy minds, medical and brain conditions requiring prescriptions that without becoming trans the same brain conditions are often incarcerated, or under repeated therapy if not finding another means of assumed acceptance, and victimisation.

I have nothing against them. Except freedom of choice carries the responsibility of freedom of consent. They can choose, and make any choice, if the rest of society has consent. Their biology isn't inserted without consent. It is restricted from the same biology which it isn't, because it is identified as a hybrid.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

You're a nigger.

If all you gained from a detailed response is I am guilty of your absurdity. It was about the dumbest thing you could say.

At what point am I an intellectual, guilty of rationalising. I know it's when a dumb person says so.

Slave. Maybe I should human sacrifice you?

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