Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Glorified BB guns. Except they fire more rounds more rapidly.

They have no range, and no stopping power, but can probably do moderate damage in close quarters.

Goes through 3 mil of wood, and glass bottles. At a range of what distance a few yards?

Hardly the future of weapons, charge guns, shit shit, the battery is depleted, we were out ranged and out gunned. Because the battery ran out.

But this shit is. DEWs. I don't think they operate on batteries?



Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They work like the morphine works. How does it work. Opioids?

Shrooms can cause mental health, in fact they alter perception causing addiction. Like ketamine can cause permanent psychosis, k-hole. The brain freezes. It can put into a coma. It's a rape drug. Tranquillisers. Suddenly you're complaining about the topic of the cannibals.

Tell me how this worked. So they prepare the iowaska for their spirit walk. The next thing there's the Wendigo. While off spirit walking they summoned a rapist? They were slow cooked by the cannibals? It turned them into a Wendigo? Like there's the tribe and there's a maniac flipping out?

But but but. It didn't try these things. It had the health benefits??

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea, mouth full of vagina. You tell yourself this. Such innocent monks.

No. Children had no rights in Buddhism until 1971.

They put them through a gauntlet. Shaolin. How many die. Kids are given to Buddhism What happens. Rest of Buddhism sell kids to pervets like Jimmy Savile, he had the Buddhist enlightment training, like they give them to monastery. It's the Tiger Sanctuary, making the Chinese medicines, entire freezers full of tiger parts, fresh carcasses, profiting off of all the free tigers. Same as Elephant sanctuary. Buddhists paved over Ganesh. It was the first marker on the Asian trade routes. Then Buddha. But the children. Read the Wiki. No sin in Buddhism. They weren't wiping his monkship's arse. Why is he shoving a tongue down their throat? They bathe with the gurus. They dress him. Why? Supreme leader tells what to do. Those monks aren't celibate. Buddhism doesn't forbid intercourse. Celibate don't marry. Not, not fuck.

Happening look at all those links I can bring up millions more, decades and decades of it.

It just so happens to be the religion you like. The karmic one. You can come back in the next life as a clam. It doesn't matter if you identify as a vagina. Buddhism has provided the perfect philosophy?

Tell me it ain't so. Please? Convince it isn't corrupted. Look at the causality.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Buddhists especially.

Where do the perverts go? Tell me these cultures?

As far as it being widespread in that culture look at those links. Unsafe places for children, practically being put into law.

Never mind the amount of concurrent rape occurring to any dumb millennials seeking the enlightenment.

I used to think they were clean. Until the tiger sanctuary shocked the crap out of me. Then I remember watching a host of movies on the Buddhist, trafficking. So many right? They were trafficking the kids.

Don't want to know more apart from the millions of hits on simple searches. Not a topic I want to digress more of. It gets dark. The kids bathe their gurus.

As a generalisation I thought better of them. No they're like all religions. Probably worse in some regards because any Eastern philosophy caused the gender diaspora. It reincarnated identifying as the freak knows.


Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes I added the conjecture. There is far too much bullshit in it.

I fired off a response in line with the England I knew. Simple if they don't identify as girls they should apologise. At no point is a customary greeting usurped. The same greeting employed in every school at the start of lessons. Of which is replied by students, greeting the teacher, afternoon Miss/Mrs. Not spark dumber protest.

Then you commented, and I painstakingly tried to read the article. I did what it did, make up bullshit.

There is too much nonsense in it, least of all in the wording. A dyslexic wrote it. They obviously have issues, trying to formalise insanity.

Yes the school fired, let her go. She created activists. That brainwashing was from her core subjects. These aren't even on the national curriculum today, dropped for years. Private school at the same price as a standard Uni, doesn't either. Perhaps it provides Sex Ed. However unless the formal form and class greeting has been replaced. It hasn't anywhere else. This article is spewing manure. It has a lot of inverted speculation. Where perhaps it is goading its content. Reverse psychology. Insert the hoohaw. Simply because it creates the retorts in a Conservative paper. It then goes and becomes dystopian. All schools must adopt Manning's philosophy.

There simply hasn't been enough to go on, and it wasn't written properly. There are far easier ways of writing that article without any pronouns. Where it hasn't spoke properly. Read it. Instead it created what seems to be conjecture.

She's a gay teacher teaching what subjects? It tired to suggest there was a potty mouth tranny protesting, her formal greeting. Where was any subversion. The tranny not identifying as a girl, learnt the pronouns online, or had her own classes taught them?

Who cares. Except that the formal customary greeting isn't being replaced. It isn't proper form. Despite whatever feeble protests, identifying as God knows.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

A Tranny wrote it. Sanchez Manning, Chelsea's doppelganger. It has more holes than the titanic. Can it try to speak properly for once. A complete soup of misappropriation's.

The teacher got herself fired. Because she had been brainwashing the kids. She's a gay teacher teaching gay subjects. They don't even need a vocabulary, curriculum. Budgeting fired her for being in the teacher strikes. She was always the first to demand a pay rise.

Okay she taught them those terms in her orientation class, look at the gay subjects she taught, but the tricksy little bitches weren't having none of it. Especially not the hypothetical tranny, who identifed as a rat. The parents of it obviously provided the surgery.

I find the entire article to be conjecture.

20k a year is almost cheaper than a public school's costs. Prestigious. I doubt it. 20k a year was 3 decades ago. Actually believe it is close to standard Uni tuition.

The entire article doesn't try to make any sense. It was written by an idiot.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

What a load of shit on the shovel. Maybe the girls should apologise to their teacher for not being girls?

If they took offense to not being girls it make sense they should apologise

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yea bullshit.

Plants have been infecting humans forever. There are plants with toxins that can kill. Australia has this, a type of plant powerful enough to kill off its posion on its hairs. https://www.newsweek.com/world-most-dangerous-shrub-suicide-plant-looks-like-1592015. There are poisonous spores, plenty of types of mushrooms. I am allergic to certain pines, it gives me a rash if I brush the leaves with my skin. Like poison ivy. Everybody knows about stinging nettle stings. Is it possible to enter anaphylaxis from plants. Probably, nut allergies. Cactuses again. Flowers with deadly pollen.

The article's immune system suffered from? A growth caused by plants, like a sting inflammation? An infection by plants? Amazing. What's hayfever? The immune system suffered an allergic response?


I read this crappy advert when that series came on. I thought you know what it's bullshit. Nothing to see.

Tree syndrome isn't caused by plants. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidermodysplasia_verruciformis. There are no plants like the insects that literally take over their hosts. https://phys.org/news/2021-10-parasitic-wasps-insects-zombies-millions.html


The Wokest of us, was shite.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You have the gay fetish. Read it. If you know a gay person, it's because you're gay. You said this repeatedly. Look at the topic. Obvious trauma.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You said this. You said if you know a gay person it's because you're gay, and Satan was pegging you.

Why did you write this?

I didn't claim other people were gay because they hang around with known gay people.

You did. You claimed Satan made you do it. Get back in the closet, Satan.

I didn't choose an anal name either. Traxx. You did.

No factually no. I didn't make these claims. It wasn't Satan either. It's Traxx guilty conscience, he conspired with assdigger. Undeniably proving association makes him, a? What's this word Traxx?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought it's because's he is a Reptilian and it was controlling his avatar.


Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Bullshit study on blood. It didn't get much further. It didn't anti age. It provided some vitality benefits. Cognetive functions.

The study was inconclusive. Surgically attached mice? Hahaha. It aged the donor, younger mice rapidly, but provided the older mice with improved cognitive functions. So what.

They went on to test it. Old people were given blood transfusions at 6k a pop. How did that go?

You haven't researched it much more, that was almost a decade ago. 2014. So what went wrong? It was taking over from other studies again the research went dark. Stopped. 1930-50s? Something. Then decades later back to it.

Kim Jung Il, right? Supposedly transfused virgin blood regularly. How old did he live for? There have been others transplanting very young organs.

Stemcells, are in treatments, creams, organ transplants, plastic surgery. They are far more effective.

But where there are the claims of increased longevity is manipulating the DNA by editing the genes of the mice. They have lived for around 30% longer.

This cannot be done on humans or you're creating clones, suggestively they can faster be harvested for benefits. Or it's new human beings grown by artifical insemination and embryo manipulation by gene editing. They have done this to some extents. Researching it more in quite a few programs. More is off the grid. Studies not Googled. But claims of.

That tech isn't there yet. To knowledge.

But the blood shit is pretty much myth outside of some vitality benefits. Almost everything else has similar claims of vitality.

Or find what happened to the rest of that linked study? It's been almost a decade 2014, whatever. Same as it did decades ago I'd imagine. The stuff of vampires. Myths and cannibals.

The fundamental problem is if somebody has cracked it. They'd never publicise it. It to my knowledge has not, not by blood, because it has a heap of other problems related on repeated transfusion.

They've started the clones. Unclear how cloned. I think they've almost done it all outside of a surrogate. How cloned, a cloned emybro put into a surrogate and artificially inseminated yes? Except I believe they've done the whole thing artificially. I am shocked it has gone ahead. Not that shocked. Matter of time. Despite everybody else spewing ethics.



Because this, .https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-50944461

Above probably went off the medical record and got integrated into blacks ops. Who knows.

One way or another?



Back to the blood. Yawn. The above is there. Its implications are far worse.

Whatever retard. That stupid down vote. Because you needed to prove what topically? You linked shit regarding a 2014 study. How far did those transfusions go? The human trials. Did they stop aging? What are you down voting?

Instead like a generic monkey. You haven't understood me. Because you needed a myth of vampirism?

Here are synthetic mice being grown https://www.cam.ac.uk/stories/model-embryo-from-stem-cells

Here is mice anti aging


Outside of the above. Here is where that tech is https://interestingengineering.com/science/anti-aging-30-years

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

It's bullshit. Adrenochrome is oxidised epinephrine. Epinephrine still does that job. It being used to treat anaphylaxis, poison etc. Dopamine is also another.

Stem cells are the current anti aging revitalisation treatment.

Some have suggested and tried blood, many myths around it, fresh virgin and baby blood. It possibly provides some vitality, what doesn't, seriously, picture it, need to kill for the hunger, you're gonna live to get fed, dining on whatever appetite, until you still drop dead, because it doesn't stop aging.

What is showing some signs of stopping aging is dna manipulation gene editing prior to insemination. And it is showing some potential in current experiments on mice and such.

This topic is nonsense. Although it's not impossible. There are sick perverted people. But they don't live forever

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was a Minecraft recruitment center? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Give the little rats some cheese. It might psy out. Or it can be used for wider strategy.

If indeed there is any validity. We still got a bunch of unverified speculation. The cult of leaker, leaks. Who would've concluded? 21 years olds don't, despite their access. Go figure.

Ultimately cross sharing platforms are gonna get the censors.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

They really don't. Since Snowden is there more or less trust in even more invasive solutions. Did his warnings use that coverage to adopted them? Facial cams, more tech employing. While stoking that the Chinese are also engaging. 5G, Huawei, tik tok, etc. Until every narrative immediately after was it's the Russians. Censorship, sanctions, restriction. Drones or whatever caused more or less drones, it caused far more. They're even fully automated killer drones now? Those networks all of them, opened to further government protocols and usage. Until Pegasus is a Google App. They put Pegasus in your shopping trolley.

The gullible do what they're told as the policy becomes what agenda.

Who knows what that complete architecture is but it often causes a reverse. It has been designed to cause it.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

John Kirby authorised it. It's why it has hit all the reactors and fact checkers. Reverse psychology.

They feed and run psyops. Intel they can blame, causing an adverse reaction, used to convince the gullible to act on.

Strategically planted. It has been happening for decades.

Or tell me the USA has worse protocols than any other basic network?

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

I cannot believe the level of journalism there. The BBC undoubtedly uses better protocols. Let's try to find the payslips. It's not uncommon see the audits these can be accessed by thousands of personnel? On what planet.

Ep0ch 7 points ago +7 / -0

It hasn't said anything. But it thinks to explain it?

Read article. It uses an example of both Snowden and Manning. They leaked particular access relevant to their framework. They both held specific roles. They weren't national guard either.

Laughably bullshit. It also stresses copied files. No explanation. Except lacks protocol.

When the media is all over this, it's bullshit.

Now it's profiling the leaker. Far right, racist blah blah. Who were Snowden and Manning?

Since both Snowden and Manning. That access has what??? Had more or less access? Since big leaks and counter recruitment has protocol tightened or loosened?

Absurdly bullshit.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nobody has seen them all. They just pop up in the press.



More than 100.

At what point. His clearance has permission yes. It accesses a particular archive. If it downloads, or prints, there are records. Even your home computer has records, and scripts. Never mind secure access databases for top secrets. Because any archive has layers for its individual permissions. As I.T support perhaps there are some means to breach an archive, this isn't very easy, if he had credentials to support it. But it would be remarkable because they aren't stored on random bases, granting unlimited access. Back to the topic video. The documents had archive codes on them, one from the commentator is CIA only. Not military. It can only be accessed by top personnel.

Aside some of the documents seen were copies. They had different types of ink. They also had archive codes.

What the fuck is a national guard janitor, grooming a cult of leakers for the perfect leak. He sat on Minecraft waiting for the fact checkers? Seriously.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, I don't think so. Yes from bird flu, cow diseases, and pig diseases. Yes perhaps were regular occurrences, last decade. They have steadily been causing rising prices. Meanwhile there has been industrial accidents to industry.

But I will empathically state the number of accidents to agriculture, processing, distribution, haulage and freight, and other industrial accidents has exploded in this admin. Rates unparalleled in frequency outside of otherwise natural disease or weather.

It's no conspiracy, and fucking assholes are making multi millions on it. Food prices exploding are profiting the wealthiest. I also believe many freight accidents have similar patterns, but is harder to establish.

What are the stocks transported on those freight trains. Which industries use those goods? What does the shortfall cause?

Dive into it. I guarantee it's no accident. An accident is a one off. It isn't a repeated occurrence gaining in frequency. Intentional sabotage. Profit. Agenda. Or an enemy. Something stinks.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You haven't seen all the documents. There were reportedly 100s.

The one paper. It is in various colors, it requires a print out, access code, entry, copier. Even civilians have better protocols. As in code to access the copier. Most have cctv in their building. Or server records. Record of access, and prints. On multiple tiers. They require access codes for any layers of archive. Requiring access permissions. Example banking. Security. Accounting. Property. Etc name them. Even retail. You know this. We all do.

It's remarkable an entire trove of documents was accessible, by a low tier operative.

It is factually obscene. Not possible.

When certain documents had the access codes on them. Not the access code, that individualised to your permission. But the archive code. He in this video is directly commenting from a code only accessible to the CIA.

Who has all the permissions. Only senior staff. Directors of national security. Or senior governance.

There are breaches to mainframes, servers. Again there are logs, logins, print outs, permissions.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

No guy. You lick the World with a big slobbering tongue. Nomnomnom

by pkvi
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not happening. Look at France right now. People will destroy their monetary banking systems long before this shit. Idiots like that larper sell them. He has the diamond platinum credit, it is faster asking for the donations.

At what point? Think. It would have to be enforced by a government where entire populations would become anarchic. By that time the monetary systems is broke. How much of a population would rally against it. Look at France on a change to the ecosystem, lifestyle. Now consider what you're saying. What figure is that. It would get violent to the point of cities getting burnt down.

Literally ridiculous. Charged extra, to be alive, on top of existing taxes and inflation by a bank already raising its interest rates. As the costs of living are soaring. Think about it.

Cities would be burnt down. Unless that pay rises far higher.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was replying about the leak I just cannot get my head around apart from yes please, stop all the freemium phone games. They need to go. They're mostly made in China. Get rid of them. Problem solved.

I misunderstand you. Since 2015 it has seen an increase in these industrial disasters where prior they were otherwise one off's. There have been chemical plants, and fertiliser explosions, and occasional haulage, freight trains derailments, and tanker spills prior. Or have they been dramatically increasing in this admin more and more increasing in count yearly today? Specifically targeting food distribution and processing, and freight and transport. As well as perhaps others?

Until something really stinks. Why isn't this been monitored at this point. National guard, security services, regulators securing? Those numbers are no accident.

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