Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

Increase the number of events. Because nobody intelligent can deny the impact of the climate crisis. Was that his cabinet? God forbid.

I think he meant increase a response to the weather events. But damn if anybody knows?

Why would you increase the number of climate events. It's not intelligent. At what point do they become unstoppable?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Unfortunately it's nice to know the truth. But that's not a Ukrainian if it was the CIA.

It was doing the same thing over there.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Absolutely. So why would they use a laser? It seems redundant. You can start a fire a zillion ways. But guys we need the DEW, that way they won't suspect the fire? You have to be autistic. Or trying to sell lasers

Kinetic Bombardment is more plausible than a DEW hitting the Planet from space.

Yes there are space lasers. Are they influencing the weather sooner becomes debatable. You don't need trillion watt lasers either. Seeding still plays a role. But they're reading the weather. Providing Lidar. GPS. Laser targeting for missiles etc.

And there are DEWs in space, for disabling enemy satellites. Perhaps stopping re-entry vehicles. Although that tech isn't as sophisticated or as powerful as anything on the ground.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Again you're writing letters to people. Because you're a Troon. What the fuck is that?

Who does that. I mean seriously? A stalker. Fuck off. A nigger stalker obviously. Wahaa he said nigger. Look at that. Here comes somebody offended. So offensive? Why? Are you a nigger? I mean you're stalking people. Because they said nigger. There you are wahaaa, letters to people. Telling them what they should say, because you're offended. Why is that, seriously? Then your name, it's an oxymoron.

As far as being uneducated went, this forum is full of it. Read your name.

Takes offense

Stalks people

Trolls people with bullshit. It has nothing to do with the topic. The Jewish religion being gay or not.

Has a LGBTQ name

God damn. Somebody else make a psychological profile for this person. Profile apexveritas. They are clearly what? Tell me? Delusional. Look at those symptoms. It's no wonder why they're such.

You made it personal. I wanted to know who the stalker is? I baited. In response, here comes the problem. Are you that stalker. Look at your checklist. It wasn't me commenting. I am still being attacked. Every post. By. Obviously somebody attacking me because wahaa I should being saying things like them, thinking like them. An echo chamber? Of dumb little monkeys? No what? Tell me you dumbass? You're as bad and worse. You're on a conspiracy site yet you are as dystopian. Worse. You believe in more fiction than fact.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Are you nuts? You don't know where the Ukraine is.

There is no commercial flight anywhere near the pole.

How about you go and Google it. Filling in the missing gaps of your education. Instead of telling me what you think you know.

I get really tired of this forum certain members telling me stuff that is common knowledge. They could Google it in 5 minutes. Instead they write a bunch of crap. Go on Google it.


Not over the pole, avoided. They shout hoohaw it's the pole. Everything in the entire arctic circle, can be vaguely accredited as the pole. Is it over the center, the black circle on that map. It's around it. That distance is actually quite significant, how many miles are we talking from that black circle area, there, to the flightpath. How close to it?

When I saw the former route posted. The airspace is questionable. Again technically, what flight goes over the Pole, through that black circle.

Those concerns were, as stated.

Further concerns are if the airspace remains open. Today's sanctions?

Meanwhile there is another concern coming up in frequency since the airspace opened up. Increasing more recently. Health, the radiation exposure. In the arctic is higher. Whether or not Planet Dystopia cares, most humans would rather holiday. Most humans don't even care if the country went into civil war, they'd only care about their holiday. Well it's becoming any increasing concern and statistic.

If we did an area like the other picture of the South Pole. A continent. Is it similar? One has a better representation. Because it's a land mass. The flight path doesn't go over it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's obviously cannibals with monkey poxx.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

No, you cannot. At all. Flight tends to avoid it. Completely avoid it. There are very Satellites there. The Planet's magnetism renders compasses, navigation, kaput. Meanwhile there's the obvious weather.

Nowhere near the Pole, yes flight goes to Anchorage, and Greenland. But it doesn't passes by the Pole there.

Your planned route is very close to it. Risk zone. Weather as well.

Aside you have fuel problems. You'd have to refuel. It diverts any path considerably.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Read it right there. Flat Earthers are retards. Does that look like the Ukraine to you? Where is the Ukraine. Point it out on that map?

Every single one of them has almost no education. Like the basics. Math. Science. Geography.

Russia still has international flight. Despite of sanctions.

The route takes it over the pole. Flight is diverted due to the Planet's magnetism and cold affecting it.

The flight needs to refuel is the biggest problem.

Until despite of the supposedly less flights and blah blah the climate, They're making a Europe to Sydney in 2 hours. Hypersonic flight is being developed. They tried reentry commerically, but it failed, largely still unmanned, outside of astronauts.

The problem on that route is the pole and refueling.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

DEW lasers for the Maui fires. Same principle. All they had to do was feed it to the trolls. The same trolls running the scam UFO database, a bunch of shills and larpers.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You've lost that plot. What happened prior to the 80s? Wouldn't it be a safe bet those idiots don't think that far ahead. I mean it simply repeats itself, because they simply profit off it. The only thing that has occurred until it causes the same cycles.

No demonic rituals involved. Simple profit. Create Problem Cause Solution. Until it's more dystopia for the problems they cause profiting off of. The World is existentially threatened by its greed.

Prior to those 80s and its little mini renaissance of nothing but obnoxious consumption we are now going back too? You tell me.

As far as those wars caused by 911. They would've occurred regardless. They armed them.

Had been arming them before the 80s. Then had hot proxy wars like Korea, Nam. Or missile crisis. It had stupid Aliens and Space races. It had new Atomic energy and the electronics. It had a bunch of emerging nuclear powers. India, Pakistan, Israel. Etc

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Like DEW lasers, starting Wildfires from Space. See how that works. Now they can blame all the Aliens.

What Aliens. But but the zap zap zapping Maui wildfires are so real, and the alien lasers caused it. No. It's disinformation.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

80-90s started mass consumption, computers, Internet. Flight to everywhere. Etc etc. The rest of the manufacturing went to bongaboo.

The decades before were the Cold War.

Remind me where we are at right now?

911 would've occurred regardless. It was inevitable. Maybe not to the extent of the twin towers. But to the causality of any conflict. It is still occurring, it keeps reacting.

It wasn't occurring then. Prior to the 80s. Other conflict reemerging, is now.

Who knows how it all turns out? Who cares. It'll be more mistakes anyway. Nothing has really changed. Except for even more idiots causing it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

The same trend has continued. Until the decades before were perhaps even more significant 50-60s.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Dumb stupid doesn't understand lasers. Offers bullshit.

How the fuck is a satellite firing a laser weapon? A powerful enough beam weapon to cause that. Think about it. A powerful enough laser. Its energy source. As that beam weapon hits our atmosphere it loses the power in its beam. It blooms. Branches off. Becoming weaker and weaker.

We aren't taking about laser sights. Or quazer. Or lasers communicating. A weapon you fucking schizo retard. Go look it up. At what point was it on a satellite?

How did the fire engines respond. They used a line. Where? In that other schizo topic.

As far as the asphalt, it's the surface layer of certain roads. It has been burnt in many videos. Melted. The layer underneath compacted scree, rock, concrete, sand is evident. Not every road uses asphalt either. Because it melts in temperature. Like temperatures in Maui.

Every single time. It's like buzzwords to cattle. They're freaking programmed. The only explanation. See how easy they fed it. Only this time it's the space lasers. You're no different to a clot shot.

These half brained retards. The spy balloon happened when. Those lasers from a Lidar/GPS mapping satellite happened when? It was originally thought to be a Nasa weather satellite. It also uses lasers for mapping the atmosphere

6 months before Maui. It wasn't from a DEW. Every time with American schizos. Every fucking time. Go look up lasers and what they do. Can they modify weather. Not those ones. They're laser mapping, painting lil targets for when they fire the DEW 6months later. What?


Yea I am using a factchecker rather than listening to pubescent E.Ts spewing member member the lasers they must have caused the fire. No. It's bullshit.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

They did it in Zika. It wasn't Bill Gates. They also did it with Malaria. It wasn't Bill Gates. Brics; China, Brazil, India. I am sure they had some conjoined Biotech. But they didn't use drones. African malaria might have had more American partners. Who cares. The idea was killing off the diseases by using GMO mosquitoes. Why would they need to use drones. They didn't.

Yes it can be weaponised. But when they just did it was cutting back on Zika and a virulent strain of Malaria. I won't explain it. Look it up. It was modifying the mosquito to kill off its own. There were concerns on the food chains. Ignored to combat the diseases they carry. These were beating inoculation or causing Zika.

Why would you use a drone to deliver infected mosquitoes. It's absurd. Sure if they needed an express delivery or into remote locations. Come on.

Releasing a bioweapon from mosquitoes by drones? What went wrong. The drone did. It's fucking pointless.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Again your problem is you're not looking for any explanation on curvature. You're believing in the Talmud.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

I don't suppose any Flat Earther knows about science and physics. Things like



Or even math in that example. But every single time. Flat Earth is a jew conspiracy, trolled out as bait for the dumbest. Then it's the hate speech dystopia. Aw we must be nice to the autists. Better drop the grades. Etc. Next you gotcha. It starts with these retards. I swear. Every single time. They add their bullshit. It causes. You betcha.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yawn. Look at picture. Look at the photo. Let's deciminate where every erroneous Flat Earth claim came from. How they did the math. Look at that picture and it is stating gibberish. There is no conspiracy unless retards are a conspiracy.

Good riddance. No theory simple fact. Flat Earthers make up bullshit. Look at the picture it proves it.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

He's not saying anything. Flat Earthers don't say anything. They make up bullshit. Citing erroneous numbers.

What is that? It's bullshit.

What is hidden when the photo was taken at that distance and height.

The horizon is wave. You can see it rippling. Like it is at the base of the top left of the ship.

It strung words together into gibberish, only other autists understand. Empirical Evidence. No.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

A Nigerian is claiming? Hahahahaha

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Or simply a gatekeeper to a gateway. Often represented in the highs of drug use.

There you are going where?

You can add any other context to it.

Simply a gateway, where the rabbit, an alter ego, innocent, consciousness, explores another world often underground where in most depictions it's the escapism by drug use.

Elementary not stupidity. You went an added the Jabberwocky.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It looked like band camp. Staged. Biden probably hired them

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I've blocked you. I don't speak to retards. I make it a habit of not speaking to retards.

There is no point in speaking with a retard.

This conversation is autistic.

Every single sentence you wrote, lacks grammar, lacks formulation, lacks debate. It's a dumb retard repeating everything back to me. I call them a name. Retard. Wahaa. Then they try to prove they're not. Read it. By acting retarded. Read what you wrote Jack. Only a retard could ever understand it. You make zero sense. Your entire structure needs education, formulation, grammar. Lastly a lobotomy.

If we went there let's visualise Jack? Shit, my phone has broke.

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