Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Maybe but it's not Israelis. So it's not Jews. In fact biblically and in the Talmund it forbids it. Nehemiah building the walls. Has a very wise message about it. Or the majority of anybody else sane. What it is are certain rights, humanities groups, who have grown way too powerful, yes it started as antisemitism possibly and has jewish individuals, because this is what empowers them more. But it's not the rational. It's the emotional. These groups don't like jews anymore than they like you. But they're doing this to their own citizens more and more. Until it has become an oxymoron. They're so fucking deluded they think it matters. That nation these people are mass immigrating from carries favor by adopting them. It buys whatever services. Hahahaha. It does anyway if it's a product worth buying. It hasn't changed anything in that other nation the immigrants are immigrating from. It had too many idiots anyway. Rights to them aren't worth shit. But it has increased power from where they're selling their nonsense from. It's also largely media and broadcasters operating alongside. Until it has become delusional.

With those groups the same as every business, it sells by how. By selling their product or brand. So with rights. These people empower them more and it increases that narrative more. Until it's literally bullshit.

Tell me what rights, do you have, if you don't have documents. None. You're sent on the next flight home. Then when you get home you have to pay the costs of being insane. At what point has it turned into hypocrisy? Because idiot groups have gained off it. Practically a mafia scam.

Climate change look no further. By increasing population in Arctic what happens to the Arctic? How has wealth been distributed, it hasn't, its swamped services into ruin, and its increased inflation, until in this topic homeless citizens, and citizens, give a fuck about, they're white, or nationals. It's racist not to allow this.

Those groups gain power off it. Until they don't give any other fuck except more power from this.

A snake eating its tail. Jews as a generalisation I disagree with, they're not Israelis. Nehemiah rebuilding the walls. Despite them also being used as a narrative and individuals gaining wealth and power from it.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

No. But it has done for many ordinary people. A lot more rage today. Like a steam cooker boiling. If it doesn't vent it explodes.

The box experiment. If you keep putting rats into a box what happens. They populate and populate until the box breaks. But that population has also turned queer and cannibal.

It's the same with humans in captivity.

Today it's about everybody else. We voted for assholes who shovel shit by the spade and keep causing that box, the population, too?

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

It's a big huge scam. Huge scam. Nobody would vote on these assholes. Nobody.

So what's happening by not voting on it. It's not being addressed. They're getting through on a loophole. Suddenly they are being grant asylum for no reason at all. It was always any plan.

The UK should be returning them to sender, France, or simply Libya.

But oh know why not. Why hasn't anybody done the obvious. They don't need processing, no papers, no pass, instead just have a ferry right there for illegals without documents and ship them right back to Europe, who aren't sending them back, or bsck to Tripoli.

Why is it the UK's problem. Imagine a British citizen trying this. They'd be deported sent on the next flight back. No point in incarnation or detention accosting. No papers, no pass. Send them back. Ferry them right back to Tripoli. Simple effective obvious. It faster stops.

Or convince me it isn't con, using a loophole to cause mass migration?

What is the cost of a ferry and some crew? Compared to indefinite detention and asylum, or accommodation. Why? At what point today have we elected retards. Send them back like your own citizens would be if they didn't have documents.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's a vagina look at it

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Used to watch it. Now no, except when it's something important.

In COVID it became unwatchable. These fucks, these stupid 'experts' fuck off, they're at home talking crap. It has kept using them since. But it had been off for longer much longer. When it decided to use 5 headlines a day and when it started covering twitter feeds. Until you can switch through the news channels, and every single one is saying the same bullshit. Europe, America etc. There is some variance on national politics and local news, in the nation reporting. But it's the same headlines. The same headlines. Now the papers are the same. Fuck off. It's pointless watching or reading it, the Headline says it all.

Obviously I keep an alert in case there's something ground breaking, but I won't watch it anymore. Reading it is becoming as tedious. Unless it's something interesting or comical.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Not at all. You doubted me. What image do you see? Obviously you think it's so coco. Not. It looks like a? Say it.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

On what? My integrity. Whatever. Or on that I mean look at it. On that psychological test. What image do you see. I don't know, you tell me?

Ep0ch -4 points ago +2 / -6

Hundreds, 400 ish.

It looks like a vagina. It has that clammy ripple.

A Eagle is watchful. That's a cunt

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

It looks gay. It looks like a vagina.

An Eagle looked you know, business. Watchful.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why would you want to be a jurior? Why would anybody on the Planet want to be a jurior? As far as jobs, and political party, abstain from the selection. Why would it matter unless it has political affiliations. If doesn't, it shouldn't matter. Politics is one of those things not said in the workplace. Unless it's fuck it.

Courts are real cunts on that duty. Even worse you're a puppet anyway. Influenced into a decision and it might not be your choice. But being dragged there. Literally have too or you're in contempt and can still perjury yourself. It's an exercise in madness.

Judges are different everybody can be a judge. But a jurior fuck you. Witnesses are obviously far worse unless they're the victim. Fuck that.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

They will if we go to war. If we go to war the border closes depending on the war.

And if it collapses the border closes.

The simplest solution is trespassers are shot. They were historically. But okay, wahaa, just put them back on the same boat, drop them off where they just came from. Simple effective solved. They won't do that again in any numbers.

These rescue ships are bullshit. Just return them. It would be like taking a rat and seeing how long it takes it to drown, reviving it, then doing again. It would crush any attempts at repetition. Imagine it. Return to Sender. Then something gets done and it stops.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yea, they stopped travel, prevented education, imposed fear. They keep catching it. I did say to them, think about it, think, about what vaccination means. It means immunity. Not nonsense. All I could say.

Yea they're alright, for now, and won't do it again. Maybe if they're forced, I hope not. Wishing they could say no. But it is what is.

What it is, is fear.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

No we don't, and the two are quite possibly, the same agenda.

I laugh at this, because it's only the vaxxed getting sick. My sister triple jabbed, Holland, she had too, uni, masters, got COVID again and worse this time. She is now having a period of reflection. We bickered ceaselessly on the vax. But her education put her into a mindset, it was the best thing since marmalade. She was studying neurology. Decided to have a bigger break from her last year of Masters. The World today is wearing. I think. She caught it again like she did with Omicron and prior. In fact every time she jabbed she got COVID or a diagnosis with it. This time it was a bad flu, really sick last week. My Brother another keeps getting it, had to jab, twice, to go to Thailand with his Thai wife. He's caught it three times as well, quite sick again, bad fever. Myself just Omicron, it was the weakest flu I've ever had in my entire life. I have had flu where I thought I'd die. But COVID what was that.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Can we say no to Zelenskyy as well

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I linked the Tayos metal library on another thread? So while Europeans were fucking monkeys. Thousands of years ago, cataclysm, that story goes, ziggurat buried deeper. South America, impossibly, bronze tools, had its own language, similar to hieroglyphs, an alphabet that cannot even be deciphered, nothing to base it on, and decided clay tablets aren't as good as metal tablets. Throwing Roman Iron out the window. Tiwanaku had concrete.

Dinosaurs are the most stupid thing invented. They're completely baseless. Not the way look outside, it evolves in a natural ecosystem of checks and balances and symbiant lifeforms each having a role sustainable to their habitats. Somebody so opposed to it, so freaking callous to nature, conjured dysfunctional monsters to sell. They are absurd. Illogical. Delusional. Insane. A hoax. The first invented were a hoax.

I think there has been a few events throughout our planet's lifetime that has seen drastic change. Not long ago was 10-12k years ago.

I like the mudflood stuff but no. I think it's a bigger metaphor to what went wrong.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thank you for the link.

I am in the obvious mindset we are much older than the Roman timelines. Advanced no I couldn't say. But metal, pyramids, concrete, possibly more, who knows. However an existential reset occurred. We are its evolution. Another cycle before the Planet repeats its aging, exhaling its imperfections through its seasons, conflicts, and survival.

Dinosaurs are an abomination. Not scientific, just a monster because monsters sell. Another means of exploitation for their obvious revenue. But there has been countless extinctions, but dinos are by large, utter bullshit, and I discount out of Africa entirely.

Do our poles flip. I think there is more to it, an impact, or our Sun, and cosmos. Aliens, E.Ts, I have yet to believe in.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Not quite, but it's a mess. A mess of anomalies. Fit into a stupid concentric narrative that makes no sense. Apart from it dictating history.

Obviously the perks are we have time and zones, dates, and a calendar. Since the common era. A system that does benefit from it. How it formed is none other than conspiracy, inquisition, dystopia, and a brutality to all who refused to adopt it.

But we have other notions of real stupidity as a result of its system. The stupid dating prior to its insertion, the conspiracy of its insertion, and this retarded notion Rome invented everything else like Iron. Where any dating ignores all other record as Neanderthals. When in fact there was no start date to our species if we evolved. It is much older where if it had flint for millions of years. 2 million? Why was it so hard find iron and concrete? Honk. They're monkeys that's why. But let's ignore its own cataclysm and god.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

No you should actually research it. It has added ontop of its insertion, since. Two historians rewrote chunks of it after another Christian civil war lasting one hundred years, the reformation, it's in the title, where it burnt the books. It reformed. Then we had an authority. The ages. Stone, Bronze, Iron. A start point for civilization. Prior there was none of that. At all.

Like it did when it inserted itself. It burnt the books. Conjuring a fake timeline. The common era. Do you really think people gave a shit? It's a fake insertion. Like Christ's birthday and death day. Where it inserted baloney. It's ludicrous if you think about it. It didn't even start on the millennium. It was whatever they said it was. Christianity civil warred for 100s of years when it became a religion over the version of Christ. It sacked Alexanderia again. Like Rome had done with Caesar, and sacked it again on his death. Christianity emerges, burns Rome. Then we have a holy Roman emperor and they go and sack Alexandria again. Then it's the crusades. It goes and kills the crusaders. Templars. Creates an inquisition in Spain to remove any Moors. It floods into MesoAmerica creating an inquisition and totally rewrites their language and history to the point they had almost none.

Where else did it do this I wonder, and recently, and previously. But never-mind.

When it came to shit like the Sundisk taken from Egypt, it argued for 100 years before deciding meh the Roman records. Basically forgive the name, was taken from a temple in Thebes or otherwise by Napoleon. It showed constellations in our sky aligning under Egypt, that couldn't exist at the assumed date because they're far older. That alignment has moved, in the thousands and thousands of years. But Rome had no record, according to its ages, and its invention of iron. So it couldn't be that old.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

The person who exhibit them hoaxed another prior. So it is questionable they're genuine. There was another larger hoax. Giant from there Nazca, with 3 fingers. It's still being displayed as genuine. So these are?

The problem is do you buy the medical, billions to 1 congenital birth defect? Or what have we got if they're not hoaxes. We now have numerous defects at billion to 1 being provided as an explanation for other small people anomalies.

In any case it needs validation from global experts not mystics and the freak circuit. The freak circuit back in the day also had real anomalies. Most have disappeared from public record like giants.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Here is a mystery



Look at the video above. But then it vanished without a trace. Like Giant bones.

Here is another again vanished off public record.









There are others. I can link loads. Every now and then there are real anomalies. 1% of any of them. Most aren't. 99%.

Those are probably a hoax. They keep hoaxing there. Nazca lines. Flight, the only way they're made. So it's obviously, sarcasm, the Aliens. The person who found them hoaxed a different one previously, before these. I don't know how they pass, as an exhibit. But dinos obviously did.

The fact remains there are huge anomalies. It doesn't make them E.T, or we all are.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1


In fact there's evidence to suggest, the Greeks who are responsible for the New Testament. The Vatican version. Put in all that miracle, superpower stuff, because they'd been doing it for centuries with their pantheon. In fact in other version's of the time period, none. Or possibly even a resurrection. Hence Thomas's omission. Quite possibly Magdalene's. And suggestively he was also married.

In the Koran he doesn't resurrect either.

Resurrection provides the basis of an afterlife, his divinity. Without it you technically don't have Jesus the son of God. Instead he's another prophet, or priest. What I mean by resurrection, isn't the metaphysical, but actually taken from our physical dimension. When in fact it was a metaphor in the other version of the period. Like the Egyptian it was taken from. On death the soul transcends to its judgement. Heaven, hell, or inbetween. The new testament Christ redeems, forgives, saves humanity if it accepts salvation. In the other version it had its own disciples, different. Less apostles other gospels. But Christ didn't offer the wicked redemption. No resurrection.

Apparently Christianity like Islam's Koran civil warred over the version published for longer.

Like a tapestry there's a much bigger pattern of where and how it formed. It takes a lot of study into what it replaced.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. The Da Vinci code is on the lost gospel of magdalene. There is one supposedly.

But importantly it was about the grail being a vagina. Jesus's child.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I was gonna post this title. It's laughable. Hahaha. Stolen Aliens.

Didn't they debunk a few from around there like the most famous. https://edition.cnn.com/2018/03/22/health/atacama-skeleton-mystery/index.html

Also https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/alien-mummy-peru/

The problem is those things are the pygmy skeletons off Indiana Jones the Crystal Skull or Game of Thrones Hardhome.

Regardless that region is a hotbed of E.T activity. Because of no explanation to the Nazca lines. Obviously it's another E.T. Despite it often being another hoax

Have they been given proper examination prior to the freak circuts of formaldehyde? Or the above fetal copper posioning?

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