DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fragile egos clinging to science and their precious Star Wars debunk flat earthers, the rest are feds. I hope you've accepted Christ, OP, because that is the only conclusion after all the globe-dependant theories fall.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8

by DrLeaks
DrinktheCovfefe 0 points ago +1 / -1

The name of his costume is "Devil's Champion" from Abacadabra in NYC. For those that don't know, in the middle ages a champion is one who would fight on behalf of another, like in a duel or joust. If one was challenged and they were old, a woman, etc, a champion would fight in their stead.

Also his ex-baby-mother/GF has an inverted cross in her NFT, as well as other satanic crap in her costumes and "art".

Musk also wore a jacket with "novus ordo seclorum" on the back at the 2018 MET gala.

These people show their allegiance and you would have to be willfully obtuse to excuse it as "just a costume".

Jesus Christ is Lord, He already won when he rose from the dead. In His Mercy, He is allowing evil to reveal itself so you can be sure which side you choose before He returns.

by DrLeaks
DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain!


DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

It has it's downsides, but you can spruce it up to be more homey, like putting a carport awning or pole barn over it, making a deck and outdoor kitchen, patio furniture. But I realize that's not everyone's cup of tea. I suspect they are just going to keep raising interest rates to "curb" inflation. What if the interest rates goes to the double digits?

Another option is looking specifically for property where the owner is willing to finance, you could negotiate a better rate. People who outright own their homes and don't want the tax burden are more likely to owner finance.

DrinktheCovfefe 3 points ago +3 / -0

Buy land with the cash, get your well, septic and electric, then live in a 5th wheel while you build or secure your house. There are really nice prefabs out there or if it's just the 2 of you, might go with something like Lancaster Log Cabins park model (my dream house if I didn't have a huge family). This way you avoid high interest rates and going into debt slavery to the (((banks))).

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

If anyone can depict a vril worn erupting from an eye socket, it's John Carpenter

DrinktheCovfefe 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great post, I've been thinking about this lately because I noticed that the illustrated women in old children's books aren't wearing any shoes. Also we recently moved to the country and our neighbor's kids don't wear shoes on their livestock farm. So I've taken to going barefoot on quick trips around the yard and it feels really good to stretch your feet.

However I wouldn't do that at night, my headlamp illuminates spider eyes and the ground is FULL of them. Apparently copperheads come out at night too but I haven't seen one yet.

For alternative barefoot shoes may I recommend simple Minnetonka leather-bottomed moccasins. They're basically leather socks with no rubber sole so you may still be able to ground. I've worn them on pavement just fine, as long as it's not too cold out they should be fine.

DrinktheCovfefe 0 points ago +1 / -1

Did you catch what he said immediately after?

"We will reduce the # of people in the world by 50%...today this dream is becoming reality"

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haircuts will probably be in higher demand than skincare, because men need them too. Midwifery also more needed than death doula. Life does go on... Lol

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whole wheat breads have the most residual glyphosphate, which is all I used to eat :(

Frozen pizzas used to be my guilty pleasure, so I got a knockoff KitchenAid stand mixer (Hamilton beach I think), and now make my own pizza dough. Which is oddly more filling than commercial pizza and doesn't make me feel hungover the next day.

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

They say don't play around with this stuff because according to King James, the same King James who authorized the Bible translation into Middle English, the devil being the father of lies will trick adepts into believing they can control/restrain him and his minions, or that they can outsmart him. You can't. Meanwhile, prideful occultists deem themselves powerful and strong, when in reality they've lost the battle for their souls. If you're a Christian, you'll know witchcraft is forbidden several times in the Bible. If you're not, but believe that the devil and demons are real, then why not? It stands that the antithesis is real, too. Which He is, and unlike the devil, actually cares for you and wants the best for you. Accept Christ today while redemption is still possible.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pure blood wombs will be worth their weight in gold.

Finally someone else says it. There's no value in pure blood sperm if you don't have a healthy womb to grow it in. We were screwed before the clot shots. IIRC 1/5 child-bearing women in the west suffered from infertility (no pregnancy after 12 months of trying if under 35). This was before the shot. Anecdotally, two of my friends took 2 years of trying before they successfully birthed a child. One had a miscarriage. And those are just the ones trying, the others are all "cool wine aunts" afaik

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not a collapse of the "west", it's the extermination of Whites by their oldest enemy, because their "God" told them to.

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Info on homesteading, agriculture= just get the Back to Basics book by the Reader's Digest. It tells you all the homesteading and domestic skills you need to know, no electricity required to view it. I just made their basic white bread recipe yesterday, and while it took almost 6 hours to make and cool, it turned out better than any bread you can get in a store.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've also heard them called mudfossils and there is a channel on yt called Mudfossil University who dives deep into the why and how

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's about as close as an admittance as we'll ever get. You know how these people are, even if they get caught in a bold-faced lie, they'll just never talk about it again.

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm also wondering what's hindering milk supply. It's a big problem that no one talks about and there's no treatment for it. All the teas, herbs, and other "tricks" do nothing. I think 40% of women eventually resort to formula, which I suppose is why there's been no research into why modern women can't make milk for their babies.

finally admit milk was fine

Really? All I saw was "No, your child is not a baby goat, expert pediatricians say..."

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very interesting, thank you. What's up with the marine algae oils? Is that for omega oils without using an actual food source like fish?

by xihg
DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Downvoted but you're not wrong? The airport in my town is unrecognizable compared to the native population due to all the diversity hires.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +3 / -1

Amen, brother! I noticed it, too. There was a gloating post here the other day referencing some real obscure occult garbage, with images to boot. And there's fear-mongering posts peddling known lies like space.

Guard yourselves, fellow Believers. Some images and ideas don't need to be entertained.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mounds were built over or attributed to other people and turned into protected lands. We're told "indigenous" people who haven't progressed beyond a hut were once Earth terra-formers. And they stacked all those rocks up, too.

What I especially like about the American giants were that 1, they were supposedly red-headed and 2, they were found up and down the east coast, Midwest and all the way out to California. They were prolific.

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