DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the detailed response. I didn't think they'd use AI for voices, because that means the TV crews and interviewers are in on it, too. I would think there would be whistleblowers by now, but I suppose people have disappeared for less. You have a good eye to see through that Newsome Photoshop. You're right that most conspiracy theorists would not question at the level you are.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are they always deep fakes or do they use masks? There's a Biden interview video with very clear two-toned skin on the neck. I'm thinking they'll use an actor for the debate, but I don't know how they do the voice. Who is QE2? Hint please

DrinktheCovfefe 0 points ago +1 / -1

Jerry Garcia Band was playing? What, from beyond the grave?

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you so much for the resources. I've been watching Father Spyridon and Brother Nathanael on YouTube but that's about the extent of my exposure to Orthodoxy. There are sedevecantist Catholics who believe the current Pope is illegitimate, but he's not the only one to promote heresies and lower-level leaders are also not following the Word. My children are not allowed to attend the local Catholic school because we don't vaccinate at all. The mRNA isn't the only one to use aborted cell lines and those lines eventually deteriorate so that new ones have to be "gathered" :(

There's definitely a spiritual war going on but the Truth will prevail and God is Truth. Thank you again

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is auspicious timing, I just learned about this when I saw that passover isn't until the end of April. I understand that the Orthodox church didn't accept the Gregorian calendar? I was raised Catholic and considering the actions of our Pope in these past few years, it's becoming clear which side of the church was right (idols in St Peter's, the vax, and now paving the way for gay marriage). "The gates of hell will not prevail [against the church]" is probably not referring to Catholics. Do you have any resources I can read on getting our dates right? Maybe we will observe on your timing as well.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes and Amen. I hope you had a great Resurrection weekend, family-member in Christ Jesus.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a myth in that religion family that their God removed parts of himself to make the world. If they merge everything together again, it helps their God rebuild himself. And then what happens, I don't know. The same people that promote transhumanism also promote these other old gods, like Greek and Roman deities and Egyptian stories, so it gets muddy.

I don't particularly care to know the details because there is one God who says you are "fearfully and wonderfully made" and all you have to do is believe in Him. This other mystery god has to lurk in the shadows and makes his adherents mutilate themselves. It's quite sad.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was a YouTuber Hans Wormhat who went all into this freemartin thing. He had many accounts that were all banned. He said it's part of their religion. Freemartins are harder to detect but the bones don't lie. Other transvestigation people were also banned. It's a tough pill to swallow, I guess everyone wants to keep fapping to celebrities.

DrinktheCovfefe 3 points ago +4 / -1

It's the jews weaponized empathy for the underdog coming back to bite them in the ass. They've also trained conservatives to see Israel as "our greatest ally", and the young generation of liberals rebelling against their boomer parents are being contrarian by siding with Palestine. They also see Israel as warmongers, and there was a time when the left was more clearly antiwar.

DrinktheCovfefe -1 points ago +1 / -2

I remember seeing this on Reddit and people tried to deflect that "oh, it's just a woman with her head down". And then a few days ago we saw that at least 15% of the users on that site are shills. Ergo people are getting paid to cover up what looks like a black alien wearing a comically small crown.

DrinktheCovfefe 5 points ago +5 / -0

The gays took over my touristy beach hometown in the 90s, and then the same thing happened to my husband's hometown. They tend to have a lot of disposable income, and buy up empty storefronts to open antique stores. Then the gay bars come in, followed by the parades. Before you know it, rainbow flags are up year round and your hometown gets featured as a gay-friendly tourist destination.

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ban divorce = agree. I would also like to add that if you are divorced and share custody with your ex, if you leave the state you forfeit visitation rights. Edit- except in certain cases, like cheating or turning into a tranny. Unfortunately that's a thing and the victims are called trans-widows. Maybe ban no fault divorce?

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why is number 6 important? Do they expect these people to work? Are they telling them beforehand that everything is going to be paid for but come X years, they're going to be expected to do something? I'm confused because the citizens that are being replaced are specialists, tradesmen and craftsmen, while the replacements are low-IQs without any skills. Who is going to keep the lights on?

DrinktheCovfefe 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's even worse, the movie is trying to claim Jesus, John the Baptist, and the people around them, (Israelites or people in Jerusalem) were all black. The YT comments call it out but there's the black Hebrew israelite-types defending them. There was also another post today of blacks claiming they were the original Britons. "See, all your historical figures were actually black, including your God, that's why you have to allow yourselves to be wiped out"

This was actually prophesied in the OT, in a book about Jerusalem being taken over by the Babylonians "Slaves rule over us, there is none to deliver us from their hand". Lamentation 5:8. Other translations say "slaves have become our masters".

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

very funny how companies like monsanto

That's the same topic I first discovered the shills. It was back in 2010 or 11, and I was in the permaculture subreddit (which is organic gardening on steroids, for those not familiar), and I remarked that Monsanto makes terminator seeds. All these shills appeared to disclaim me. How odd, all these supposed organic gardening enthusiasts defending the maker of Roundup.

Then Bernie Sanders sub got deleted after Hillary clinched the 2016 nomination. So I guess we weren't allowed to admire/follow his career anymore (no longer a Bernie supporter). Then any sub critical of trannies got banned. Then "organically" all these subs had posts making vaccine skeptics look stupid, like AITA, or parenting boards, starting around 2018. "My antivax sister kicked my dog", and stuff like that. Then look what happened a few years later.

I suspect that most posts in main subs are fiction, they all use the same writing style and tone, same phrases. It's a big propaganda toll. Seeing similar here as well.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny, because I was banned from subs on Reddit just for following the original T_D. If you were banned for all those positions, you can only surmise that it was because you were over the target.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can see it now, it all sounds so familiar. And of course whatever portal they use to come here will be left WIDE open, where they'll come pouring in. Soon all the TV commercials will show alien-human families, and our historical figures will be reimagined as aliens as well.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excuse me, the term 'alien' is outdated and racist. The pc term is "refugees of non-Earth origin". And yes, they will be getting FULL benefits.

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