Another reason to reject the transhuman agenda: you're going to glitch out and embarrass yourself on an international broadcast
Archangel Michael in the top left
The constellation over the Western US is Virgo and the entire picture is reminiscent of Revelation 12, although the other constellation doesn't appear to be Draco. Perhaps the constellation plus the additional planets are the 12 stars of the crown. What's the symbol under Texas? Looks like a silver chicken
I saw that live, his eyes were darting around. Probably NOT sober
I'm glad you had a somewhat positive reaction. I usually hear crickets and the one time I posted a compilation of Biden being gropey, back in 2015 when pizzagate hadn't broken yet, I had all these guys jump in to defend him. ???
It's just really in your face. They would do something like that on their high holiday. Gross.
They're rubbing it in our faces. Sick
Though personally I think the rhesus negative comes from nephelim, not aliens.
Rh negative blood type
I have two theories on how the same "god" can be so many miles apart. One is that the Mormons claim that ancient Israelites came to the Americas. As the Bible states, the Israelites were known to turn away from Yahweh god and adopt other religious practices, ie the golden calf and also possible Babylonian gods. So maybe they brought that with them. But I haven't read the book of Mormon to get the whole story.
The other idea relates to Peleg, also in the Bible, "during the time of Peleg that the earth was divided". Perhaps Pangea was the original map of humanity, then after The Tower of Babel situation, the continents were split apart. It seems plausible to me when you consider that the same structures are found globally, like the pyramids, and figures like this guy. Also the Olmec statues looking like Africans. Africans aren't known for seafaring. I also find it hard to believe the Pacific Islanders travelled thousands of miles to get to their eventual homelands by small Catamaran type boats. Just watch videos to see how rough trans-oceanic travel can get. Those waves are insane, the boats would have capsized. I doubt that Israelites or Islanders were able to make those journeys. But a massive cataclysm of moving continents could account for that. Or lizards floating on rafts of palm fronds as biologists would have us believe.
All the abortion abolitionists I know are women. Maybe that bar includes both sides?
Someone I just learned about, because some youth were trying to recruit me, is that Joseph Smith of "The Church of Latter Day Saints" is a Freemason. No wonder they own so much land.
I listened to an interview with a man who came to that conclusion, I think he was masters-level. He was working in inpatient and wasn't a Christian or believer in God when he started. Then he noticed the "voices" were not disorganized, as they should be if they were true hallucinations. Then he realized they were actively conspiring against the patients so that they would do things against their best interest (stop taking meds, stop meeting the counselor). At one point, he found out the voices were quelled by being in church and hearing Psalm 23. I wish I could remember this guy's name, he was the first person in the field who I heard come to that conclusion.
And now that we know schizophrenia may in fact be demonic possession, it's no wonder the old-timers called the plant "devil's lettuce"
Pray out loud!
Thanks for the detailed response. I didn't think they'd use AI for voices, because that means the TV crews and interviewers are in on it, too. I would think there would be whistleblowers by now, but I suppose people have disappeared for less. You have a good eye to see through that Newsome Photoshop. You're right that most conspiracy theorists would not question at the level you are.
Are they always deep fakes or do they use masks? There's a Biden interview video with very clear two-toned skin on the neck. I'm thinking they'll use an actor for the debate, but I don't know how they do the voice. Who is QE2? Hint please
Jerry Garcia Band was playing? What, from beyond the grave?
Thank you so much for the resources. I've been watching Father Spyridon and Brother Nathanael on YouTube but that's about the extent of my exposure to Orthodoxy. There are sedevecantist Catholics who believe the current Pope is illegitimate, but he's not the only one to promote heresies and lower-level leaders are also not following the Word. My children are not allowed to attend the local Catholic school because we don't vaccinate at all. The mRNA isn't the only one to use aborted cell lines and those lines eventually deteriorate so that new ones have to be "gathered" :(
There's definitely a spiritual war going on but the Truth will prevail and God is Truth. Thank you again
This is auspicious timing, I just learned about this when I saw that passover isn't until the end of April. I understand that the Orthodox church didn't accept the Gregorian calendar? I was raised Catholic and considering the actions of our Pope in these past few years, it's becoming clear which side of the church was right (idols in St Peter's, the vax, and now paving the way for gay marriage). "The gates of hell will not prevail [against the church]" is probably not referring to Catholics. Do you have any resources I can read on getting our dates right? Maybe we will observe on your timing as well.
Yes and Amen. I hope you had a great Resurrection weekend, family-member in Christ Jesus.
There's a myth in that religion family that their God removed parts of himself to make the world. If they merge everything together again, it helps their God rebuild himself. And then what happens, I don't know. The same people that promote transhumanism also promote these other old gods, like Greek and Roman deities and Egyptian stories, so it gets muddy.
I don't particularly care to know the details because there is one God who says you are "fearfully and wonderfully made" and all you have to do is believe in Him. This other mystery god has to lurk in the shadows and makes his adherents mutilate themselves. It's quite sad.
There was a YouTuber Hans Wormhat who went all into this freemartin thing. He had many accounts that were all banned. He said it's part of their religion. Freemartins are harder to detect but the bones don't lie. Other transvestigation people were also banned. It's a tough pill to swallow, I guess everyone wants to keep fapping to celebrities.
Look at the little boy's right hand- he has a stump for an index finger
Good questions. I wouldn't underestimate the power of money/kickbacks, blackmail via secret societies, and useful idiots. In the corporate world, I've seen many Yes Men who aren't that bright get elevated into leadership positions, while the ones like us who question things and envision stay in their lower-level positions where they can't disrupt the system. Nepotism of midwits who can't see the bigger picture.
You mention 1913 and the federal reserve, but I found evidence recently that they've been working to replace our precious metals currency for much longer. There was a segment on antiques roadshow where they brought out a womans' protest dress that had the words "we want silver and a free lunch" embroidered on it. I believe it was from the 1880s. Apparently at that time, the government wanted to get rid of our silver coins and make it so you couldn't use it as legal tender anymore. Using the same playbook as today, tptb ridiculed the people who criticized that plan by saying they just wanted a free lunch, hence the slogan on the dress. There were protests against it but you know that doesn't do anything. I tried to find a link on it but all I'm seeing is the silver confiscation act of 1934. But the point is there was a slow eradication of our real currency and replacement with fiat money. The people who spoke against it were ignored, as usual, because they're just a nuisance and not a real threat. Maybe the people who foresaw the problem were too few in number, or otherwise unequipped to do something effective. I don't know, it's puzzling and disheartening. I also recall how our brethren tried to do something about the coup on 2020, but once again they were used as pawns to show the world what happens when you stand up against the Plan. So no one would dare do any like that for a while for fear of being locked up and having their lives ruined.