And the survivors were met by assassin frogmen.
Exactly, and excellent point. Let's get our pitchforks and torches rather than dream and implement a new cultural and financial framework that would work better than what we have now. All media and entertainment focuses on death, dysfunction and division. Oh, and demons. And dollars.
They'll offer up half the list that Isaac Kappy gave us, throwing a few useless sycophants under the bus – like they did with P. Diddy, and the debauhery of the Clintons will be a brand new revelation for the MSNBC crowd – or at least I'm hoping it goes that far.
Anyone below a Rothschild or central bank board member is fair game at this point, I should think.
Imagine John Lennon's song of that title, and imagine waking up and there's no such thing as money. Imagine The Will to Power eroding down to cooperation for the sake of the survival of the race. I think this post correctly points out that if all of us – or enough of us – wanted this and could visualize it enough to agree on the details, it would happen.
You correctly point out that such a thing within our current reality is nearly unimaginable. We are a flawed species and letting a few dominant players play us to the detriment of all.
You're saying that extraterrestrials are executing psychological operations on humanity so that we will have to legally worship them.
I'm not sure where to begin to address that and must ask why you would believe such a thing.
I open up the comments to see if I can find an opinion about this quite long presentation, and walk into a bitch-fest. Geezus H. That 5-hour video on Freemasonry and entertainment (Chiles was his last name?) was worth every minute; sometimes that happens.
It's a blanket term to describe the belief system as outlined in Intelligent Design. The Wikipedia entry looks pretty comprehensive, but I haven't read the whole thing.
Sorry to be irrelevant, but is this the same guy that was the rep. in the lobby in The Big Short?
I was an English major and must admit, sadly, that I rarely read books anymore. Most of my input is from videos playing in the corner of my screen while I work.
The Spacebusters channel on Rumble; Dr. Sam Bailey; Thomas Cowan.... he's evidently a bit "out there," but his book The Contagion Myth is excellent. Alec Zeck's Telegram channel has quite a bit.
The Star of David is a cover for it being a symbol of Remphan, a alternate name for Saturn and some dumb-ass made-up demon that some old sect imagined.
It's oldest form is the symbol of the Elohim and signifies infinity of space, while the Swastika symbolizes infinity of time.