DrMarmot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am as apolitical as possible, believing primarily Frank Zappa's sentiments that politics is the entertainment branch of the Military Industrial Complex, but while DJT was president, it was difficult to catch him in a lie – unlike all the others we've had since JFK.

DrMarmot 4 points ago +4 / -0

If only they could stop compulsively disemboweling non-jew children, which I think is allowed on the Shabbos.

DrMarmot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry, they investigated the suspect's home prior to the shooting and provided bomb assets? I must be misunderstanding that, but those are the words at around 1:40.

DrMarmot 3 points ago +4 / -1

OUP is owned by the Rothschilds and was also responsible for the Scofield Bible which was a major step in establishing the Christian-Zionist belief system in the U.S. and elsewhere.It would only make sense that they would publish a guidebook that smeared and encouraged fear about an ancient practice that has shown (both clinically and anecdotally) to improve mental and physical quality of life for its adherents.

And yes, any vaccinated person who also meditates and has any adverse experience needs to control for the shot (and diet, life circumstances, etc.).

DrMarmot 1 point ago +1 / -0

They nearly knocked off the front-runner and have put up a completely unelectable, widely despised and possibly psychotic VP as the opposition. That combined with the attempts to start WWIII via Ukraine and the Middle East are clues to me that the puppet masters don't give a shit about the election. The USA is spent both politically and economically, and all the WEF and UN literature ("great reset" etc.) speaks to its destruction.

Aside from the obvious catastrophes that are the dollar and the political system, they could also trigger a variety of "natural" disasters that would make the elections irrelevant: Yellowstone eruption, New Madrid earthquake, etc. They now have the choice of arming the immigrant population to be at war with American citizens – or staging a real alien invasion as has been planned since at least the 60s is not earlier. Nuking major cities and blaming Russian-backed white nationalists is another ploy, but it seems obvious to me that they're not continuing with business as usual.

DrMarmot 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. No election

I was pretty certain that various events would preclude an election, and it would never happen. Now that the DNC is just shoving KH out there confirms it for me. They don't care because they know it will be irrelevant.

DrMarmot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Humans are fully capable of being evil without being "possessed." What motivation do the evil interdimensional beings have to want to control our lives? I love David for many of the truths he has brought to the table, but this isn't useful.

DrMarmot 3 points ago +3 / -0

That bitch can't still be alive. She was losing her mind in 2018.

DrMarmot 4 points ago +4 / -0

This was from an interview, and I'll have to track it down, because I can't remember the guest or the show. Fuck.

The U.N. has armed troops.

Edit: Here

DrMarmot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can you link to his channel or site or wherever is relevant for all this that he's releasing?

DrMarmot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right, and that's the point: western currency is issued by people, like you and me, and is backed by nothing. Your first assertion is very true – as well as the fact that there is a mass agreement to use and trade fiat currencies.

DrMarmot 1 point ago +1 / -0

What your breakdown misses is that the Fed (and other Western central banks) issue national currency in exchange for the bonds. So they technically own all the assets purchased with that currency, which, as you know, is loaned for use at interest, for no reason at all. So, your debt breakdown, I feel, is a bit skewed.

DrMarmot 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's my understanding that this is very true, except that Russia has nationalized all of its banks and currency and that China has about 1/2 of its currency and economy controlled by Western banking cartel (along with North Korea), and half is nationalized.

DrMarmot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who is the beautiful and wise woman speaking at the beginning of this?

DrMarmot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had a similar experience with "Long Drink.". I bought the 0 sugar variety because I like High Noon and hate the sweet varieties of hard seltzers. I was dismayed to find it was quite sweet, but no ingredients or sweeteners listed on the can, box or even the website. Then I realized it wasn't even telling me what kind of alcohol they were using. After drinking one, I trashed the rest. Their appeal to history and being "imported" is great marketing, but it's fucking swill.

DrMarmot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've only read commentary, but yes, would love to read the whole thing.

DrMarmot 1 point ago +1 / -0

In my belief system, the Eloha whom we call "Lucifer" and his scientific team were exiled here and not allowed to return to their home planet because they were revealing information to the Earthlings that was meant to be classified + fucking the human girls. They were violating some serious protocol.

So, while here, they were susceptible to Earth parasites and needed to have their bacon extra crispy to avoid getting sick. You may think my belief system is ridiculous, but I can't think of a better explanation for a "God demanding burnt offerings."


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