Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because it isn't just about people who eat deer, if you ever paid attention. It is part of an overarching strategy of keeping people scared of life outside the grid.

The deer have mad cow, the fish are loaded with mercury, lyme disease is spreading out of control, chickens are all dying from the bird flu, the climate is spiraling out of control, raw milk will kill you, you can't survive without your vaccines.

It's possible that mad-deer and lyme are legit, and possible they are not. It's possible that if legit they are organic, and possible that they have been created and inserted intentionally.

No matter what, though, it is impossible to deny that it is all being weaved into an overarching narrative: stay within the safety of the 15-minute cities and eat the safe synthetic lab-grown meat. Only far-right white nationalists would do anything else.

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably because they understand all of the other books are being removed as a political show to say "see, the oppressive regime forced us to remove all of these classics. this is censorship equivalent to nazi book burning!"

When in reality, no, none of these books need to be removed. It's so they can play the victim while trying to expose kids to lgbtqxyz porn.

There is no way that isn't obvious.

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, that's all accurate.

The only point I would highlight is that the current round actually has also been a series of incremental improvements, and is real tech, and is a legit, standard hype cycle curve.

The difference is they are also using this as one of the cornerstones of their magic "show".

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

When I was in college in the late 90s (computer science), it was generally accepted that AI Winter was due to the previous AI paths hitting a brick wall and there were no other viable paths (so, of course, there was no interest).

That round of AI hype died down in the 70s, and at the time it mainly consisted of various Prolog systems and AST manipulation in lisp. Once they reached the limits of their capabilities the hype could no longer continue.

Every hype cycle is like that, including this most recent hype cycle with AI (outside of the fact that they are using it to essentially permanently enslave humanity under technocracy).

Same with virtual reality. Remember the hype in the 90s? Then that hit its limit and died for 20 years until Oculus, Vive, Magic Leap, etc. The latest iteration is light years ahead of the 90s tech, but still also not going to meet the hype.

AI hype started back up in the mid 2000s when big data became a thing, and then machine learning naturally followed on when all of that data was now available. I feel like there are a few iterations left in this cycle before it also hits its limit.

However, as I think we are both saying, before it does hit its limit it will be used to convince humanity of its superiority and all of humanity must submit to its guidance (and thus, the fact that there is no real advancement after that point won't matter).

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

AI is real in the same sense as robotics is real, and will have roughly the same magnitude of impact in the knowledge work fields as robotics has in manufacturing.

Self-driving cars, sure. 80% of what doctors, lawyers and accountants do, sure. Maybe 50-70% of what software devs currently do, sure. Writing ("journalism", movies, songs, other content creation etc.) will heavily utilize it also, but it will just accelerate the homogenization and degradation in quality that has already been happening.

AI cannot do anything that humans can't, given enough time. It can only do specific tasks faster and more efficiently. That is all it will ever be able to do.

Can you assemble and integrate various special purpose AIs and call that AGI? If you want to, sure. That doesn't make it meaningful or anything other than incremental improvement over what we had before. It still cannot do anything that humans cannot, given enough time.

They like to throw out the claim that it can already write better than the majority of humans, but what they don't do is acknowledge that 80% of humans are mostly mindless drones that aren't actually capable of logic, reason, or anything exceptional.

All that matters is can it do better than the best humans in a given domain, and that answer will always be no.

Yes, as stated, it can do specific things faster, but it cannot surpass the intellectual ceiling of humanity.

That said, yes, SkyNet is possible because humans can program it, train it, guide it, direct it. It doesn't need to have superior intellect, it just has to convince the masses that it does.

Anyways, long way of saying that I have come to a similar conclusion over the last year. This is all an operation to convince people of its superiority so they will agree to submit to its authority, not realizing it is all controlled by those already at the top and is just a means of maintaining their power (along with the rest of the control grid: digital ID, CBDC, vaccine passports, 15-minute cities, disintegration of property rights, green energy/carbon economy, hate speech laws, anti-gun laws).

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Never actually do anything and instantaneously lose because you acted like a ✡libertarian✡ and refused to fight back until ten thousand of them were outside your personal home.

You're (seemingly intentionally) missing my point. If 10,000 are at your door you've done it wrong, and you've lost. Band together and protect what is rightfully yours, always, but offensive action will generally bring a bigger response than you are capable of handling. There are ways to do it, sure, and models like the Taliban to follow, but it is not something to just jump into.

So control it.

Gaining actual control of the propaganda machine is an effort that would take decades, and incredible organization, which again, would be infiltrated and steered off course.

Largely, the way you get your messaging across is by not playing into their narratives and finding ways outside the mainstream channels to deliver the message.

In asymmetric war, as with life in general, you win not by beating the more powerful opponent at their own game but by getting them to play where you have strengths.

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

You could not ever organize any kind of revolt. As you said yourself, it would be infiltrated.

The only violence required in mass noncompliance is defense if and when they unjustly come to take anything that is rightfully yours. Life if violent, there is no escaping that, but any kind of offensive violence when you are outgunned and do not control the propaganda machine is DOA. You will lose and public opinion would be turned further against you.

Donkeybutt75 3 points ago +3 / -0

Look at houses around major Texas metropolitan areas. The trend seems to be these massive "planned communities" with 10k+ homes, soccer fields, football fields, baseball, pools, community centers, adjacent shopping/medical/schools.

This seems to be how it will be at first (in addition to the cities being built from the ground up). Digital ID probably used for access. And all of these homeowner associations setup around them no doubt enforce the compliance within the community.

Then just need some laws to limit travel beyond your city for "the climate". Internet laws for "cyber threats". A big financial disaster to usher in the CBDS. Pandemic treaties for vaccine and testing compliance to participate in anything.

These plans have been in progress for decades. It only seems obvious now because we have reached the point in the exponential where it is accelerating crazy fast.

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

I only read parts of that, so sorry if you already covered anything I say.

You kind of touched on it though with "We have no organizations. We have no institutions. They are raided and shut down or infiltrated from the start.". This is a part of why violence could not ever work: it could never be organized, but even beyond that, you cannot defeat the most powerful violent organization in history by beating them directly at their own game.

Voting, obviously, we don't need to rehash why that can't work.

So, yes, the options are lay down and die, or mass noncompliance (coupled with creating parallel structures to allow survival without compliance).

Mass noncompliance (and parallel structures) requires no large scale organization, only very loose coupling between groups, regions, etc. for trade, protection, etc., and building relationships and networks with those near you.

It does require a critical mass, large enough and distributed enough and low profile enough that they cannot stamp it out easily.

The three potential outcomes are:

  • not enough participation leads to their ability to shut it down and hunt noncompliers down

  • a good enough parallel society is permitted to exist long term, outside of the mainstream, or on the fringes

  • the movement is able to influence and move the mainstream enough for it to be considered tenable long term

It's not sexy, but I don't see how any other path could ever work, and I do see ways this path can work, and there are plenty of historical affirmations. It's sort of like the old stand alone together. Very difficult to break up if the participants are motivated enough.

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm that old as well. The thing is, your brain becomes addicted to the dopamine hit of seeing constant, new, short content (yes, it has been a progression, and the same was true with youtube, and tv before that, xyz before that).

They have optimized the ever loving shit out of it to the point where most people are basically crack fiends and need a regular hit. As with any addiction on that level, your brain's ability to concentrate on other things becomes severely diminished and you get fidgety and go for the next dopamine release of another short-form vid.

Not that there is not opportunity, and there are most definitely pros and cons, but they ability for them to control your mind is far greater with tik tok than with the long-form stuff.

Same with all social media, though. It's all optimized to keep people constantly engaged and controlled.

To really escape the bubble, yeah, turn off the internet :)

We should all be doing that from time to time, and go spend more time talking conspiracies in person.

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem is the short-form content is like crack. It destroys your brain's ability to use dopamine properly.

And it's mostly superficial, clickbait content. Yes, there are gems, but overall more harm than good, imo.

Clearly, though, that is where things have moved with younger folks. It exploits their ADHD.

Depth is impossible with short-form though, and long-form is far less damaging to your brain chemistry.

EDIT: it also makes it far easier to brainwash/maipulate (in any direction). There is no time to think, no time to verify and validate, just tweak on dopamine and quickly to the next thing.

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

This whole thing just seems off. The "leaker" seems like he's acting, and not well.

It all just seems too easy and formulaic. I mean, I hope it is legit, it just seems off.

Either, yeah, trying to poison the well and make us look stupid, or it's the part in the script where the narrative shifts to get people pissed and violent so they can send in the blue helmets.

by DrLeaks
Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

We had a very healthy 5 year old cat die of a heart attack 3 days after getting annual vaccinations. Other than one rabies vaccine for another cat when we had bats in the house and he caught one, we don't do that shit anymore.

by DrLeaks
Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

or which vaccines

Donkeybutt75 4 points ago +4 / -0

Notice he's gay too, yet another agenda clearly being pushed through many channels towards conservatives.

Donkeybutt75 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm one of those just buy land people, not as an investment but to have a place to live, grow food, raise animals, etc.

Yes, property tax holds you to the slavery system, but the only alternative is renting or living on state land somehow.

You understand that renting is even deeper into slavery, right? I'm not sure exactly what it is you are proposing as the alternative. Is it "we're already slaves therefore we should accept it and go all in"? Strange flex.

by DrLeaks
Donkeybutt75 4 points ago +4 / -0

Every new vehicle for the last 15 years (and 20 years for GM) has a 3G, 4G or 5G antenna and bulk contracts with cellular providers to allow constant connections and data usage. The paid services are all on top of that, but they are all sending data up constantly even if you don't have any paid services.

They send up speed at every recorded interval, all locations you stop at, your location at all recorded intervals, some subset of engine and system diagnostics at all recorded intervals.

That is just the public stuff. There is no way to know what they do beyond that. And don't forget your mic can be turned on remotely and record at any time. Your car can be shutoff remotely at any time.

The communication systems (the piece that sends and recieves data) can be disabled to varying degrees, but you need to do it yourself. Chrysler is the easiest. GM varies depending on the year and ranges from removing a chip to unplugging the antenna, and Ford is very difficult because they also have several wifi sensors that do who knows what.

And even if you disable the comms, everything is still recorded on internal drives that are now in a legal grey area to mess with.

They generally have some way to try to contact the manufacturer to request to opt out of the data collection, but I've not heard of anyone who is certain they have really been opted out, plus you would just have to trust they aren't doing it (and with software these days, new updates always seem to accidentally mess with settings and you might just end up getting collected on again).

Donkeybutt75 3 points ago +3 / -0

What does that get you, though? Would that advance your goals? Do you know what your goals are?

Not being a dick, these are the questions you need to ask yourself.

One thing most people don't realize is that the nation states are just the largest gangs, though not necessarily the most powerful. No matter what, with our species, groups will always form, alliances will be made, competition for resources will happen.

If you didn't have a "government", you would still have gangs that dominated regions, and protected their people and resources within their borders when it is advantageous to do so. Look anywhere in the third world now, or anywhere in history. There is no way around that.

There is also no way around power tending towards centralization. But it ebbs and flows between more centralization and more decentralization. The things that lead to decentralization are revolutions (whether organic or manufactured), the system becoming too complex and collapsing, it becoming economically advantageous for the ruling class to allow decentralization, new and unexpected competition, war between factions/gangs, etc.

But after any decentralization settles, the trend toward centralization resumes because that is the nature of humans with power. And it is always done under the guise of safety, security and benefit for all.

You can't stop this pattern, it is baked into our species genetically.

What you can do, and should do, is to understand what is beneficial for you and people like you, lay out the incremental path that would lead to where you want to be, and begin work on accomplishing those steps.

Yes, centralized power that is centered around one group can often be a net positive for the people. Sometimes that lasts and sometimes it doesn't. Many monarchies in history have been great for their people, many have been awful. The same can be said about dencentralization. It can be great for some, not great for others, it can be great for all for some period of time but then things will naturally centralize again.

My feeling is that right now power is being centralized at a level never before seen. They are going for absolutely everything. Where in the past there has always been an alternative, or a competitor, they seem to be eliminating it all.

My feeling is that an alternative system needs to exist to counter this, and that there is no way to defeat the existing system head on. That competition will lead to a decentralization that will be better for most of us.

But again, nothing lasts forever. These battles are always and will always be fought.

Wow, what a rambling mess this was. Sorry :)

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it was probably the standard way image embedding works for tall images (I see that fairly regularly with mundane stuff, tall images get cut off and you need to click on the full view to see it all).

That said, I watched an interesting bit on Elon from the Highwire the other day:


by DrLeaks
Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, the military can now openly declare war on citizens that dissent from the narrative (as long as they say it is AI-generated)? Neat.

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

The New Zealand one with the tech guy was first posted in 2021 on GLP (and may have actually been on 4chan and other places before that). The "I did coke with an elite" one is just the most recent iteration of that meme, but it's made the rounds in several variations over the last few years.

They're fun, but you understand what larping is, right?

Anyways, here's the 2021 New Zealand tech guy thread:


Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

They create the problem to elicit the expected reaction, and then come in with their already prepared solution that people will now willingly accept (even beg for).

Example: release a virus (and/or create media hysteria around an outbreak) and lockdown movement, commerce, etc. and enforce mask mandates, to elicit the expected fear response, then come in with the already existing solution of mrna vaccines.

Just reiterating this to point out that "the Trump arrest" cannot be the reaction. The reaction is from the population at large.

With the Trump arrest, this is given: it makes him more popular among conservatives, and to some degree independents. And they know this, but continue down that path. Therefore, seems like these are the only 3 possibilities:

  1. They want Trump to be the nominee because they think they can beat him
  2. Like you said, they want to incite some sort of violent revolution so that they can come in with the solution of absolute censorship and surveillance to make sure this never happens again
  3. They are priming the population for some sort of massive swing to the right to setup for WWIII or something else (in this scenario, all of the evidence will be openly shown on the corruption, election fraud, pharmaceutical fraud, etc. and the population will swing to the right in unison).

That third one would be a setup for either of two possible solutions:

  1. blaming China and the East as the bad guy, and take them out in a live WWIII, restoring the West banking cartel and MIC as the sole dominant power
  2. blaming the West for going after the perpetrators of this evil, with the East being portrayed as the savior and winning WWIII (where we're the equivalent of Germany in WWII)
Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure if you remember, but summer of 2021 is when the RSV outbreaks started. A disease that had always, always been winter-only and young children only all of a sudden was rampant in adults in summer.

I personally saw dozens get sick that summer. Every single one of them was vaxxed. Maybe it was RSV maybe it was something else, but the story was that it was RSV.

This is all in addition to the dozens I know that "coincidentally" got covid immediately after getting vaxxed, several were hospitalized. Not one of them made the connection. Every single one just regurgitated what the doctors told them (I'm luck it happened after I got the vaccine, or it would have been much worse).

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