CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some theoretical concept and its implementation could be a very different things.

Remove, say, "money could make money without anything useful created" idiocy from current implementation of capitalism, and you could find it pretty decent thing.

I'm not a fan of capitalism concept, but I'm sure it could be implemented as pretty fair and nice system of people relations if done with wisdom and good will.

CrazyRussian 5 points ago +5 / -0

By the way, I am actually a socialist

True socialism seeks greatest good for all.

So he is not a socialist in his own understanding. :)

Why do elite puppets like to make such illogical, senseless and completely unnecessary statements?

Looks like virtue signalling, but to whom?

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cost of storage space.

It is laughable number, if you are not into storing 4k multihour videostreams.

Few TB HDD is more than enough to store all important knowledge of humanity.

Storage medium lifetime and cost of replacement.

Use HDD with CMR. They last for decades.

Most of the Internet is already gone

Yes, because all was like "cool, let's save important things on the corporation computers for free!"

They're clearly planning a future wipe of all consumer storage using some kind of EMP 'cyber attack', 'solar flare' or similar, and they continue the effort to phase-out (and literally shame) the ability to read older storage mediums with 'outdated' 'insecure' 'obsolete' 'non-green' (and soon 'racist') interfaces & protocols, so expect to lose the ability to read your optical storage as well.

They have nothing even close to such abilities, unless you use some shitty OS from Apple/Google/Microsoft. With any non-mainstream Linux or FreeBSD you are perfectly safe.

Optical storage in form of user-writable CD/DVD/BD never was reliable. It is factory made ones that was printed at factory, not burned in user's drive could last for a decades, if plastic was good enough to not mist with time.

Most reliable storage is a magnetic tape. Even today it is the best you could get. Not very cheap, but extremely reliable. Then comes HDDs with traditional (CMR) recording. Pretty affordable and you still could buy CMR HDDs for affordable price.

All other storages require to be copied or rewritten from time to time. Worst are SSD's and other that use flash memory. It leaks charge in few years when not powered, so it couldnt be stored on a shelf or in safe as HDDs could.

They're now going to work on the archive sites. Archive.org has begun inserting "misinformation" warnings for archived pages, removing millions of long-existing files under the guise of "copyright compliance" and they just partnered with Google which tells us exactly what's coming next.

That's what for archive.org was created. To force people to surrender their own local storage in favor of some online service.

I personally have many terabytes of offline webpages & files,

Good for you. Why don't you want to tell how do you store, categorise and regularize information you have? It will be much more effective than a thousand memes and screenshots.

but it doesn't even amount to one-trillionth of the information that Google & friends have horded, and are now well into the process of erasing from the Internet.

You overestimate the information amount in internet. All that consumer crowd who rushed into internet when computers and fiber become affordable added very little real information. 99% of all shit Google & friends have horded is a total, useless crap produced and consumed by normies.

CrazyRussian 4 points ago +4 / -0

Once you find something interesting, what prevents you to backup an article or thread or whatever page on your own computer effectively protecting it from erasing and available to reposting where you think it will be apropriate?

There even addons for browsers that pack the page you see into one HTML page you could easily manage without dealing with multiple small files.... (one such named SingleFile addon f.e.)

Relying on other people computers for storing data you assume important is one of the worst consequences of all that centralised/social/cloud/whatever marketing.

CrazyRussian 3 points ago +3 / -0

And voila - manifesto you asked about. And letter to buddy.

Next question - does he participated in filming BlackRock ad? Could his History Channel show participation accounted as such?

CrazyRussian 4 points ago +4 / -0

the Cybertruck was remotely driven there and this guy was already dead.

It could be easily checked if Musk will release cockpit footage from this Tesla.

Would he?


CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

In both popular HTTP servers - apache and nginx you could easily set a HTML page or even a script for any HTTP error, including 404 File not found one. Obviously you could write anything in it, from just "File not found" to "Reptilian thought police removed this file for thought crime".

Meanwhile custom handler for 404 error used in some CMS to generate pages on the fly using path as parameter for generation. There is no real file named, say https://example.com/some/file/name.html on server, 404 error handler generate contents instead of displaying 404 error.

Your screenshot of 404 error mean absolutely nothing. Any random path on qalert.net will show it, like https://qalerts.net/random/stuff/as/page/name.html

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, it is becoming weird to the point of suspicious.

So, you find out some BT adresses and stop right at the point where everything should start.

It is just beyond my understanding.

So you get some suspicious BT addres around. And your curiosity just disappeared away. You for some reason don't want to know where it comes from.

Well, it is common knowledge that first 3 bytes (24 bits) of BT address is so-called OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier). You could easily determine manufacturer of BT device using official OUI list here - https://standards-oui.ieee.org/ Just search for first 3 bytes in BT address in that list and you will find a vendor who made a device or at minimum BT chip in it.

I never saw this first, simple, obvious and inevitable step from any who talk about "misterious BT addresses" and wonder about them.


Are you guys really want to know what they are, or it is just some stupid joke?

And finding vendor is only beginning. You could easily find out much more information about BT device around, up to its exact purpose and abilities. And even get access to it.

CrazyRussian 3 points ago +3 / -0

In a sane world "Rewards Programs" inevitably end with "Onwards Pogroms". Pity we live in a clown one. :)

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are the propaganda.

Yes, I'm propaganda of technological and scientific progress and humanity development. Real one, not one that pudhed by globalists and other bastards.

You better listen to that propaganda thoroughly and seriously. Of course if you want to see your country prosperous and developed in future. It will be impossible if you have more lawyers, traders and managers than engineers, scientists and skilled workers.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

White people built western civilization.

No doubts. But descendants of that honorable white people forced to choose being bloggers, traiders and lawyers over being engineers, inventorss and scientists. Don't you see that?

Your theory sucks a bag of dicks.

This is not a theory, this is fact.

You completely miss my point that the West is quickly degrade in terms of technological progress and inventions. For the sake of easy hollow money and useless jobs.

If you really care about it, better start to think now, because the point of no return is very close.

Today, West still have this white straight people as retired engineers, high-skill workers and professionals. So, West have to do something to return them from retirement to work, in order to transfer their priceless knowledge to the new generation. But I don't see any moves in that direction at all.

So, if nobody care about bringing retired white people back to the job, there is no any other choice other than H1B and all that Western Blue Cards to somehow slower West degradation.

It is a huge problem and very dangerous situation. There should be no any place for false pride of past achevements. If you continue to dance on the heap of past glory, you risk to be left without any future at all. We in Russia already been in the similar situation, and it is truly scary thing.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +3 / -1

I think Trump, if he is real about MAGA, heavily need H1B to make MAGA possible.

USA almost lost researches and engineers due to heavy attack on education. There is not only lack of educated workforce, but also lack of those who could teach that workforce.

American guys who are cool engineers I know close enough are retired or about to retire, and none of them prepared any successors.

MAGA is impossible without reviving USA industry. Reviving USA industry impossible without highly educated workforce. Only way Trump could get enough highly educated workforce or at least somebody who could teach youth is importing them.

The worst thing is that researcher and engeneer in modern USA are much less popular professions than even blogger or lawyer. So even if Trump bring educated immigrants with H1B there will be nobody to listen and learn from them. I don't see how to change that without massive state propaganda and interfering with businesse, but both propaganda and interfering with businesses is accounted as evil in USA.

In Russia it took at least decade just to began turning the tide in education from producing managers and financists to preparing engineers and scientists. And its with state propaganda and interference along with high demand for tech professionals. From the other side, retirement is not very wealthy thing here, so there were still old professionals in business who were able to transfer some knowledge to next generation.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem is that discreditation and demoralisation is not some theories about 55 years old events, but the fact that we don't have few large working scientific and mining bases on the moon with regular flights from Earth and back and thousands of inhabitants, from scientists to tourists.

Moon landing technically was perfectly possible in 1970, and progress had to be linear, if not exponential.

So, regardless of was Moon landing real or not, discreditation and demoralisation is in zero progress or even regress since that time.

There are only two question you have to ask about Moon landing is "Was that regress intentional?" and "Who is behind that regress?".

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lorenz transformations are universal for any wave/field, not necessary electromagnetic.

Just for fun, I checked pedowikia, both Russian and English version.

In Russian version there is a note:

  • It should be noted that not only fundamental equations (such as Maxwell's equations, which describe the electromagnetic field, the Dirac equation, which describes the electron and other fermions) are Lorentz-covariant, but also such macroscopic equations as the wave equation, which describes (approximately) sound, vibrations of strings and membranes, and some others (only then in the formulas for Lorentz transformations, c should not mean the speed of light, but some other constant - for example, the speed of sound).

In English version I didn't find any mention of the fact that almost any (all second order wave equations for sure) wave/field equations are Lorenz-covariant, with speed of wave/field propagation as c.

Meanwhile in acoustic and sonar measurements, and in hydro/aero-dynamics there a coefficient equal to square root of one minus mach number squared or sqrt(1-M^2), named β or "compressibility factor" is often used. It is literally exactly that sqrt(1-v^2/c^2) from Lorenz transformations.

But somehow acoustic scientists, for unknown reasons, does not insist that nothing could move faster than speed of sound. :)

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Einshtein was even worse. He took Lorenz transforms, not understanding (or intentionally twisting the point) that they describe distortions in observations when speed of something is close to the speed of acquiring observation information and posed them as equations describing reality of observed object. And then, doing "thought experiments" based on this cheating create a lot of wrong conclusions.

Lorenz equations are universal for any method of receiving insformation about observed object. If it is sound, then there will be speed of sound instead of speed of light, or speed of carrier pigeons if you use them to receive information. Obviously that does not mean that faster-than-sound or faster-than-pigeon is impossible because otherwise observer will see something strange, say, like this "telegraph to the past" non-existing paradox.

So Einshtein managed to use triple-cheating, first, using wrong conclusions about meaning of Lorenz math to think out non-existing paradoxes, second using paradoxes to "prove" the points of special relativity and third, build all that impossible model of the world where speed of receiving observation information is projected to real things.

Einstein is far ahead of Turing in scientific dishonesty.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I admire your intent to find a disproof of materialism, but math is not where it could be found.

Materialism assume that everything is predictable and just a result of, may be, complex, but finite interactions. However, even simple double pendulum show chaotic behaviour, and barely predictable when you move from math (pretty complex, already), to the real life.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its that great ideas that been written when high, turn out been unbelivably stupid next morning. :)

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then, could you please uncover any practically useful utilisation of that mind gymnastics, speaking politely. I don't know any.

"Computing" in abstract math is a thing that is infinitely far from real world tech.

Math is not a science, and it is meaningless by itself. Math is a language to describe real things. And as any formal system, this language is incomplete. Making far-fetching conclusions using formal system is even worse than materialism. It is pharisaism.

Wrong assumption that something could be proven or disproven using only math is just arrogance of mathematicians. Only real-world experiment could prove or disprove something.

Imagining things that fundamentally could not be built (like Turing machine) to prove or disprove something is just a scam.

Also, in real science you can't prove non-existence or impossibility. Trying to do that using math change nothing.

We don't know if AI is possible. But we will never be sure it is impossible.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

:) There is some problems with grass here in December for obvious reasons.

As for "EMF-absorbing crystals", here cactuses was popular for same purpose among office workers decade ago. It was fun when admins and programmers, as those who somehow accounted as more exposed to EMF radiation among the office workforce, received mostly catuses as birthday/new year/whatever gifts on corporative celebrations. However, some started great cactus collections and even get cactuses to regulary blossom. :)

Despite not having any specific EMF-absorbing properties, cactuses are nice and interesting plants. :)

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

theyre doing it for stock profits and say-ten.

That too, but it is just a bait for useful idiots - "we will allow you to enrich yourself with stock gambling and cheating, but you have to push our agenda."

Take a look at stocks - all those companies that trade nice and attractive for gamblers are always pushing some shitty agendas and doing globalist shit that have no any sane (from the point of customer view) reason behind.

If you push narrative necessary for elites, then they allow you to be in some S&P 500 or whatever fake and artificial list of "bring your money here".

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you don't understand how things you use really work, you inevitably have to percieve it as magic and switch to magical thinking that in turn opens you to all possible kind of manipulation by those who behind your ignorance.

There is no any option - either you know how things work, either you believe in magic, witchcraft, and all that occult shit and so become highly wulnerable to manipulation and brainwashing.

Tech is the only truthful thing in our world. It can't lie or depend on lies. You can't build working car engine on lies, it will not work regardless of how many money and effort you spent on creating that lies. This is highly disturbing to those who want to thrive on lies, so they thinking out non-existing magical tech and sell it around, at the same time convincing people that they don't have to know how things work.

Now we have kind of worldwide occult sect of "consumers" repeating false basic dogma of that sect that "you don't need to know how thing work to use it". Consequences are all around.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Techno scapegoat stuff, maybe?

Kind of. More like fictional but unquestionable authority or, say, infantilism - "it's not me, it's my imaginary friend did that".

Definately curious and mistrustful of tech for even simple reasons like conditioning and laziness.

Tech is a practical, sensible result of studying God's design of the world. God's mind is in every technology. It is insane to deny a chance to know God better through studying and understanding His creation and becoming closer to "His image and likeness" as He created us.

CrazyRussian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, it is just like funneling potential into sewer. And I think this was done intentionally. With high probability decision was made around 1970.

Technology become very accessible and cheap today. Even small breakthrough in right direction could easily ruin the fundamentals of wealth and power of those who grab wealth and power. Scientific and technological progress become severe danger for elites. So, they are trying to funnel it to meaningless things that will never give any practical result. For now they are pretty successfull, but that does not mean their success will last forever.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

The idea is the mode doesn't matter but the intent

Intent is pretty simple. Those who heavily invest (in all sense) in non-existent "AI" just hope to get an ultimate excuse for anything and evade any responsibility. "It's not our decision, it's AI" - you already could get such answer when you banned on some social network, and I hope you will never believe it for a second.

Being not good in tech is not a problem, it could be easy fixed with a lot of fun and entertainment. All you need is curiosity and desire to learn. Tech is not something complex and magical. Most tech things are pretty simple and 100% logical and could be explained in few simple sentences to anybody. Unfortunately, not many want that.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. Good analogy. Just like 8 ball could only show what is written on the sides of icosahedron, any "AI" directly calculate output based only on what was it trained on.

It doesn't even work properly most of time and used mostly for generating lulz or marketing shit for SEO. :)

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