CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Problem that telephony drag that SS7 with it regardless of used media. It was used on raw copper, digital data over fiber or radiowaves, now they use internet to run their SS7 rituals and looks like that mammoth shit will be used on any further tech.

F.e. it is obvious that today things like "roaming" or "interstate calls" have absolutely no any sense. But teiephonists still sticking to all that senseless crap for mo any technical reason.

If you are not aware, when you use your cellphone to make calls from outside of your "local area", your call routed through phone network via your "local area" phone switch, even if you on the other side of Earth calling to nearby restaraunt to reserve a table.

That's really so insane, that nobody could imagine all that crap telephonists still pracrticise. And that is why there are no any wonder that a single broken line could ruin some phone service for the whole country and even a world.

CrazyRussian 5 points ago +6 / -1

Not that complex.

Phone service today still use very outdated signalling system named SS7. This is centralized system, so if you have some country-wide service, then there should be some single switch station that will route all calls to that service.

It is not like internet, when system allow point-to-point connections through the shortest route, when connection from one subnetwork does not goes further than closest router.

Reason why that retarded SS7 is not abandoned long ago is a big mistery. Something like if cabmans didn't abandon theri horses and cabs when everybody else already switched to cars.

CrazyRussian 3 points ago +3 / -0

If there is not enough "official" money, people will began to use their own currencies. And all deficit that will be replaced by currency surrogates just fall out of any possible taxation.

Also, cashless society does not agree with that permanent blackout and electricity limitations fearmongering. If you push agenda of less energy consumption and all nightmares that will be inevitable, then even dumbest sheeple will want to have some cash in hands just in case, for the promised blackout days, or if grocery store will be out of its daily energy limit when sheeple will want some snack at the evening.

UBI looks more logical way to introduce cashless controlled money system, at least over the most dumb part of society.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can't force anybody for anything with miserable 5% share. Even with 30% share you could only try. To have real power to do anything you want you need at least 51%. And even in that case you are risking to lose a lot if you force company do some shit that will significantly lower its price. There are no any sense in owning 51% of bankrupted company.

Either thare is something else, apart shares with that BlackRock/Vanguard duo, either they are kind of scrapegoats, to divert attention from something really important.

I can;t see how owner of 5% could do things that happen with companies today. Just imagine someone with 5% shares came and tell - "now we begin to produce complete garbage nobody will buy for the sake of inclusivity and diversity". Any sane person will understand that it is much better if that 5% struck the market and temporary lower share price, than to allow that idiot to completely ruin his co-owned business.

Well, I could imagine that 5% with pushing DEI crap could be used as kind of racket, like "buy my 5% for the double price, or I will shit on the conference room table at every shareholders meeting", but not what imputed to BlackRock/Vanguard.

It does not add up.

Well, I initially was well into that story, about some global funds that really owns everything, too, until I finally take a look at real numbers. In no way that tiny shares could be "owning the world". Sorry, but I need something else, much more convincing, to agree with that narrative.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somebody, please explain me how that miserable 5-6% of shares could mean anything?

Also, who the fuck owns the rest 70 or whatever %? Why our attention is shifted to unsignificant shareholders, instead of serious ones?

More I dig that "BlackRock/Vanguard owns everything" horror stories, more I convinced that it is pure distraction from something much more important, about who really owns everything.

Tell me please, if I buy a single share in each public company - would I also be mentioned in stories as "man who owns everything"? Doesn't share size matter, not number of companies?

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is one thing none mentioned. Looks like it is more like destruction of the "Western AD" myth. AD is a huge part of MIC profits, so it is logical to destroy this source of profits.

So, here we have the second independent experimental proof that Western AD is a total crap, first was Ukraine.

From the other side, today Western MIC could sell their AD only by forced sells to NATO and proxies. Nobody today will buy that crap consciously. So Western MIC need more wars and tensions to force the sells of their AD systems.

If the theory that Western politics is in whole or partially driven by MIC money laundering is true, then we will see more attempts to create conflicts around the world and more money to MIC. Also, those who forced to buy Western AD will demand development of new, better systems with additional budget funding for that R&D.

This will provide some more money for MIC in short run, but would be a total disaster in the long run. Inability of Westerm MIC to produce AD systems that will be able to really defend something will be a huge fuckup for current money flow system.

Things gets worse with modern DEI and other crap that makes any real development of something really working fundamentally impossible.

It is really amasing how elites trying to acquire all possible power, while simultaneously destroying everything that could provide that power to them. Either Western elites are broken completely, either their masters, who could bring them round, abandon them or dead.

PS: Wow, it was fast. :) And here we go - https://www.usnews.com/news/top-news/articles/2024-04-15/exclusive-lockheed-wins-us-missile-defense-contract-worth-17-billion-sources-say

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not new at all.

You could buy a square of pyrolitic graphite and rare-earth magnet assembly right now on aliexpress for $15. You will get exactly same thing.


CrazyRussian 6 points ago +6 / -0

the Jews arent the great force behind the global cabal.

They are not force behind the global cabal, they are global cabal. At least overhelming part of it. They are very convenient tools with all their chutzpa, mutual cover-up, greed, cowardice, perverted moral, hate to humanity and so on. A tons of properties very useful for those who really behind the global cabal. Look at any source of shit in the world, you inevitably will find some miserable Jews who are stiring up troubles.

I think if there were no Jews, those who are behind, had to create them to spread their tentacles into human civilization.

But it looks like Jews fall short of "those who are behind" expectations. As all global cabal. And "those who are behind" have a deadline. And global cabal missing it badly and began to make obvious mistakes and expose themselves in their hurry.

You should not overestimate Jews as some supervillains who rule the world, but also you should not underestimate Jews role in world mess too.

They have their role, not main, but significant one, so omitting Jewish question when trying to get some clue about mess around is absolutely inexcusable mistake.

CrazyRussian 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ionized air is conductive. It could work as metal lightning rod

It does not matter how you ionize air. In a places where lightning protection is very important, often used radioactive material in lead can with hole at top as ionizer at the top of regular lightning rod. This greatly increase "length" of conductive "wire", so catching lightnings is more effective.

Strange that in the video they used green laser. With enough power it could ionize air too, but UV laser will be much more effective. And also much cheaper, since nice UV lasers could be made using nitrogen in air as laser mediun.

Or, may be, it is just a camera reads UV light that way.

But still laser is much more complex than simple box with radioactive substance inside that does not need any power or maintenance and could work for centuries to catch the lightnings.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Kind of, Yandex searches in English are nearly uncensored, but Yandex does not index all English sites or do it with significant delay. Something same with Google searches in Russian, but, unfortunately, Google apply that DMCA and other copyright and IP shit even to searches in Russian.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not jewish.

Try harder. Everything you wrote after that statement prove the opposite.

There's no history of jews enslaving whites.

Such statements named chutzpa, f.e.. :)

CrazyRussian 4 points ago +4 / -0

Interesting, why everybody around you "want to murder every jew"? May be problem is in jews, not others?

Only people who want to murder every Russain I heard about was Jewish. Only people who want to murder every Palestinian I heard about was Jewish. Only people who want to murder every German is I heard about was Jewish. And so on.

Could you somehow imagine, that other people does not necessary want to kill every Jew even if Jews did a lot of shit to them. I't not our habit. It is Jewish habit. It is Jews who celebrate genocide of 76000 people including women and babies every single year eating "Ears of Aman". It is Jews who religiously didn't account all others as humans. It is Jews who believe that they are choosen and could kill anyone they want if it is benefits them.

So, burn in hell, with your faith, habits, chutzpa, celebrations of genocides and other disguisting crap. You tribe is no any different from some cannibals from wilds of Africa or Australia. That is your true position in the world, and you will inevitably take it, regardless of all your efforts. Nobody will kill you, you will eat each other out by yourself in that only shithole you will eventually find to hide from the wrath of humanity.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Protestants are not the only Christian confession. It is one of glowing examples of perversion and distortion of Christianity.

Basically only few confessions today have apostolic continuity in the first place, and protestants even not in that list.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

DARPA really didn't produce any real shit for a long time.

Military tech is a good candidate for breaking through that artificial progress slowdown, but I didn't observe any fundamental breakthroughs in that area anywhere.

As for DARPA, I think their fuckup with Internet that still a pain in the ass of NWO, put them under strict control, to prevent any similar accidental fuckups in future.

CrazyRussian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Christianity clearly states that one who have some relations with person who practicise Judaism or visited sinagogue should be excommunicated (temporary or constantly, depending on type of relation), since Jews are children of Satan and all that stuff.

Christian can't be compliant to the Jews because by this compliance he excommunicate itself from Christianity.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's stopping you?

I'll be glad to get a grant for FTL research. Where could I apply for it to continue Gunter Nimtz work? Name me at least one scientific entity in the world who will approve and finance research of something fundamentally contradicting Einshtein dogma. Just one.

CrazyRussian 4 points ago +5 / -1

it provoked sacrifices on behalf of jews for two millennia.

Then why during all that two millenia jews constantly trying to replace, pervert, subvert or destroy Christianity?

If Christianity is fundamentally useful for them, shouldn't they support and encourage it among goyims in its untouched state?

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Science has a history of being wrong for a span then corrected then being wrong then being corrected

It is a normal scientific process. That's what Einshtein worshippers try to break.

In normal situation, after first succesfull replication of Gunter Nimtz experiment, scientists had to at least deeply revisit Einshtein "relativity" and came out with new theory, where is no any casuality violations possible when signal is transmitted faster than light. But that's not what happened. I don't even know who is hated most today - Gunter itself who get 4.7c or those guys who replicated with much more advanced instruments and come to conclusion that signal tunneling takes zero time, i.e. have infinite speed. This obviously falsifies "special relativity". Nobody could disprove experiments results, so the Einshtein crowd turned to lies and personal attacks.

Because Einstein at his worst was a once in a generation thinker

He wasn't. He was made "media darling" to circumvent normal scientific process. Whole life and career of Einshtein is suspicious at minimum.

many very smart people have spent a lot of time trying to disprove his observations

Problem is that Einshtein doesn't have any observations at all. His relativity is purely mathematical excercise. As you might know, math is not a science, it is a language for science. And as in inay other language you could spell total bullshit in math that have nothing to do with reality.

Again, if you still don't get the trick done by Einshtein and his handlers: Both relativity theories completely miss the point that observation is a process too. And it is done in all Einshtein reasoning using light, which itself introduce distortions in observation, because it have limited speed and vulnerable to gravitation. Lorenz transforms show not that something elongating, or time slow down in moving object, but that observer observe this elongation and slowing because he use light to observe, Same is with general relativity. Light could bent near massive bodies not because continuum is curved, but because gravity affects energy, just like it affects mass.

Taking all of that you will get exactly same equations, that equally predict what you observe, but they will have completely different meaning. And of course, there will be no any "fundamental" limitations that was sucked from Einshtein finder with single purpose - to cancel any research in unwanted directions like FTL or gravity control.

Interesting, that unlike all other scientific theories, Einshtein relativity is a first and only scientific theory that never produced any practically useful inventions, but on the contrary, closed a ways to many important possible breakthroughs.

Think about it, why that only theory with so weird influence on the science is so dogmatically protected from any possibility to be disproven. It is literally used as "Einshtein was genius, and if you find something that does not fit, then you are just fool and does not understand relativity". It is not a science at all, it is religion.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't met a single thinking person who believes what's being said about the climate.

Then why that totally murky and suspcious story about Einshtein is so believble for you?

Physiscs of course, less politicised than climatology, biology or medicine, but it is under influence too. If Einshtein story is not enough for you, take a look at a story with fusion energy, when since 60s we are every year promised with "cheap fusion energy" in 10 years. All 60 years along with zero practically useful results. If you compare that with nuclear fission, then you find out that first practically useful nuclear fission power plant was connected to power grid in 1954, just after just 21 years since first idea of nuclear chain reaction appeared in 1933. Taking in account scientific and tech progress from 1933 to 1960, nuclear fusion reactors should have been took less time from idea to practically useful result. But today it is over 80 years of endless "in 10 years" promises and endless tax money throwed into that scam. There are also many other examples of sudden progress slowdown, from high-temperature superconductors to space exploration.

Scientific and technological progress slowdown since late 1960s is undeniable, even electronics have no any significant breakthroughs since that time, all we have is just a miniaturisation of well known things, nothing really new was invented or discovered at all.

We have far too narrow a view within recorded history to have any idea what we (modern science 🤔) are talking about.

Climate of the past, even very distant past is not a secret at all. For reference you could search for "eocene climate" f.e. Last stable climate laster for tens of millions of years that was disrupted by some cataclism with following ice age we are coming out of. Earth was green from pole to pole with moderate and stable climate with average temperature around +20°C and CO2 concentration of 1200ppm. It is more than reasonable to suppose that this was natural Earth climate, we are leading to. In honor of that times when mammals developed, we keep temperature in our homes at around +20°C (not +5°C). Also, 1200ppm of CO2 is recommended concentration for best harvest in greenhouses.

Of course, data from paleontologists does not fit into modern narrative, that is why they refer only to a tiny period of last centuries.

CrazyRussian 6 points ago +6 / -0

Looks like now we have "uninformation" in addition to all that dis-,mis-,mal-,etc. informations.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

The "eccentric genius" trope is older than that

Yes. that is why Einshtein easily fit in that trope.

It was mostly an organic outgrow of the Enlightenment/Romantic worldview of the 18-19c.

May be even earlier, down to Dark ages, when any smart enough person risked to be declared a witcher or insane.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

We are not yet in a world where they can blatantly contradict physical books on known scientific findings

We already are. Climatehoax, at least in "greenhouse" area blatantly contradicts basics of thermodynamics. But that contradiction is absolutely silenced in any literature. Basics of "geenhouse" include not only rise of average temperature, but also unalienable lowering of temperature gradients in time and distance. Show me a single climatehoax article (peer-reviewed or popular) touching "greenhouse" question where lowering of temperature gradients is ever mentioned. And this have huge importance. Rising average temperature from 5°C (with -40°C to +50°C gradients) to 15°C due to greenhouse effect does not mean that we will have -30°C to +60°C hell. It is likely will be something like +5°C to +25°C with average +15°C. Isn't that much better than current -40°C to +50°C range?

Scientific findings does not matter when those who control information have an agenda.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do you think that something written in MSM is true? Scientific American is a shitty science-like MSM who wrote a lot about climatehoax, vaccinehoax, coonahoax and other hoaxes. Why wouldn't they support einshteinhoax?

If your common sense (if you have any) could be so easily shut down by some shit printed in MSM, you are doomed.

It's fascinating, really. Scientist, who derived some very interesting formula, deny to analyse it in depth for all possible deductions and physical meanings. :) You definitely have to be completely retarded or indoctrinated to believe that crap.

CrazyRussian 0 points ago +1 / -1

Poincaré, however, failed to connect E with the mass of any real body

Because Einshtein worshippers said that? :) It is absolutely impossible if somebody ended with E=mc² formula and subbenly didn't have any thoughts about connection of mass with energy. On;y complete idiot could believe that having E=mc² Poincare "failed to connect" something. He was not as dumb as Einshtein.

You know headed by that Nazi cunt Wernher von Braun

How interesting, that nearly all of your "Nazi cunts" always eventually ended working for Jews. Werner von Braun who ended working for disgusting Jews in control of USA at that time is not an exception.

Are they really "Nazi cunts"? Does "Nazi" really means antisemitic? Why your "Nazi" never destroyed any Jewish state and never threaten any Jewish business? Why Nazi always work only for Jewish benefits, from Third Reich to modern Ukraine?

In any case it is inevitable that Einshtien cult will be destroyed and all that Jewish science-like cabal will be buried in oblivion. It's just a matter of time. In the best case, Einshtein will be mentioned in one row with Judas and Trotsky, as one of the greatesrt enemies of humanity.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +2 / -1

A wall of

So, you are unable to understand long enough explanations,

astronomers observed

They observed using electromagnetic waves (light) with limited speed and subject to gravitation that causes different distortions in observations.

Distortions in observations that caused by use of relatively slow (in scale of universe) electromagnetic waves (light) for making observations does not mean that Einshtein bullshit is real.

To get rid of all that effects scientists just need to use some other means of observation, with speed many times more than speed of light and less subjected to universe obstacles. But fucking Einshtein worshippers prohibit and cancel any research that does not align with Eihshtein perverted "theory", including research for finding faster than light means to receive and transmit information.

A massive object such as the Sun bends the spacetime blanket with its gravity, such that light no longer travels in a straight line as it passes by the Sun."

There is no any scientific proof that gravity is a spacetime distortion. There is proof that mass bent light (electromagnetic waves). There could be many different theories, including simple ones like that if energy is one of manifestation of mass (or mass is manifestation of energy) so energy should gravitationally interact with mass too. But all other theories just prohibited by Einshtein sect to cancel humanity technological progress, f.e. in development of antigravity devices.

Also, spacetime curvature as gravity is not Einshtein idea at all. It was Henri Poincare who invented that concept (along with E=mc² connection of mass and energy, meanwhile), in attempt to explain gravity. Funny that Einshtein openly acknowledged Poincare contribution in his general relativity writings, but did it only posthumously to esure that Poincare will not rise question of authorship. Fucking jewish thief.

PS: Link to NASA speaks a lot. :)

And they blatantly lie about using Einshtein bullshit in GPS system. GPS was basically designed so that any presumable Einshtein bullshit effects are irrelevant because military didn't want to risk with expensive project if Einshtein was wrong. GPS is differential system, not absolute, so any potential "relativity" effects just cancel itself out. In no way GPS (and other GNSS systems) is using anything from "relativity". Just because it is not necessary.

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