CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then why not add feathers to logos and design of businesses you have connection to? To poison and screw up their signalling system and possibly trick their businesses that you are one of them?

Same with all that masonic shit and other scull and bones idiots.

They have some signalling system, that is somehow important for them. Then why not destroy it, devaluing their symbols?

Put masonic signs on the toilet paper you produce, print feathers on the plastic garbage bags and so on.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

why, if it's just a spectacle designed for us, the spectators?

Because if circus actors broke legs and necks and clowns harm themselves during shitshow, it is better than when they just clear our pockets without losses.

Aren't you interested in what's real instead of this reality TV nonsense

I'm pretty interested in what real, but I don't see any systemic work to find out what is real and uncover real puppet masters. So, there is nothing left except just observe what's going on.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whatever. If some woke-lgbt-jewish scam lose money/power/influence/etc. in that spectacle, that's a good thing.

Even in spectacle some actors could be severly harmed. It is much better than spectacle where all actors feels good and play united.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who cares? It's even better when those on same side smash each other.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unfortunately, I have no any other Trump for you. So, we have to deal with this one.

Also, I'm fine with one evil kick another evil. This way both are busy with each other and less bother us.

There is Russian common expression for that case - "a toad have been fucking a viper" ( "ебала жаба гадюку" ) or shorter version "viper toading" ( "жабогадюкинг" ).

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Europe have all those opportunities too, and it was not a vacation spot, but industry powerhouse not long ago.

Interesting, that f.e. France have a lot of resources, including all that rare earth, lithium, wolfram, gold, even uranium. But they just don't want to mine them. "How dare you to propose mining minerals in Cognac province?!!!" "Nice have a lot of property that belong to very mportant people, we can't extract minerals from that rocks!!!"

So, EU, literally sitting on the tons of valuable and perfectly available resources, they just want to take them somwhere else.

I would like to see how EU will be forced to mine their own land to supply themselves with their own resources, not live on the resources of others.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

in the long run, they've been unimaginably successful.

That's was what their masters paid them with. Masters, obviously fulfilled their part of deal. Globalists didn't.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think antifa/woke scam have any real force to somehow survive when they provoke people to fight. Antifa is in no way fit for real fight, they are just irritant.

To start a civil war they need much more than antifa. Say, dividing people during coronahoax into vaccinated and unvaccinated was much better for starting civil war than all antifa and woke activity of all times. You need to convince one significant part people that another significant part of people are completely different and want to exterminate them or at least pose a severe treat to them so should be exterminated.

They did that on Ukraine f.e.

Antifa with BLM and other shit was nowere near something like above.

Watch for inventing new language, rewriting history in the way part of nation "always was" completely another, separate people in noway like other part, something like that, systemic and thorough.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is even site https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/

Also, there was no any fundamental breakthrough inventions made since 1970, despite the rate of inventions grow fast before.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

I bet that deadline of their deal with elites is very close. Elites failed them. So, they have to punish them and do it publicly, to sow a fear in the next puppets and take everything in their own hands until they defeated or their new puppets set up.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not that it is easier to hold than to take.

In current situation it is easier to trick enemy to bring all resources to extermination point than to search them over all country and bomb everything in the hope to hit hidden enemy resources. Since NATO's bet is on PR, then it will be tons of shit about "Russia bombed innocent puppy sanctuary into oblivion".

The issue is really not very pleasant.

Imagine you have younger brother who addicted to sucking Soros dick and consuming his hopium. He started from stealing TVs and jewerly from your home to buy hopium, but one day he asked his beloved Soros about moving to his mansion. And Soros told - "well, you suck my dick wery well, and I like it very much, but, unfortunately, you know, you have your older brother that will not be happy about our uniton, and he is an only obstacle to our eternal happiness, so to continue to suck my dick you should get rid of your older brother, only then we will be able to live together". And this cocksucking drug addict now completely and irreversably obsessed with desire to kill you at any cost. What will you do with such younger brother? From one side he is still your brother. From the other, he will never stop trying to kill you. Tough question, isn't it?

Of course, there exist a very simple and final solution - to exterminate Soros. But somehow, for some unknown for me reason, Politicians have kind of tabu about exterminating foreing ghouls like Rothshilds, Soroses, Rockfellers and others that do serious harm not only to Russia, but also to the countries they reside in. Such ghouls are not elected leaders and even not an officials, so their exterminations could not be casus belli or something like. An incident with extermination of, say Rothshild family will be easily closed just by formal official apology. May be there is some secret worldwide agreement or whatever we are not aware.

So, since exterminating elite ghouls is not an option, we will see that brother wars of different grade. Not only between Ukraine and Russia, but in many other areas too. Not necessary hot, but with huge losses. Coronahoax with vaccinehoax is an example - whites who sucked jewish dicks willingly and gladly murdered whites who fall into the lies in quantities. And none of them think about apology and repentance even today. On the opposite - they are all believe that they did the right thing and they are not like people they killed. Same younger, dumber, dicksucking drug addicted brother who wanted to kill older brother just like Ukrainians.

Pretty old Kain/Avel playbook with "divide and conquer" addition.

CrazyRussian 3 points ago +3 / -0

In last month there was some noticeable advances, but overall you are right, there is no any hurry in taking more land. Looks like military command are good with just meat/hardware grinding on existing lines, taking adavantage of NATO stupidity which continue to throw man and tech to the carefully built meatgrinders. Only when the rate of enemy man/tech supplly into one or another meatgrinder falls, troops are moved slightly forward only to provoke enemy to restore supply of men/tech to meatgrinder.

There are even was some removals from command of some high-ranks who are tried to show some advances (at the price of higher losses of course) to favor the higher command.

Not very suitable for loud PR strategy, but it works. It is clear that NATO strategy is built mostly on PR and Russia strategy is built on attrition. Totally incompatible strategies, when collided, give such weird visible result.

May be there will be big advance into Sumy region when the stream of supply to Kursk region will finally dry out.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's post-USSR name and means just "capital city" in Kazakh language. Satan in Kazakh language is "Shaytan".

But, previous name of this town, since foundation was Akmola which means literally "white grave". :)

There is really a grave of some ancient Kazakh ruler in that place, but when new Kazakhstan authorities decided to move their capital from Alma-ata, they was afraid and uncomfortable Akmola name and renamed it just Astana.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

In the meaning of pushing out any trotskists found (actually 90% they are Jews with their ideas of creating grey race from goyims) - yes, Russia/USSR do that for a long time, since Stalin took full power in around 1934. It just happens that trotskists prefer to flee West, not some other direction.

However, I'm in doubt that there was/is some special program to search and send Trotskists from Russia specifically to the West with some purpose, especially taking in account that Trotsky himself was a creature of US bankers from the beginning, funded and sent from NY to Russia on the verge of revolution. So, it's just flies returning to their shit.

American left, as I understand, are basically just continuation of that initial US baksters Trotsky project of 1900s, not something external. Trotskists from USSR/Russia just filled their already existing ranks.

Things that I see in Western leftists are fundamentally different from what USSR/Russia practicised. The only common thing is socialism thing, but obviously it does not mean they are the same creatures. German national-socialism also had socialist part in itself, but this does not mean Western leftists are NS creatures intentionally pushed by the Third Reich to the USA.

Meanwhile, USA leftists sucked in German Weimar leftists too. All that Frankfurt School vomit and that stuff. Along with trotskists running from USSR they created the foundation of modern leftism in the West, with all that grey race goal, LGBTXYZ+ crap, globalism and other disguisting stuff.

In whole, you for sure could indirectly blame USSR/Russia for increasing ranks of leftists in the West, but that's just a consequences of Russia's self-cleaning from that garbage, not something intentional.

If you want more or less direct Soviet influence - take a look at Trade Unions. USSR openly and officially supported Trade Unions movement in the West.

Also, interesting that USSR openly supported communist parties in the West, from GB to USA, not even mentioning other Western countries like Spain. But that communists was not trotskists and trotskists hate them a lot, like they hated USSR, Stalin and so on, And, suddenly, most Western governments eventually got rid of soviet variety communst parties from their political stage, but did absolutely nothing with more influential trotskists masqueraded as democrats, progressivists, intelligetia, artists and so on. McCarthy for "some" reason never ever did anything against trotskists. Seems like Jews was still untouchable at the time and he couldn't even think about looking into that direction. At the same time soviet variety communist parties was the only thing that steal part of trotskists audience. Then, just the moment when McCarthy did his job with soviet communists variety, he was immidiately used as a scrapegoat by untouched trotskists to promote all that leftist shit about freedom, tolerance and diversity. So, US conservatives just cleaned up a road to the power for the trotskists by their own hands.

CrazyRussian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Soviet-style (starting from Stalin) means hardcore internationalism with two distinct features - not accounting Jews as somehow special and preserving ethnic cultures and traditions without merging them into some gray, ethnicityless race. You could easily track Soviet-style internationalism by that features.

White Power nationalism ideology was condemned in USSR because of hatred to the other etnicities/races. However you could find a lot of things that looks pretty like White Power - ehtnic ancient heores, traditions, myths and legends about glorious ethnic past and present and so on was cultivated in USSR. Nearly all heroic epic tales of USSR etnicities published in volumes, like Kalevala, Mastorava, Georgian tales, Russian legends and all that stuff. Kind of White Power with friendship and mutual respect to neighbour etnicities/races. It was part of Soviet indoctrination in schools. "We are different, but we are together in USSR". Interesting that Third Reich and USSR posters was pretty similar pre-WWII. Same glorification of etnicity, but spread to multiple etnicities in case of USSR.

That features was hated a lot by trotskists along all USSR existence and still hated a lot.

After USSR fall, West tried to erase most aboriginal ethnic identities of USSR, including, but not limited to, Russian majority with making Jews very special supervictims of Sovier regime, but eventually failed. The remnants of that attemtps still present in modern Russia, but they are already miniscule.

Putin is a hardcore internationalist of Soviet type with all consequences.

So, if you see, say, something like creating English/German/Greek/Vietnam/Native cultural enclave, in terms of language, traditions and all that stuff in some US state along with words about "etnicity friendship" and "developing healthy ethnic relations" - that's probably kind of tracks of Soviet internationalism.

From the other side, attempts to create gray race from different etnicities and completely erase cultural differences or replace them with single artificial culture along with making Jews special - is a sign of trotskists activity.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could you imagine that other people could have competely different scheme of values, where what you account as a lie, is not accounted as such?

Also strange you didn't mention Jews who are absolute champions of lying in Western sense. At the same time they don't account their lies as a lies at all.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

You mistakingly suppose that Chineese lie. They don't.

They see, that only number of publications and citations is valued in a modern world. So, they just do what is valued. That simple.

If the world had valued practical usefulness of scientific paper (as was in USSR - you had to show actual practical usefulness to get your publication accepted, that's why many abstract matematicians and theorists flee to the West, meanwhile), then we would have observed Chineese "paper mill" prodicing papers with practical usefulness.

It's interesting that many people account Chineese as people like them, just doing wrong things. That's not like that. Chineese are completely different civilisation, with completely different values. They are not like us. One of the difference - they always assume that customer always know what he want, and hold all responsibility for all possible consequences of his wishes, and it's not Chineese business to argue something. If customer want something as cheap as possible then

Chineese assume that customer perfectly understand that he will get what he want in whole. If customer want things as cheap as possible, it is totally customer responsibility for the lowest possible quality of this things. He knows better, he understand he will get total crap for that price, and it is completely his deliberate decision. Chineese will satisfy his request without any question.

If customer (the world scientific community in our topic) value publications and citations, then Chineese will make exactly publications and citations. If the world scientific community valued quality more that quantity, then there will be muc less chineese papers with much higher quality.

It is very strange for me, that very few people understand that simple thing about Chineese and most blame them for doing exact things most want from them. Buy "iPhone" for $50 and then complain about "lying Chineese" when they get exactly what they wanted - "iPhone" for $50, that is different from one for $1000 - it is just insane.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Again, not quite correct, because Chinese have been caught in "paper mills"

They also have "electronics mills", "kitchenware mills", even "car mills". That's what they good in. Of course they will have "paper mills". And if they see that only number of publications and citations valued, they will go for it, not for quality. Expecially taking in account that western scientists do exactly the same for decades.

Quality of Soviet scientific publications was order of magnitude higher, until western "rules" arrived on USSR fall. And now we have same stream of useless, never reproduced papers and so publications/citations race for the sole goal of higher number of publications and citations.

I think around 80% of modern scientific papers should be retracted, regardless of country of origin.

I always wondered why even papers that was not confirmed by later experiments never retracted or at least disclaimered that they was found false. F.e. in particle physics. all that papers with new particle predictions that was never confirmed even on LHC, despite all conditions described in paper was met, are still there, like nothing happened and still cited and their authors accounted as valued ones.

Also, this passage from the article:

That proportion is an order of magnitude higher than China’s retraction rate, and 50 times the global average.

does not mean that there are 50 times more fraudlent chineese papers. It means that chineese papers retracted 50 times more often. That could easily mean that same western fraudlent articles just not retracted for political/financial/whatever reasons.

Also, biology and medicine is a very corrupted area. If Chineese publish articles that could potentially harm western BigPharma, then they will be retractded by western journals, because they depend highly on western BigPharma.

Retraction also does not mean that article is inherently fraudlent. It could be just counter-narrative f.e.

Recall that ivermectin papers. Once it become a threat to BigPharma, it nearly disappeared from publications, and many articles was retracted, despite being valid and even replicated.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I used to be in academia, you don't have to sell me on the state of academia.

Cheers, so we know how it works. :(

That said, I don't think you're reading the chart quite correctly.

Chart is biased.

My point is that western institutilons have official retraction rate lower than 5%, only because of political/finacial reasons, not because of better papers quality. My second point is that this official retraction rate is a huge underestimation of what have to be retracted in normal system.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Japanese are exactly the same. They just passed the stage "hey, orientals, make me cheapest crap possible" in area of consumer goods.

If you're an editor at a journal, and 5% of the papers from a Chinese university have to be retracted,

Problem is that same amount, if not even more papers from Europe/USA have to be retracted, but that could have consequences for the editor. :) They just could not retract a paper paid by BigPharma or huge government grants that is used as a core reasom for huge profits or gov. spending/actions.

Most scientific journals are businesses under West jurisdiction. Chineese or Indians couldn't harm them financially or legally, but Western elites could.

State of Western Academia (really including Russian one, that is organized same as Western one with minor differences) is nicely described in one of last Sabine Hossenfelder's rant on YT - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shFUDPqVmTg. (Interesting, does she spread same thing on climatehoax and coronahoax "science", or continue to be a hypocrite ?)

CrazyRussian 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is much bigger conspiracy - why papers that was not replicated by independent researches are allowed to be cited in other papers.

As for your question about Asians - it is very simple. Since in the modern scientific world the level of researcher is measured by number of publications and citations, not by the quality of publication, they just do what will give them best resilts in that metrics. It's like Chineese manufacturer - they could do high-quality things, but if the customer(supply manager of supermarket network f.e.) want as cheap as possible goods, chineese will never refuse to fullfill the order. Same with the science. If they want more publications and citations - no problem, there will be more publications and citations.

So, if Academia is value scientists by number of publications in commercial scientific journals and citations by other publications author, not by the quality, importance, significance, etc of research, then there is absolutely no anything strange that Asians will do exactly what Academina "customer" wants.

Unless Academia drop that insane and corrupt tradition to value scientists by number of publications and citations - nothing will chenge ever.

Shittyness of publications from "best" western universities is exactly the same, it is just much simplier and consequenceless for western scientific peer-rewvewed journal to retract some unknown chineese dudes article, than to do it with similar shitty article from some "famous" western university with (((their))) names in it.

Add the politics and narratives here, and you get the current state of things in Academia.

Academia is rotten to the core. For a long time already.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jewish Third Temple have to be built in Jerusalem, not in some town north of Black Sea. Not even in Uman. Israel is just preferrable over Ukraine, that's all. Finally they got that they have no chance in Ukraine, so there is no any point to continue to support that project and it will be wise to transfer all resources left from failed projects to higher priority target.

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