CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0


Yes. Masons are pathetic faggots. Those who try to make them look omnipresent and omnipowerful with high probability works for them. Don't understand that. It's absolutely disguisting to take money from freaks who wear stupid mantles and fuck eachother in the ass in their lodges.

CrazyRussian 0 points ago +1 / -1

You could easily do more harm than all mason obsessed fearmongers making memes just ordering (or printing at home on sticker paper) labels with most sacred masonic symbolic and placing them on garbage bins and public toilets in your county. Sewage disposal trucks are fine too.

Stensil and spray paint will work too.

For a few bucks you could destroy that dumb outdated sect.

You know, that compass and square will forever be associated with garbage and shit among people around you.

But you don't want that, right? You don't want to humiliate masons and destroy their symbolic. Why?

CrazyRussian 4 points ago +4 / -0

Imagine you make a show nobody could remember anything about, but everybody have a feeling it was very cool. Perfect business. :)

May be that's why modern Hollywood production become so forgettable that you can't tell what it was about right after watching, and so will never be able to tell did you watch it already or not. :)

CrazyRussian 0 points ago +1 / -1

So, you admit you couldn't learn anything. :) Interesting.

CrazyRussian 0 points ago +1 / -1

How do you think, what happened with LGBTXYZ+ evolution garbage in Russia? And how initial flow of it in 1990s was eventually stopped? How many mason lodges do you know in Russia? Jesuits? Jehovah witenesses? Scientologists? Rotary clubs?

They all come and go. Did you ever thought that may be it is a wise thing to listen the one who is part of the nation who get rid of all that crap?

If you can't laugh on the mason, you already lost. If you cant imagine that you are smarter than Jew, you lost. If you are unable to ignore stupid laws, you lost.

Haitian dude with mason ring. How do you know, may be it is a ring of a mason he eat recently? :)

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +2 / -1

So, destroying enemy communications somehow is not acceptable for you? Why?

And if that masonic shit have no any sense, then why pay attention at all?

Either their symbolism is very important for them, either not. If it is important, then it should be destroyed. Devaluation of symbols works great. When people in USSR began to laugh and make jokes about hammer and sickle, days of communist party was numbered. When people in Russian Empire began to laugh and mock freemasons (obscene "farmazons") they almost vanished here. It become a shame to be a "farmazon". Why the fuck not do that with fucking masons? Make their ribbons, rings and mantles stupid toys. Mock their rithuals, make memes showing masons as dumb idiots wearing stupid uniforms.

You post a picture of Haitian Barbeque dude pointing to his masonic ring. There are two ways - you want those who see wour post be afraid of fucking masons? "Wow, how great they are, they are everywhere" and all that stuff.

I'll prefer to see a clown wearing stupid ring. If somebody is a mason, he is a clown. Should be treated as clown and deserve same respect as clown.

Fuck masons. They are just clowns. Mock them, humiliate them in public. Guess, will they find followers, if being mason will be something like being a clown?

There are a lot of dudes who obsessed with masons and their shit. They produce tons of meme pictures to scare people. Why? With that enthusiasm they could destroy masons in no time. But they prefer to be fearmongers.

CrazyRussian 4 points ago +4 / -0

Interesting, what if somebody will began to devalue all their stupid symbols and ruin all that stupid public signalling?

Took their symbols and began to put them here and there without any reason. Order a batch of masonic rings, shirts with signs, car stickers with masonic grades, whatever stuff with all that marks and symbols in China, sell them out everywhere and so on.

If this masonic shit is really something meaningful and important, then such devaluation should hit them hard.

Those who truly believe in masonic signalling should definitely do that. Ruin enemy signalling system along with making some profit selling things - you can't think out anything better.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just take a look at source code of your miner and you wiil find all answers you need,

Some pools were caught on spreading source code that include some fee for pool. You sould account it as fair share for organising pool or theft, It is up to you, to accept that or deny.

If you get source code for your pool miner from third party, then you could fing that it do some work for third party.. That's also up to you to believe in some "better performance" of third party miner or check it by yourself and find out what is the real price.

If you use some binary you downloaded from some source and you didn;t check and compile source code by yourself, then it is you the worst enemy of yourself.

That's it. either you question everything, either you are fucked up. Simple as that.

I know you, you are smart enough to qestion everything. So just do it.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0


No any footage of man in color changing suit. I was so hopeful.... :)

CrazyRussian 5 points ago +5 / -0

Unlike SETI@Home with crypto you work on known unencrypted data block with recent transactions inside. Everybody at network work on the same piece of data. You just need to add some random bytes to that block so that hash of that block along with your bytes as an integer number will be less than current limit. If you are the first to find solution, you get reward in form of transactions fees in block plus system award. Same with pools, just reward divided among participants. All pools I know use only opensource miners (pretty simple ones, easy to look into and check what they really do), and pool server just can't do anything except tell you what ranges of additional bytes already in work by other participants.

In SETI@Home you get some unknown data from server and try to find regularities or whatever. You can't look into data and see what's inside. Everybody receive different chunks of data, and you have no way to determine if it is a radio noise from radiotelescope or some encrypted data provided by three-letter agency to crack (finding regularities in encrypted data is one of the steps of cracking encryption).

Cryptopools and SETI@Home or other similar networks are completely different things. The only similarity is they are both distributed computing. In former you have to create some data to get necessary result, so data flows from you to network, in latter somebody else give you data to crack, so data flows from somebody to you. Direction of dataflow is opposite crypto and SETI@Home.

However, you could run your own SETI@Home with your friends getting data from your own radiotelescope, not some shit from unknown source. It is not difficult to build a radiotelescope today. And it's size and sensitivity, I think, does not matter really. If somebody out there will have to say something to us, he will do it loud enough for even simple garage built radiotelescope.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +2 / -1

There is no such thing as "Khazarian mafia". It is just the Jews no less, no more.

It is very stupid and unproductive to use all that "Khazarian mafia", "Zionists" and other examples of Aesopos language to name a Jew.

Stop that shit already. Name things as they are, not as somebody want you to name them.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

... grey suit man ...

Ron Johnson says this man went dark after reaching out to talk.

Do you mean he had a color-changing suit? Wow. This would be much more important than all that "Trump assasination attempt" stuff together.


CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Really it is not that hard to use even worst Holliwood production to educate kids about narratives, malicious intents of movies creators and all that crap. :) Kids imagination is powerful enough to imagine that Hollywood hero could be really anti-hero and they really like that approach and questioning protagonist actions. You could easily show them how Hollywood protagonists betray their own, don't care about regular people, how egoistic they are, how arrogant and ignorant, how they do shit left and right and there are tons of such examples in modern Hollywood movies.

Just don't leave kids alone with Hollywood. :) And it is really fun for youself to watch child movies from that angle together with kids.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

The holy trinity is a Catholic belief.

It is a fact known centuries before Catholics separated from Christianity mainline.

I see you just not able to understand even basic concepts of Christianity.

What religipn are you? I'm not very interested in multiple heresies, so can't directly point to exact heresy, but at least I see you definitely don't account Christ as a your God. You believe in existence of Christ, but many other religions believe in it too, like muslims and jews, with different attitude. Jews see Christ as enemy, Muslims as a prophet, but both believe He was real but not a God, exactly like you. Then what is the difference between you and those non-Christians? You are all not Christians. I'm perfectly fine with that, but I'll never listen anything you could say on the matter of Christianity.

So, don't spend your time trying to argue something about Christianity. It is completely useless, as you are not a Christian.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting, will there be a moment when that dumb idiots finally realise that crypto is not an asset, never was and never will be an asset?

That mindset of a hammer when everything around is a nail is fascinating. And then they are trying to convince us that economists and financists are intelligent beings. :)

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep. Photographer is significantly lower than Trump's head. Bottom edges of rostrum gives a clue.

More interesting is why honesty of journalist who shared that frame is not under the question. :) He could easily photoshop bullet to become celebrity. You know, that journalists from that NYT... Since when they are honest people?

CrazyRussian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Or image was just photoshopped by photographer to receive some fame and hype.

As for calculations, they are OK, but I'm in doubt that shutter speed is real time of CMOS sensor exposure. This exposure values are legacy standard from film cameras. Exposure setting was estimated from illumination brightness along with film sensitivity value for best results. CMOS sensors have different properties, including sensitivity and working principle.

Exposure settings (along with "film sensitivity" (ISO) setting) in digital cameras made to be compatible with photo tradition. In CMOS sensor, exposure is really integration time, and ISO is amplifier gain, and they are completely different from exposure and ISO for film camera. So it is very possible that 1/8000 setting on camera have nothing to do with real CMOS sensor exposition (integration time) and it is inapropriate to calculate bullet speed from that virtual "shutter speed" that provided just for compatibility with film cameras setting.

AFAIK in Sony Alpha digital cameras, CMOS sensor integration time is less than shutter time, to cut off opening and closing times. CMOS sensor get image only when shutter is fully open with some delay after shutter fully open, unlike film in film camera that is exposed already at the beginning of shutter opening, and continue being axposed during closing, just with less light. At high shutter speeds like 1/8000 CMOS sensor "exposure" could be more than 2 times less than this film camera value.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow. Ever heard about Holy Trinity and what it is all about? :) You can't be a Christian if you don't understand that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are the one and undivisible. If you don't think that Jesus Christ is God, and God is Jesus, if you separate Jesus from God, you just can't name yourself a Christian. Holy Trinity is a fundamental concept of Christianity.

Is Jesus Christ your God?

As for the Bible, this clearly stated in John 1

  1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
  1. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,...

Jesus is God. Literally.

You could write tons of heresy about Jesus, but that makes you just a heretic, not a Christian.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

IDK, it is just my speculation to make OP theory more valid. I'm not US citizen and do not live in US, so I don't know enough local details to fine tune this theory.

BLM was not employed as soldiers, just turned loose and even without much arms they did a lot of chaos. So you probably right.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tecnically the only difference between CBDC and bank account is only way how data is stored - blockchain or regular database. There is no technical problems in unifying all bank accounts using same internal currency for all banks. You will even never know your money really stored in some "glollar" instead of your local currency. Same with DB structure, it could be easily unified and attributed with all necessary functions and properties, including spending restrictions and programming. Not even talking about resetting everyone credits - this was done multiple times in multiple countries long before computers.

I just don't get why they need to disturb public with CBDC crap when they could do exactly same thing with bank accounts without anybody noticing. Then just gradually declare one by one restrictions and currency programming implemented "for your safety". As I see US public already easily swallowed that "only criminals need noticeable sum of cash in hands" shit and pretty fine with that. Pretty sure they easily swallow everything they declare CBDC needed for.

May be goal is not CBDC or its mythical properties, may be just the process "implementing CBDC" is a goal? "Innovation" in finance is the most profitable "innovation" possible. Even with drugs and weapons you need to do and know something. When implementing financial "innovation" AKA CBDC you don't need to do or know anything gaining orders of magnitude larger profits.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ayh argue that feds will suggest you can cash out your BTC in to CBDC not buy BTC with CBDC ..

Just like they do that with cash now in US/EU? You can fill your bank account with cash, but practically can't withdraw cash from your account. I think that in some (many) banks today you could also fill your bank account with crypto, but bank will never allow you to withdraw your funds in crypto.

Then what's the point of CBDC here? This scheme already works perfectly, and for a long time. Your bank card is no different from CBDC at all.

CrazyRussian 3 points ago +3 / -0

UN Peacekeepers are soldiers in the armies of it's member nations acting under mandate of the UN.

So you describe armed men from different countries who obey UN orders.

Sovereignn country military obey only this country military head orders and do not need any third-party mandate for anything.

However I don't think that US illegal immigrants could be UN troops. In the best case they could be armed with rifles and grenades, barely able to use them with huge problems in understanding any orders, which is definitely not enough for any operation of described by OP scale. Fentanyl drugged troops not understanding each other with hand weapons - hardly an army that will last long even against small militia with command vertical and skills of using heavy weaponry.

OP "UN troops" point should be replaced with "state of emergency", then his theory becomes at least believable, especially taking in acount recent coronahoax shit. US government already did that for much lesser and completely fake reason, so they could definitely repeat it using Civil War as a reason.

Illegal immigrants could be used as a fake fuse to ignite some civil unrest to scare population with Civil War. Say illegals start to do BLM shit, people will try to protect themselves, liberals began scream about racism and incite violence on people, people respond with violence on liberals and then "state of emergency" declared.

May be BLM with niggers was kind of Event201 for such scenario with illegals.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

If cryptobros' digital tokens are fake, then why would anybody buy them with CBDC that would be the only official representation of national currency with limited and controlled supply at the time?

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I bet you want to debate God or Jesus

Jesus is God, if you are not aware. There can't be "God OR Jesus". IDK what religion are you, but that is definitely not a Christianity. Judaism? Or some kind of Jewish perversion of Christianity?

Are you circumcised? You didn't answer. It is a very simple question with unequivocal answer.

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