More than hour in a year 2025. Looks OK for now. :)

Best wishes, more interesting findings and decent solutions and workarounds against our clown world for all critical thinkers and conspiracy theorists here!


When profit became a goal of human activity, things turn into complete shit quickly.

All that planned obsolence, processed food, single-use things, finacial services and all that stuff is a product of profit-driven economy and nothing else.

And it is only beginning. It's not hard to imagine how that will develop, and picture is disgusting.

Also, profit-driven economy is a power source for aristocracy/elites and inevitably lead to globalism.

In the not so distant past some enterprises/corporations still valued such thing as reputation, and kind of tried to not make shitty things for the sake of profit. However, with development of advertising into brainwashing, even those who careв about reputation completely turned to profits, and you will not find anyone who try to make nice, reliable, long-lasting things for customers.

It is not a technical problem to make a car that will last forever with rare cheap service today. It will not even be expensive. It will generate an excellent reputation, but not much profits. So, it is impossible today.

I don't see any clear solution to that shit, but profit-driven economy have to be exterminated to prevent disaster in the future.

Funny, but that globalists dream of social credit system could be kind of partial solution, if applied to businesses instead of people, by people. Things reliability, cost of ownership, lifetime and other parameters could be used to score corporations. Corporations with low score could be forced to pay compensation to customers, to effectively cut their profits and so force them to choose other goal, like reputation or whatever else.

All advertising, except neutral and real product parameters should be banned forever. Any attempt to use any subconscious methods in advertising shoud be punished as fraud, criminally with jailtime. Say, car manufacturers shouldn't show a car running through pleasant landscape with something like "this car wil make you look cool" voice in background. There should be mpg, hp, trunk volume, cost of year ownership in terms of service costs and spare parts and other really useful information.

Basically, modern advertising is a pure brainwashing today, thats side-effect of profit-driven economy. If you can brainwash people to buy shit, then there is no any need to make decent things at all.

Really this is a huge conspiracy, that combines nearly all shit we have in our clown world, from fiat money everybody run after as stupid sheep to the globalism and jews. And all that combines into one thing - profit-driven economy.

If we want to do something about any of conspiracies we talk about, then we have to start with profit-driven economy.


Psychology had to be a science studying behaviour and mind of living beings.

There is a separate part of it studying specifically human behaviour and mind.

However, there is absolutely no any definition of how exactly human behaviour and mind different from non-human ones and how to separate one from another.

So, psychology can't even give an answer to the very basic question that obviously should precede any further study - is some person mind and behaviour human or non-human?

Psychology could have been very useful instrument to detect those with non-human behaviour and mind among us with scientific precision, but it was purposedly turned into pseudoscience bullshit to not even allow that question.


What if hatred toward China seeded in US is in no way connected with communism or whatever political shit?

Further, under "computer" I mean PCs, smartphones, networking devices, even microcontrollers in almost any modern thing from tea cattle to fridge.

Look, two decades ago, Israel through US had full control over almost all produced computers in the world. Israel deeply in that with their "software development", we all know ties of Israel's Epshtein and similar figures to IT and around. Most IT giants in US also under control of Jews, directly or by proxy. Control over hardware allow easy exploiting computers with software. Tons of examples when US+Israel do shit in spheres where computers used. all that Stuxnet stories and so on.

But things changed greatly when China grow from just assembly line to the manufacturer of completely independent computer systems. They have not only their own processor architectures, but also manufacturing of all parts necessary for computers of any level.

Recent story with Lebaneese pagers and other computer stuff prove that it is literally dangerous and unhealthy to rely on any Western computer that is almost certainly controlled by Israel.

But now, thank's to Chine, there is alternative, which is out of Israel control.

Jews are not that smart, as they want you to think. Their successes in all that spyware are based only on their control and presence in places where all necessary things for spying could be implanted in hardware and software at moment of manufacturing. It is not that some Jewish hackers are so cool that are able to hack anything, they are not even in top50, too dumb and greedy for that, but just kikes in corporations planted hidden backdoors for future use, then other kikes exploit them with spyware.

So, Jews can't just hack chineese hard and soft, it's out of their competence. And it is nearly impossible to plant kikes into Chineese hard & soft companies for obvious reasons.

Jewish monopoly in control over computers in the world is ending. That is why they so openly used their backdoor in Lebaneese case. They already have nothing to lose, so they was in hurry to use their backdors when it is not too late.

I think that all that speculations about coming cyberattacks in Western MSM is nothing more than attempt to preprogram public for coming final grab that would use Jewish backdoors that becoming obsolete.

And here comes US hate toward China. Some imaginary hope to somehow provoke a conflict and not allow China to bite off a part of computer market. Not in terms of "Made in China", but in terms "Without US/Israel backdoors".

I think it's too late, really. I already noticed growing interest in "All Chineese" computers - Loongson based PCs, f.e.

Of course absence of Jewish backdoors in no way mean absence of Chineese backdoors, but not all backdoors are equal, especially when it comes to critical things connected with politics. F.e. if you care more about privacy from US gov than from China gov, you will obviously choose all-Chineese computer.

It is not about money, really. It is about potential control over large part of today's human life. And kikes losing on that front right before our eyes.

It will be very nice to have a comprehensive list of possible so called "disruptive inventions" or "closing inventions" i.e. such inventions that destroys industries and can do a lot of harm to corporations or states.

as kickstart, order means nothing:

  1. antigravity
  2. neutrino beam communications
  3. force shield
  4. electricity accumulator with decent power density (orders of magnitude larger than current lithium crap) and reliability
  5. FTL travel
  6. high-efficiency fuel powered electricity generator without moving parts
  7. atomic level 3D printer/copier
  8. inertial mass control
  9. simple consumer-grade fuel converter (organic compounds to gas/diesel)
  10. plants growth speed accelerator
  11. useable way of making building materials (blocks/bricks) from any soil. ....

Please continue.

Is it some cultural phenomena?

In Russia, if a man with surname, say "Подставной" (smth. like "Dummy", "Faked", "Setuped") tried to assasinate some public person, there will be tons of posts everywhere pointing to his surname, from jokes to conspiracy theories, with memes and all that stuff.

We think that people have their surnames not randomly, they often come from real properties, occupations and skills of their ancestors, so something still stays in genetic of that people.

It is not very nice to always do that, but at such occasions it is inevitable.

Meanwhile, same with Biden, Trump and others with "speaking" surmanes (Biden - one who bide, Trump - card-player). Saw very little playing with their surnames, and mostly it is done through distortimg surnames, not playing with direct meanings.

Just an observation. :)


Small and probably insignificant story small local groceries network owner told me.

I noticed pears appeared on grocery shelf of exactly same variety that was imported from USA before sanctions madness. And asked grocery owner how did he get them.

USA sanctioned food supply to Russia and Russia sanctioned food import from "unfriendly countries".

Small farming company from USA sold pears to Russia directly. Today it should not possible from both sides.

Recently that USA farmer contacted grocery owner and offer to resume their pears delivery deal, but on the condition of payment in roubles. That was strange and unusual, but grocery owner agreed just because of curiosity and eventually pears appeared in grocery for real.

Long story short (with minimum details to not doxx both parties, sorry). USA farmer opened an account in offshore bank in roubles. All roubles he got from grocery owner for pears he spent on dirt cheap Russian fertiliser and some garden tools. On papers, grocery owner got American pears from offshore, and farmer got fertilizer and tools also from same offshore, which is not under any sanctions. Transactions was in roubles so they was completely out of USA authorities scope.

Of course that trick had some bureaucracy obstacles, but eventually both Russian grocery owner and USA farmer was happy to continue their decades long trade and give a fuck to authorities. And I got American pears. :)

The moral of that story, as I see it is that TPTB are not omnipotent. People who have even a tiny drop of free will will always find a ways to circumvent absolutely anything TPTB could unleash on them. The only danger I see is willingly surrending your God given free will to authorities going fully obedient NPC.

Dali container ship seems to be insured by Lloyd.

Before 2022 Lloyd premiums from ship insurance was at around two dozen billions a year. Today, after unsealing that thing in maritime law that allow ships be insured by state of registration backed insurance company, Lloyd already lost billions of their premiums, so current sum is much lower.

Baltimor disaster estimated up to dozen billions. Since ship was a cause of distater, Lloyd have to pay that and it is significant sum that could bankrupt Lloyd, at least in ship insurance area. So they will have to borrow money from other branches. But that's not looks good too.

Total Lloyd premiums are around 60 billions a year. Let's assume that half of that sum used for Lloyd realty bills, salaries, top managers pockets filling and all that stuff. Then there is 30 billions for insurance payments left which is presumably enough to cover usual yearly insurance payments. And nearly half of that sum suddenly had to be paid for Dali fuckup.

Assumption about a half of premiums for business expenses and salaries is just an example, but the point is that premiums total is divided into two parts - the average insurance payments and other part goes to expenses, salaries and profits. Since any large corporation is purely socialistic inside, they have strict central planning about all that spendings. And sudden insurance payment of such magnitude will inevitably destroy or at least seriously harm them.

Current unusual promise of US government to cover all costs is an attempt to save Lloyd. But as far as I know, no third-party payments void the insurance case, so insurance company should pay, just because case happened. That's what in insurance contract.

Or, may be it is kind of taxpayer money laundering - tax money paid for covering disaster costs and Lloyds insurance payment of same sum goes to private pockets. Why not? - war is even less profitable, and things at current war already looks bad for the thieves. There is a dozen billion in just one bridge. I think there is a lot of bridges around to destroy. 100 bridges is a trillion of taxpayer money to steal. Along with destruction of supply chains and limiting that awful CO2 pollution from ships.

PS: Yes, I know about Ukrainian captain. And Ukrainian(UK) elites obsession with Kerch bridge. But I also know that shit and coincidences happens. I don't see any Ukrainian track in that case.


There is no any doubt that blob of kike fat Victoria Nuland is directly connected with recent shooting in Crocus City Hall near Moscow.

Suddenly and coincidentaly, this year jews celebrate their cheerful Purim holiday at March 23. This day Jews celebrate genocide of 76000 goyins including women and children perpetuated with the help of Jewish whote Ester in Persia for the attempt to push Jews out of Persia. They celebrate it by eating cookies named "ears of Aman" that represent ears of leader of 76000 genocided goyims. Jews account this holiday as second by importance among all of their holidays. It should be celebrated in any circumstances and could not be delayed or missed.

So, after violent shooting and destruction of Crocus City Hall at night of March 22 Jews happily celebrate genocide of goyims by eating "ears of Aman" next day.

When one of shooters was captured by FSB special forces, guys cut his ear and forced him to eat it. And then do the thing never happened before - they shared that publicly. It is now known that nobody will be ever punished for that, because everyone who participated in catching shooter declared that they personally and by oneself did that.

So, the timeline and message is interesting - Jews organised massacre of hated goyims on the eve of Purim to celebrate it next day by eating "ears of Aman" suddenly got extraordinary message in form of cutting shooter ear and forcing shooter to eat it.

Jews was publicly warned that they will eat their own ears soon for their worldwide genocides?

PS: NATO bombings of Serbia also started at Jewish Purim in 1999.

One of the obvious way to "free Assange" is to kidnap him from custody, say, during transfer to court or to airport if he will be extradicted or some other way.

But looking into different comment sections and social media I didn't find a single post with such proposal.

Same thing with jailed J6s, or any other persons wrongfully (from the supporters point of view) detained.

Only "call your representative", "protest near some gov building", "share this video", "lets crowdfund best lawyer" and so on. In the most extreme case it is something like "we will use our guns if they come for us".

Interesting, that there was same thing with Navalny, here f.e. Nobody of his supporters ever proposed or tried anything about real disobedience. Even theoretically. Fuck, nobody even proposed to just bribe him out of jail, which was not something impossible taking in account millions of $ his supporters collect and received from NGOs and curators.

But there was a lot of proposals in social media in Russia to forcefully take out of jail prisoners like colonel Kvachkov or other jailed patriots. AFAIK, there even was one real attempt to free one russian nationalist, but court moved date, so ambush got nothing, was exposed, but guys was lucky to flee, so security measures was strengthened.

Also, there was very strange (for me) videos when bus with Navalny supportes, arrested during protests in 2021, occasionally stuck on roadside during transfer of arrested to the place of 15-day detention, and arrested helped to push it from the roadside dirt, and then willingly get back on board. There was only two guards and driver for 20-30 people. None even tried to somehow resist.

At the same time, in 1993 during failed attempt to defeat Yeltsin when he illegaly seize power from Russian Parliament which was highest authority in the country, people fighting on the side of Parliament arrested by police who obey Yeltsin, just seize police buses when amount of people collected in bus become larger than amount of policemen. This busses then used for barricades around parliament building and seized police equipment distributed among Parliament defenders. Being there, done that, survived without any consequences. Things ended badly with shooting Parliament building from tanks by Yeltsin forces and shooting at people by snipers from roofs, including roof of US embassy, but that ability of people to stand against malicious authorities is undisputable fact.

So, why, civilian "western leaned" rebels or sympathizers not only show absolute obedience to the authorities, but even theoretically never propose anything that could be accounted as civil unrest or active resistance with the goal to really "free Assange" from hands of obviously evil authorities? Is it some kind of faith in justice system or something?

Even taking in account that kidnapping is not very realistic, it at least not less realistic than that some politician or judge will pay any attention to vox populi somehow. There are lot of people who support Assange out there and want him free. Just out of statistic there should be at least some calls for taking Assange out of custody forcefully. But I don't see even three-letter-agency provocateurs proposing this. Like it is some global taboo for everybody.

Why is that? There should be some reason for such difference.


Looks nobody noticed yet, or didn't pay attention.

Do you remember the file with Bogdan Khmelnitsky letters Putin gave Tucker?

Now think - why is it so thick and heavy? Copies of all Khmelnitsky correspondence could not be so thick and heavy.

What else was in that file?


For over 3 days already. With complete silence everywhere. He didn't announce visit or any events, purpose of visit or whatever. Was noticed in Bolshoi Theater looking Spartak balet.

Weird. :) Could he be used as kind of messenger or negotiator by those who he represents in media?


Digging into ways large businesses and corporations work it become clear to me that they are the only source of trotskist socialism today.

That's weird, because all that large businesses become so large only thanks to capitalism. And at the same time, it is capitalism was the only reason they turn to severe socialist entities, USSR could not dream about.

If you take a close look at any western large business, you inevitably find out that inside it is purely socialistic. With strict planning, complete absence of free trade, dogmatic leadership, some corporate rules and even ideology. Workers have to be absolute loyal to the ideological leadership of big business. Value that workers produce is distributed by leadership, useless jobs of those who does not create anything forcefully paid from money made by those who create real value and so on. Awful combination of extreme trotskizm ideologically and worst soviet socialist practices economically.

Corporations and big budinesses leadership have a lot of money in control - business money and their own. And they trying to change world around using their business internal structure as template. So they throw a lot of money to all that political socialists from WEF to LGBTXYZ++ and BLM activists in the hope they will reformat the world into well-known for them and fully controllabel by them structure, as they have in their large businesses.

Of course, globalists have their own, "reptiloid" agenda, but they are fully financed and rised to the top by big business with corporate socialism inside. In turn, globalists see this corporate socialism as ideal model for the NWO.

So, if you want to defeat NWO you have to completely destroy any socialism inside big businesses. Destroy any central planning, establish free trade between employer and employee, between branches and so on, eliminate any corporate ideology, prohibit any forcefull redistribution of wealth from real workers to useless stuff, no demands for loyalty to the top management and so on.

You can't have capitalism made from socialist entities. And if this socialist entities control most value adding in the country they will control overall political system. And will inevitably change it to the model they know and use.

Also, big business always want to destroy any small business in the county, because they see them not only as a prey and source of workforce for their corporate gulags, but also as ideological enemies, who show people that there could be another way to make business, and you don't necessary have to surrender your freedom, independece and free will to trotskist socialism in some corporation to earn for living.

Interesting, that in literature and even Hollywood products you could easily find examples of dystopian depiction of "corporate state" as they call it. But for "whatever" reason they never call it by its real name - "trotskist socialism". This is what big business use and produce. And this is what they try to establish over the world.

Prove me wrong. :)


"Texas got everything right. A state who would be the last to secede from U.S. will be one to carry all that $34T debt."

"So, we already had something similar recently. First some Jewish government abuse population of some region, then region rebel against, then declare independence, we recognize region and it asks Russia for protection. Looks like we nearly have Texas People Republic."

"If you search for "texas flag" in Google, first thing you will see near fist link to pedowikia is a flag nearly identical to Russian flag, just with white star"

It's just a jokes, seriously nobody wish Texas any shit.


Being kind of obsessed with all that technological progress stuff, from time to time I try to find any breakthrough or even just great inventions around. Without any success, really.

For TLDR crowd - read last paragraph.

In the mid-50s, there was created so-called "Theory of Inventive Problem Solving" (Теория Решения Изобретательских Задач - ТРИЗ/TRIZ) by Genrih Altshuller who was more widely known in USSR as an SciFi author under name of Genrih Altov. He was Jewish origin.

Interesting fact from his biography is that during his work on that theory he wrote a letter to Stalin about severe problems in inventions area and how to fix them. Not long after that he was arrested and sentenced tolong jail time for some antisoviet activity. But after few years in jail, in 1954 he was freed and completely cleared from any charges by highest USSR authorities and it was found that he was sentenced by slander by another Jewish person. In turn this person got Altshuller's sentece and disappeared in history.

Looks like Altshuller's letter finally reached Stalin, who was at the time obsessed with growing technological potential of his Soviet Empire.

In any case, it is already highly suspicious, that as soon as some interesting idea popped up, there immediately appeared somebody who tried to exterminate it at any cost.

That "Theory of Soving Invention Problems" get serious attention and was noticeably popular in engineering and science circles of USSR. However, Altshuller for some reason didn't turn to scientific approach in further development of his theory, and limit himself only to popularisation of it. There was regular seminars and classes on that theory, but it didn't have any serious development.

Shortly, theory declared that in order to make an invention, first a problem should be formulated in a way where all umimportant things are cut out. Then, you divide problem into tiniest possible parts and began to combine anything known to find solution.

It is a very simplified description, but hope you get the point. After USSR fall that theory become little known abroad, and even giants like Samsung, Ford Motors, Mitsubishi and other used it to some extent for innovations.

Those who want to dig deeper could start f.e. here - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0166361517300027 with other articles by links below.

One of basic thing in TRIZ was that checking of combinations of known inventions to find a new one. Pretty logical approach, since nearly all inventions was done by combining known things. Since invention of wheel, literally, when some person combined a stick with a disk.

At the time, performance of computers do not allow store and check millions of known things in trillions combinations.

Today it is perfectly possible. And it is nearly perfect, most obvious and insanely profitable task for all that ANN based things that posed as AI today. But you will not find anything except silly toys like "Inventions generator" like https://glitch.com/~invention-idea-generator

All similar "serious" commercial "AI-driven" (they are not) tools are not any different from that toys, they just pasted all over with marketing bullshit, nothing more, completely ignoring the core of theory.

So we have more or less working theory for making inventions, we have resources to practically use that theory, we have demand for new inventions, and even few samples of real use. But this obviously highly profitable and simple approach is completely ignored by all that "AI" crowd.

And to make modern "AI" useful for such usage, tiny addition in form of rudimentary expert system is needed. But such move will open a way to real AI, that understands what it process.

I could not find anything that could be a sign of development in that directions.

I think it is a good proof that scientific and technical progress is artificially stopped by elites and corporations. And any real moves to the real AI will inevitably open that box of endless inventions. And this is unacceptable for TPTB.

That is why there could not be anything that even distantly resemble any AI, while TPTB in power. Only "AI" mockup in a form of dumb artificial neural networks (ANN) or their incarnations in one or another form that could not produce anything useful by design.


Someone had fun about cold weather incidents in Russia recently - https://conspiracies.win/p/17s5fde6id/europe-is-going-to-freeze-withou/

Well, Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, posted this in Linux kernel maillist at Jan 13:

Just a note to say that the merge window is paused as far as I'm concerned, because we've lost power and internet thanks to a winter storm. Of course, this is Oregon, so "storm" here is what some people would probably consider "somewhat windy", and "winter" here means that the temperature is approaching -10°C.

There's apparently about 100k people without power, and I doubt our neighborhood is the priority, so I expect to be without power for some time still. I hope I'm wrong, but a few years ago it took more than a week to restore power due to all the downed trees. It's hopefully nowhere near that, but..

And before anybody says "just go to a Starbucks and work from there", the scariest thing out there - apart from possibly downed trees and power lines - is other drivers. I'll stay put.


Find any differences from aforementioned post.

Shit happens everywhere, obviously. And in exactly same way. And with current kakistocracy in our clown world, shit will always happen again and again, regardless of country, political block or whatever.


Written by two faggots about how to push LGBT narrative in media and social networks. Something like textbook for LGBT trolls and influencers with all disgusting methods we know about since Zion Elders Protocols and Mein Kampf.

IIRC, it was mentioned even here, but could not recall nor title, nor authors names.


Factories in question is unique in the world because of using extremely small process for producing ICs.

However, things are not as painted by MSM on that matter.

Look, only tiny percent of ICs really require top resolution process. It is RAM, flash, top processors and high-end GPU. But they are not only just insignificant part of total IC manufacturing, but really is not needed at all for any regular thing you could think about.

This hype about all that 7-5nm process if nothing more than a hype.

The need for top processors, enormous amount of memory or superior GPU is driven purely by ineffective software overbloated with modern bloatware frameworks and overall programming paradigm that prevail in corporate sector.

You don't need them at all for any of your needs. 10-year old computers/notebooks/phones are perfectly useable today with apropriate soft. You will never notice any difference between doing regular tasks on 10-year old notebook and modern one.

So, there is no any real need for all that 5nm processors and tons of RAM. There is need for optimising current software, not new ICs.

Also, high resolution process have significant drawbacks. Smaller elements on crystal means lower reliability and higher sensitivity to different fluctuations from thermal to natural radiation. It adds instability and shorten liftime. For those making profit from selling same shit again and again to the same customer it is very profitable, but that's all. Customer don't really need any top hardware, he need hardware that do what customer want.

Moreover - most sophisticated industries use pretty large process, and more reliability and protection from environment is necessary, larger process is used.

Then why there is all that hype about TSMC and other Taiwan factories? I think it is from one side an attempt to keep industry of crap running, producing less and less reliable hardware along with forcing customer to buy more and more of it by pushing bloatware that utilise all that unnecessary resources of new hardware, and partially an attempt to have hardware suitable for all their "AI" crap with BigData (which is really bloatware too, and could be perfectly run on much older hardware with little optimisation).

What will happen in case of troubles in Taiwan? Absolutely nothing. Moreover, there will be a chance that software manufacturers finally will be forced to start optimising their bloatware and make it something decent. Overall I think TPTB fucked up with that artificail nanometers race and attempts to establish world monopoly. They will not achieve that monopoly and control, either because they will fuck up with that high-tech factories (there was even voiced a plan to destroy TSMC factories in case of China-Taiwan reunion), either because customers will turn to cheaper and more reliable solutions.

So, don't rush to buy a new notebook/smartphone instead of old one. With high probability there will "suddenly" appear software that will be perfectly fine with your outdated hardware.


In this discussion on conspiracies.win, I provided Greek original words from New Testament.

One of that ancient Greek word was "ἐξουσία" which is usually translated as "power" or "authority".

Something was strange about that Greek word when I pronounce it. You could articulate it as "exousia". And here comes strange thing. In Greek, "ἐξω"-"ekso"/"exo" is exactly "outer", "from outside" even "alien". And, suddenly, "ουσία"-"ousia" have distinct meaning too - "substance", "matter", "fabric" - physical matter, speaking shortly.

So, that "ἐξουσία", which is usually translated as just "power" or "authority", which have to be fought against by all good people as per Ephesians 6:12, is really a word consisting from two parts - "ἐξο"/"εξω" and "ουσία". It is "exomatter" literally, like in "exoplanets", "exobiology" and so on - physical matter from ouside. And it is for some reason always translated as "power"/"authority"

"ἐξουσία" = "exotic physical matter" = "authority over people"

And good people should fight against this exomatter to not allow bad people own and use it.

Well, THAT is kind of things I account as really interesting. And it is right in plain sight for at least 2 thousand years.

PS: My main point that it is physical matter since word "ουσία" used. So it could be physically found, contained, measured, studied and destroyed. Also there should be physical ways of distribution and use/consumption among elites that could be also found, studied and disrupted. Really, why it could not be that simple? Elites have access to "exotic matter", they consume/use it and get their power over people. That is why that dumb clowns take over the world. Find their sorce and supply chains, destroy them and so deprive them from that substance and they will appear as who they are - disguiting filth of humanity whose place is on light poles.

PS2: What if rised CO2 (and other greenhouse gases) levels in atmosphere could destroy or spoil their "exousia"? What if it is already slightly spoiled and that is why we see significantly raised levels of insanity and idiocy among elites? What if we rise greenhouse levels slightly more? :)

PS3: I don't think it is like gold or adrenochrome things - they would not be named "exo" even at the time. "Exo" means something from out there, from something alien, to, say something like cocaine from America that at the time could be pretty "exo" for the region of New Testament events.


Heard an interesting sentence from Russian historian Andrey Fursov recently. He told that Western elites intentionally organized conditions for moving all manufacturing to Asia in order to completely eliminate Western working class, since it become a severe threat to Western elites.

Looking deeper into that thing, I found it pretty valid.

Really, in recent times, industrial workforce changed a lot, from "proletariat" kind of low income low skill workers to educated, skilled layer of society, so middle class inflated a lot. Middle class is politically active, and have its own political demands. Doing complex work demand ability to solve complex problems and critical thinking.

So, modern Western working class would have been a direct threat to TPTB. Also, it would have been mostly white Europeans with traditional values. Imagine that kind of force in modern Western society.

Unlike industrial workers, modern office monkeys don't need to have any critical thinking and traditional values. Their relatively high salaries move them into middle class, but this middle class is competely different - it is amorthous mass of easy manipulated sheeple without any useful skills and ideas.

So, to prevent this disaster, TPTB created conditions for moving manufacturing out of the West. It was not even their greed - they don't need that profits, they print money, it was a succesfull attempt to destroy western working class who could create a lot of problems for TPTB and create middle class that would blindly follow their narratives.

Why do they need any middle class? To avoid deep society stratification and have a bait for lower class to create an illusion of perspectives and opportunities in society. So they created middle class from that useless office chair farters doing meaningless jobs for middle class salary.

Russia participate in IMF, and that's weird. IMF was one of globalist organisations who actively destroyed Russia after USSR fall forcing insane "reforms" in exchange to the loans.

Russia paid all its debt to IMF, but does not leave that organisation and that was one of the proofs for me, that our government is a globalists shills.

Recently, I have an occasional talk with old buddy (we study in same university long ago) who now is deeply into financial sphere, doing some researches for banks and funds. As he told me, he have some contacts and relations with people in CB and government. When we met and I figured he could give me some clues about what the hell is going on really, I certainly asked him about IMF and around. Why we still there and what the fuck.

He told me following:

It was obvious, that IMF wil have a huge influence over Russia internal affairs while Russia have a debt. So that IMF debt payment was accounted as a high priority task at the top of country administration. When debt was fully paid, there was two parties - one demanded to cut all the ties with fucking IMF, and another argued for continuation. The latter won, and their main arguments was that since we now IMF donors, we have votes in IMF board, we have access to delicate financial information about countries in debt and since Russia is relatively large our vote and quotas are significant enough to interfere with IMF politics for Russia benefits. So, Russia remained in IMF. Since that time, we broke some nefarious plans, get Syria and Serbia out of debt, throw some rivals into more debt and get even more votes, also, pushed into IMF membership rules an statement that part of country quota could be paid in local currency and so on. Participation in IMF allow Russia to interfere with agendas of global crowd and even have some benefits.

His list of achievements was long, and I didn't get half of it due to specific terminology, but his story have some logic. And I checked myself - Serbia and Syria have no IMF debt anymore, and Ukraine was third largest debtor for IMF last year, and may be already second now.

I did not trust that buddy for 100%, really I didn't know him today, after that decades since university, especially taking in account that wealth and rotating around big money and big power change most people a lot, but his story checks out and have sense.

So, if you wondering why Russia is still in IMF, this could be acceptable theory for you.

As for me, I'm not shure. If IMF was a single globalist organisation Russia participate in, it could be valid and probable case. But Russia still a member of many other globalist organisations including those who still create problems and heavily interfere with Russian internal affairs, like WHO, WTO and other terrorist organisations. And for those organisations I didn't see any signs of some noticeable meddling of Russia in their agendas, or using them as IMF and UN for international political games.

Just come to mind that there is yet another thing AI impossible without, that was nearly erased from comuter science.

It is self-modifying code. In 60s, programming language LISP was developed. (notice, again before that pivot date - 1970!) One of very cool features of that language was not functional approach, but a possibility of running program code creation and modification. This feature named "lambda expression" and it really created new machine code, never written by programmer and then execute it on-the-fly. You could wrote expression like "create a new function with given operation", and then program could create (as new, additional machine code) different functions if necessary. It was not fully self-modifying code, you had to describe creation process, and it was you, not program who decide whether to create new code, but still it was a very important step towards real self-modifying code.

However, after 1970, this approach, when program modify itself as it executes, was declared bad, wrong and harmful without any solid reason. The idea that it is bad practice to write a programs that modify its own code was spreaded along with same bad practice blaming of calculated goto's and other handy things and programmers tricks. Today, even LISP machines don't have that feature, and that "lambda" thing is implemented without using real new code generation.

"Bad practice" blaming worked perfectly. Self-modifying code become something inapropriate and today there are no any noticeable research on that topic at all.

Artifical intelligence is completely impossible without an ability of AI program to modify itself adjusting to environment and development of consciousness. But everything that could lead to creating of that very important ability for AI was supressed since 1970.

PS: And no, ability of all that dumb ANNs like ChatGPT/Bard/whatever to show you most probable piece of code written by humans for your request have absolutely nothing to do with self-modifying code concept.

What if enormous migration into Western countries is a kind of dumbest way to mitigate or postpone inflation?

Look, let's say country have 100 citizens. Total money in circulation, say, 10000, say, "credits". Elites print 20000 credits. Of course, 10000 of that newly printed credits goes directly to elites themselves. But in process of laundering, 10000 credits finally reach citizens. Now, same 100 citizens have 20000 credits in circulation. Without anything useful produced along with appearence of that new 10000 credits, that means people will have double amount of money and everything eventually will cost twice. 100% inflation. What cost 1 credit now will cost 2 credits.

That also means that elites wealth (which is not in circulation) will also drop in half. Assuming that they have much more than that new stolen 10000 credits, it will be a disaster for them.

But imagine that elites, to preserve the value of their money, just bring 100 new citizens to the country. So every citizen now have same amount of money to spend as before the elites print that 20K credits. So the prices will not soar and there will be no visible inflation.

What if that immigration madness Western elites organized and support is just their insane way to preserve their wealth and mitigate consequences of unlimited fiat printing? Earlier, they had an option to export excess money abroad, but now it becomes more and more problematic, because World suddenly discovered that it is not necessary to trade in Western elites fiat currency, local one if perfectly fine too.

What if things THAT simple?

PS: Some additions from fellow conspiracy.winners

So, migration dilute excess money, also it lower wages and break "debt saturation". There is already at least three very good for elites reasons to force that insanity. They will kill even for one such reason, and there is already three.


Could you point me to any UFO wistleblower from govenment, military, science, etc. areas that revealed exact technical details about UFO. I mean really technical - not somehing like "it could hover silently!" or "It could turn at 90° at high speed!" or senseless drawings or descriptions of exterior or interior. Something like exact weight, power source output in Watts, maximum thrust in kN, something like "Power source connected to the engine with a cable/pipe/whatever with diameter/cross-section of ... <- exact value"? Anything like that?

First thing that engineer, scientist, military will do with unknown technology is to measure it. And it is not about dimentions, it is about all possible parameters. Also he definitely will try to find and write out distinct parts interconnections and think out a way to categorise different distinct parts, even if he have no clue what it is and how it works. And that are the things that any real whistleblower from aforementioned institutions will wistleblow. They just can't be unaware of that things if they really tried to use, work on, reverse engineer or study that UFOs.

What I find very suspisious, apart of complete absense of known technologies that appeared from nowhere without any traces of preceding technologies, is that there are no any technical details about UFOs governments presumably possess from any known to me wistleblower.

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