Reminder that anyone who uses BREAKING in the headline is heterosexually challenged
Yeah no, I'm just thinking out loud how I've just discovered another one of those things that we've been conditioned to believe make sense, but when you think a little deeper it makes no sense at all.
Like why would cops go on record to say "yep, this is what this guy truly believes. These papers we found in his backpack, yep. All of it. Don't know how it got there yet nor what it really says, or if he put it there to mislead us, or if someone else planted it. But before I actually investigate and figure it out, and without letting him speak for himself, I'mma just declare right now unequivocally that this person believes all of this stuff in here, and that's why he did it, and you have to believe me because I have a badge and a microphone".
No way a real investigation goes down like this. It would be incredibly easy to manipulate cops if they actually behaved like that in every case.
No, this bullshit is reserved for the psyops. Reminds me of when a forum gets flooded with cp and the mods act exactly like these cops. "We don't know who's posting it, nor why, but we're sure the users of this forum endorse these actions therefore we are closing this forum down and that's that" yeah right....🙄
There are billions of us 💪
It's this new database web scale?
The vax dropped the average iq a few points, that's what you're feeling
Do shooters label these documents as "My Manifesto" or are the cops just finding random shit on his laptop and stitching it all together into a "manifesto"?
Oh yeah. Lotta pressure. You gotta rise above it. You gotta harness in the good energy, block out the bad. Harness. Energy. Block. Bad. Feel the flow Happy. Feel it. It's circular. It's like a carousel. You pay the quarter, you get on the horse, it goes up and down, and AROUND. It's circular. Circle, with the music, the flow. All good things
It's a rogue chatbot
Do a flip faggot
She also did not kill herself
My money is on skynet. Some kind of AI scandal.
Mussolini sounds like a bitch
Then what is it? A cube?
They must have meant something else but i can't figure out what
I'd put "star" in quotations
His covaids was so high it looped back around to zero
Do you have audio books
I don't buy the lizards yet but everything else is 110% true
So yes you think I fed into it?
I think the way the cops were acting is way more damning than that limp arm. What the fuck are they dragging around a "body" for? Why stash one of them in the back of a cop car? Why not just cover them with blankets? This is so fucking sus.
Which implies that you looked at the showcase of pride, hence feeding the desire of vanity among others.
Lol? I found out about vax card braggers because of posts here making fun of them. Did i feed into it?
Puts the question through college
It's trophies of every kid he's fucked. He used to post random kids gloves he allegedly "found" everywhere. Fucking creep