Parasitic microorganisms (bacteria, protozoans, fungi, helminths) are extraterrestrial and trans-dimensional demonic entities that burrow their way into human brains to take full control of our bodies and drive us around like cars. They are at the top of the food chain, not humans. They are historically responsible for the vast majority of human deaths and the extinction of entire species, including the dinosaurs. If humanity continues on the current trajectory it's on and decides to completely disregard this issue, we will disappear from the face of the planet.
Parasites are one of the physical manifestations of demons on earth, that form a kind of hive mind, controlling wicked people and reprobates. A significant portion of modern diseases are caused by parasites, and I will lay out a case for most if not all psychiatric illnesses being of parasitic origin.
There are many cults in the world but they all lead to one Devil, though the manifestations of this Devil have shifted over the years from the time of the Babylonian mystery religion of Bal to the Minoans of Crete (both cults were centered around bulls) to contemporary satanists with their goat-headed baphomet. The one thing these animals have in common is that they have been hosts to parasites for millennia and we have only just learned of the microscopic world and to what extent the microcosmos has affected our everyday lives and civilization. The Devil is often referred to as a snake or serpent and has been worshiped in the form of animals.
Parasites under a microscope literally look like demons.
All mammals that interact with humans have a routine schedule for parasite treatment, except for humans.
95%+ of people are infected and don't even know it. The remaining 5% are genetically immune. Generally, you can tell that a person is immune because he is in absolutely great health without even trying to live a healthy lifestyle (like Donald Trump) and has an overabundance of positive emotions. The girls you know who are always smiling for no reason - they are probably immune. Whatever genes cause immunity, they need to be further studied and isolated.
Nearly all chronic diseases in humans and animals are parasitic in nature. Anti-parasitic drugs and natural remedies cure everything (see the referenced books at the end of this post).
Humans have a second brain, also known as the enteric nervous system, or the gut. Where are parasites most commonly found? Where is the spirit traditionally thought to reside in the human body? What are "gut instincts"? Well guess what, parasites residing in the gut can influence host behavior and control the subconscious because it is formed by our enteric nervous system.
All skin conditions are caused by parasites. Acne, moles, vitiligo, etc. Most porn whores and prostitutes have significant skin conditions. Once you see it you can't unsee it.
Cancer is caused by aerobic glycolysis of the parasites, that deplete nearby host cells of oxygen. Oxygen depletion results in localized cells being forced into the fermentation mode of ATP generation. Anti-parasite drug Fenbendazole cures cancer.
Mental Illness
Autism and ADHD are caused by parasites. Schizophrenia, autism, and ADHD are grouped together by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride under one condition called Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS). Parasites produce ammonia and make people constantly high, responsible for symptoms of autism and ADHD.
Parasites eat brain tissue and suck oxygen out of cells (true cause of Alzheimer's disease). Low oxygenation leads to symptoms akin to carbon monoxide poisoning - significant memory loss, difficulty concentrating, poor hand-eye coordination, etc. There is now an epidemic of young people that feel like they have Alzheimer's disease.
Parasites cause suicide of the host to further their spread. Suicidal crickets. Herd of demonic pigs jump off cliff in the Bible to poison the water supply (Luke 8:33). Trannies are obsessed with suicide.
Schizophrenic voices are real, despite what (((modern psychiatry))) says to the contrary. Most schizophrenics believe that their voices are demons. You see, parasites form a giant neural network and communicate with each other through radio signals. A giant brain made up of individual nodes, far surpassing humans in collective intelligence. When parasites get embedded deep enough in the brain, they start causing hallucinations and people start hearing their radio broadcasts, even being able to communicate with them. Psychiatrist Jerry Marzinsky has spent years communicating with the voices of his schizo patients and having coherent conversations with them. Everything they say is extremely negative, pessimistic, hyper-sexual, and hyper-aggressive because they feed on gland secretions responsible for negative emotions in humans (fear, anxiety, depression, etc.).
Nicotine = vitamin B3 (niacin) = downregulates adrenochrome to starve parasites. This is why most schizos are addicted to smoking and why the government and media have been aggressively pushing anti-smoking propaganda.
Parasites are responsible for depression by messing with neurochemicals. SSRIs artificially provide more food for parasites, which causes them to temporarily "calm down" but soon thereafter they come back with a vengeance and the depression actually gets worse.
Life Cycle
Most parasites die in the presence of oxygen and direct sunlight, so naturally they seek dark places with low oxygen like soil. In a person with chronic parasitosis, they create an artificial environment deprived of oxygen and convince the person to stay indoors all day with the blinds down and lay in a dark room.
Parasites come out to feed at night, this is related both to moon cycles and low frequency brain wave states in which they thrive. Nightmares and wet dreams are a common symptom of parasite infestation. Deep meditation and psychedelic drugs are known to induce very low frequency brain wave states, allowing parasites to cross the blood-brain barrier and induce schizophrenia. See the case of Kyle Odom who developed schizophrenia from advanced meditation.
The life cycle of parasites is controlled by moon cycles. Insanity and crime increase during the full and new moons. Lunar cults are seen historically across all regions of the world. The symbol of islam is a crescent moon with a baphomet star. Muslim cube in Mecca has a moon rock embedded in it, ragheads worship it. Astronauts that allegedly visited the moon are all freemasons. Official science claims that the moon wasn't there when the solar system was formed, it arrived later and formed as a result of another planet named Theia colliding with the Earth. We already know that parasites are extraterrestrial in origin and arrived on Earth through cosmic rocks. Could the moon be a fragment of the planet that brought them to Earth? What's the real reason for lunar cults and moon cycles governing the life of parasites?
When parasitic infection reaches a certain stage, it lobotomizes the host and takes full control of him. There are literally dead people that walk around and look like everyone else (zombies). You can distinguish these drones from real people by their long smiles (Debbie Stabenow), wide open eyes (Lee Rosenberg), eyes that turn black randomly (Kamala Harris), and sulfur body odor (Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama). Degenerates are fully controlled by parasites.
jews are degenerates of all races banded together by a totalitarian cult to further parasitic infection. That's why jews are so obsessed with feces, just like faggots. They Live was a documentary about jews.
Cultural and Historical References
Parasites were historically called demons and cast out through prolonged fasting. Jesus fasted for 40 days to cast out demons (Matthew 4:1-4:2). What is the real reason fasting cures most diseases?
Biblical dietary restrictions are anti-parasite measures. Pork and shellfish are loaded with parasites.
The serpent in the Garden of Eden that tempts Eve is a parasitic brain worm. God punished it by making it eat dust/ dirt (Genesis 3:14). Do snakes eat dirt or do worms eat dirt?
Replace every mention of sin in the Bible with the word parasite and you will see that they can be used completely interchangeably. Sin = parasites (Romans 7:20).
Pliny the Elder describes the Basilisk - a snake-like creature, not more than 12 inches long, power to kill, power is associated with the eye. Medusa - a creature with snakes (worms) protruding from skull (brain) with the power to kill through the eye (take full control of the human host through the optical nerve). Baylisascaris parasite - shaped like a snake, 12 inches long, has the power to kill through the eye.
Vampire folklore. Gray jewy creatures that cannot handle direct sunlight. Are allergic to garlic (natural anti-parasitic). Transform into bats (parasite vector animal) and feed by ingesting other people's blood (adrenochrome). Killed with a stake made out of certain woods (naturally anti-parasitic). Vampire epidemics in the Middle Ages were a common occurrence in Eastern Europe.
Werewolf folklore. Half-man half-beast that activates during the full moon and can only be killed by a silver bullet. Silver is naturally anti-parasitic (colloidal silver).
Common lore about gingers not having souls and constantly lying, etc. Red hair is the result of pre-natal mercury toxicity. Mercury closely linked to parasite infection. Redheads more prone to degeneracy. Emperor Peter the Great of Russia banned redheads from testifying in court. Serbian vampires were redheads.
Egyptian pharaoh depictions show serpents wrapped around their brains. What is the black eye club?
X-Files and Stargate SG-1 was military/ CIA/ DARPA soft disclosure of the hidden parasite empire. The main plot line of the X-Files is that an extraterrestrial black goo parasite is put in vaccines by top level Pentagon and UN officials to genetically modify the human population and breed human-alien hybrids. In Stargate SG-1, sentient brain worms with thousands of years of knowledge are jumping into human shells and ruling us.
Animal cults = parasite worship. Zoonotic contact is a key factor for parasite spread because animals have naturally strong immune systems, while humans don't. Baphomet is a goat-headed tranny. Egyptian gods have animal heads. Ancient Roman goat-dancing ritual. Ancient Crete myth about bull-man hybrid. Cats transmit toxoplasma gondii, that's where the crazy cat lady stereotype comes from. Black cat superstition. Witchcraft ritual known as the devil's kiss - kissing the butt hole of the devil, which takes the form of a black cat.
All secret societies and satanic cults center around feces consumption, raping and murdering innocent children, and drinking blood. jewish ritual murder. Witchcraft, occultism, satanism is just parasite worship through magic potions. Aleister Crowley gives us the formula for magic potions: blood, sexual fluids, and feces.
The first civilizations made people consume grains and worship cats. Enteric yeast and toxoplasma gondii are responsible for this.
Sexual Degeneracy
Sexual promiscuity is one of the main vectors of spread. All addictions and sexual dysfunctions are caused by brain parasites, most notably transvestism and homosexuality. There are over 100 reports online of both men and women curing themselves of sodomy by administering anti-parasitic medications. Man reports accidentally curing himself of faggotry after 20 years of being an open sodomite, YouTube nukes video.
AIDS/HIV = trypanosoma cruzi and bruzei parasites. Homosexuality caused mainly by t.cruzi, t.gondii, candida and mercury accumulation in the brain. Faggotry and trannyism are spreading like an epidemic because they are one. Direct contact with feces is one of the most effective ways to spread parasites.
Anthropologists have noted that for most non-Whites, sodomy was historically considered normal. The Sodatic zone spans all non-White races. Non-Whites are genetically more prone to parasitic infection. What's the real reason for mass non-White migration into White countries?
Masturbation and pornography addiction is caused by parasites seeking to destroy the host's immune system by depleting vital nutrients and minerals through constant ejaculation.
Pollution and Other Transmission Vectors
Modern civilization is built to further parasitic infection: the goyslop epidemic, plastics and heavy metal particles everywhere. Parasites have a symbiotic relationship with heavy metals and plastics.
What's the real reason mainstream media and big food producers are pushing edible insects? Nearly all insects infected with parasites.
Fluoride, like most heavy metals, increases parasitic infection in humans. That's the real reason it's added to the water supply.
Vaccines have heavy metal adjuvants like aluminum that bypass the blood-brain barrier. That's the real reason for pushing vaccines. Direct vaccine link to autism. Covid vaccines loaded with parasites.
Stratospheric aerosol injection (chemtrail) projects rain heavy metals on our heads everyday by adding them to commercial jet fuel to further parasitic infection. Morgellons disease associated with chemtrails.
Alcohol consumption destroys the immune system and furthers parasitic infection by depleting vital nutrients and destroying the blood-brain barrier, allowing for intra-bodily objects to transfer directly into the central nervous system from the gut.
Sugar and grains are parasite food. Parasites are incapable of surviving on fats (ketogenic diet). The FDA food pyramid is worm food.
Additional Reading
Parasite Pill 2.0 [WARNING: this document is graphic and disturbing, proceed with caution]
Accidental Cure by Dr. Simon Yu
Forbidden Health by Dr. Andreas Kalcker
Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism by Kerri Rivera
To discuss this further, visit the Parasite Research forum:
good post, will come back to this in the future