BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also happy birthday to your sister u/HerAlterEgo

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Happy birthday dude.


BlackDay2020 6 points ago +6 / -0

Interesting. I found something similar in a different part of the world. In those cultures, apparently they mean well (and not the malevolent image David Icke has painted of them). They are also not considered Gods, although still worshipped as they are half-divine. There are multiple levels of divinity below what would be considered "God" in a Christian sense.

naga, in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, a member of a class of mythical semidivine beings, half human and half cobra. They are a strong, handsome species who can assume either wholly human or wholly serpentine form and are potentially dangerous but often beneficial to humans.

The creator deity Brahma relegated the nagas to the nether regions when they became too populous on earth and commanded them to bite only the truly evil or those destined to die prematurely.

Note: I believe "nether regions" could be a mistranslation, and doesn't mean below the ground (or on Earth necessarily).

Brahma is one of the three top Gods, all three considered equal in some sects while in others one of the three (eg: Vishnu) is considered the original.

The female nagas (naginis or nagis) are serpent princesses of striking beauty. The dynasties of Manipur in northeastern India, the Pallavas in southern India, and the ruling family of Funan (ancient Indochina) each claimed an origin in the union of a human being and a nagi.

Source: https://www.britannica.com/topic/naga-Hindu-mythology

They aren't depicted with a tall skull though, only a serpentine lower body: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/nagas-at-rajarani-temple-orissa-india-david-wells.html

Unfortunately the Muslim invaders destroyed most temples in Northern India and also burned the largest library in the world at the time, even though it was a doctor from that university that saved his life (at Nalanda University which had 9 million manuscripts). So most of the Indian heritage is lost.

Although currently, the Church has also joined in trying to destroy the India that remains (India receives the most amount of aid, a lot of which is used to convert people). The demographic changes in some parts of India are astounding, and used for political purposes. It is basically a continuous stream of invasions on a civilizational level going on for the last 1000 years. You can understand why Indians hate Abrahamic faiths (except Jews, who haven't (openly) tried to subvert it).

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think if the ritual was genuine it had nothing really to do with Shiva or Ancient Indian traditions. More likely to be some kind of modern occult appropriation

That could be true. Wouldn't be the first time. Another example: Theosophy (and the ensuing New Age Movement) is built on concepts from Yoga, Buddhism etc. but its beliefs have nothing to do with these. Rather Blavatsky was a Luciferian.

As someone who is familiar with the Indian version, the whole new age movement gives me a dark vibe. In the name of spirituality, they're actually undermining the moral framework of society from something shared to something individualistic. The implication is that there is no common understanding of right and wrong shared by the majority anymore (no unity), leading to a widening of the moral Overton window (because who is to say what's wrong), an attitude which will lead to degeneracy, and ultimately civilizational instability.

BlackDay2020 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah I saw that video just now. I think it's a hoax, mainly because there is no tradition of human sacrifice in the name of Shiva in India. Also that "ritual" is looks like it's designed to appeal to a Western audience: All elements are picked from Western culture. An Indian ritual would look very, very different. Examples: Cloaks aren't worn in India. The rituals in the Sanskrit texts are very complicated and take very long. The worship would also be offered to a Shiva Linga and never a Shiva statue etc.

Indians are largely vegetarian for religious reasons, and in fact, it is considered a transgression to offer anything other than lacto-vegetarian food to Shiva. You can verify this with any Hindu.

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +5 / -1

Just FYI

That's a statue of Nataraja (Shiva) gifted to CERN by the Indian government. So the statue itself is probably there for a benign reason.

Shiva goes back to the Indus Valley Civilization, displayed on Pashupatinath seals (based on new evidence, the civilization is now considered 8000 years old: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3621622/Indus-Valley-civilisation-pre-date-Egypt-s-pharoahs-Ancient-society-2-500-years-older-thought.html), far before the timeline of the bible and even the Egyptian civilization, and in a geographically distant part of the world.

We need to be careful about applying interpretations and superimposing concepts, across thousands of years, from one civilization onto iconography of another civilization that we don't understand

by IAmOne
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mike Yeadon comes to mind. One of the first outspoken people against the vaccines.

by IAmOne
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mike Yeadon? Was ignored by MSM and the big name podcasters so less likely he's controlled opposition.

Think about it. The alternative is every Jewish person is in on the conspiracy. And still, with so many people invovled, they somehow manage to keep the whole thing secret..

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +4 / -1

Good observation. I'm not a military expert, so can't comment on feasibility.

We already know Ukraine will be broken up, since the sovereignty of Donetsk and Luhansk is the official line of Russia. In addition, the Russian spy chief did let slip (if you believe it wasn't misdirection) they're going to integrate the breakaway regions into Russia. The region you've highlighted is much bigger however: So not sure if they also plan to conquer and occupy those regions.

I'm still holding CrazyRussian's theory as the best fit theory currently (fits with Putin's WEF affiliation if you believe that. The other option is corner Russia till its only choice is to conquer and assimilate): https://conspiracies.win/p/141rswiosR/x/c/4OUgMspFvaa

Meaning, in the distant future all of Eastern Europe will be part of the Russia (Slavic Union or something). A multi-polar world, and skip the one world government plan (for now). Perhaps their attempts to homogenize the entire world via globalization failed or wasn't considered possible anymore as there was too much resistance to ethnic/cultural mixing.

This explains why Putin could be moving away from the West, the war to grab Ukraine, no intervention from NATO and the sanctions all make sense. They provide the narrative for why Russia to form its own (economic/political) union. If true, expect more scripted fighting between Russia and the West..

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

If the wearer is Hindu, keep in mind that they also wear a similar red thread, and that custom has nothing to do with Jews: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kautuka#/media/File:Kalava_Mauli_Wikipedia.jpg

Although some Hindu sects wear black..

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

Apparently you need a 20 point score. I helped you out by upvoting your previous comments. Try again?

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

For all his faults, that guy did two things right: Closed his country to outsiders both physically and virtually (safe from the cabal) and acquired nukes through whatever means (none can touch him or his country).

He's now a spectator to the show happening in the rest of the world.

BlackDay2020 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's good to be skeptical. Simple folk want one theory, but it's more scientific to be open minded to all theories which haven't been logically ruled out (I got called a disinfo agent yesterday for doing that, lol).

Regarding Ukraine, I think u/CrazyRussian 's theory fits well (you can find it in my comments from today here).

You can expect more attacks on globalism narrative from Russia/China/non-Western countries (eg: u/pkvi 's recent post), and moving into their own trading bloc.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +3 / -2

I'm not convinced just yet. If they groomed him to be President, they'd have blackmail on him too.. So where is it?

BlackDay2020 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Why not both (being a WEF guy and moving away from the West)?

The only reason is the underlying assumption that the plan is to move to a one world government in one shot. That plan might be shelved for the moment. See my comments here: https://conspiracies.win/p/141rxcGUpX/i-never-saw-this-putin-announces/c/

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +2 / -1

This explains why Putin could be a WEF agent and yet is moving away from the West. The war to grab Ukraine, no intervention from NATO and the sanctions all make sense. They provide the narrative for why Russia formed its own trading block.

And the theory that he broke away from the cabal (and is therefore our friend) could be disinfo.

EDIT: Almost forgot. Credit to u / CrazyRussian for originally coming up with this theory..

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +4 / -1

Or this is a set up for a new world order like this (see map) long into the future: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_geography_of_Nineteen_Eighty-Four

If you care to know more about this theory (see comment): https://conspiracies.win/p/141rswiosR/x/c/4OUgMspFvaa

I've thought about this theory over the last few days. How would decoupling from the dollar help achieve this? Well within each pole of this multi-polar world, you'd have one leading country whose currency is the standard. Eventually all having the same currency. Later having open borders amongst themselves (like EU) because remember they are culturally and ethnically similar and will be made more similar still. Eventually moving to one superstate.

Perhaps their attempts to homogenize the entire world into one culture in one go via globalization failed or wasn't considered possible anymore. There was too much resistance to ethnic/cultural mixing. So moving back to the original plan?

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +2 / -1

BlackDay2020 TallestSkil - polarising perspective., enemy image

Me? Really? Yes I do throw out contrarian ideas. I don't see how that is out of place for a conspiracy forum.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or 2 levels of power. The public level, consisting of Jews that you aren't allowed to criticize, and the higher level of unknown true elites that use the Jews as their public face, and avoid the fate of the French nobility.

Do you really believe the Jews, even with looser morals, are able to achieve what powerful nation states are unable to achieve: subvert entire civilizations, control all 4 pillars of democracies, dictate the path of world history as they please, have much smarter people do their bidding etc.? They are so forward thinking that they plan centuries ahead etc. Who are somehow much more concerned about the wellbeing of their people (selfless), than the rest of us are concerned about our people (self centered)?

Sounds like a comic book super villain race?

If one group is so wildly successful, then surely they must have qualities that make them superior to other groups who didn't? In terms of natural evolution, the former group is more likely to survive and thrive, and eventually out compete other groups?

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think u/CrazyRussian might be onto something. His theory: Merge all countries with ethnic similarities into one country. With very few countries, global rule is easier. For each cultural-ethnic region, there is only one government to puppeteer instead of multiple as there is now.

Will have to happen gradually of course: we're starting from a unipolar world, next must be a bipolar world, then tripolar and so on until there is one pole for each designated cultural-ethnic region.

Final outcome perhaps something like this (see the map) a multi-polar world with a handful of superstates, and a bunch of disputed territories in the middle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_geography_of_Nineteen_Eighty-Four

Not only Poland but whole of Eastern Europe goes with Russia. Western Europe under America-Anglo empire etc. Within each pole, continue with cultural homogenization to make sub-ethnicities and sub-cultures similar enough to be merged for takeover/common rule.

Implication: No more World Wars, but lots of regional wars. It so happens the ones that will be consumed as per this theory also have no nukes (see map): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_states_with_nuclear_weapons The nukes in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey are under US control as per the last link.

NK might've thrown a wrench into the plan by acquiring nukes. Libya tried but got destroyed. Iran is trying and might get destroyed.

BlackDay2020 10 points ago +10 / -0

Reminder this began on 22/2/22 ( u/Mrexreturns you were right about the date, but wrong about the event):


Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrGLhhTtxFU

We can expect cyberattacks leading to whatever changes. I'm talking cyber polygon scenario.

Mandates will probably stay (they ensure only those who blindly follow authority and take the Russian roulette gamble on vaccines will get jobs in military, police, media, government etc.)

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