CrazyRussian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Large ANN training need a terabytes of data and billions of epochs(iterations) to train one variant. If you have to apply some constraints (in math sense) on it, you have to do whole training thing many times, proportionally to number of constraints. Each adjustment change the whole ANN, so you need to train it completely from the ground after you made change to apply constraint. Mutually exclusive constraints makes things much worse, you need dozens of training cycles for it with little chance to succeed at all.

West need orders of magnitude more constraints than China. F.e., for LLMs, Chineese constraints are just "don't mention CCP in negative sense" and "don't allow antichineese things". West on the other side have to care about tons of many mutually exclusive things.

So, few training passes will be enough for China, but West need thousands, if not millions training cycles and adjustments. China could do its LLM in a month on a moderate processing power, while West need orders of magnitude more power to fit ANN to all Western constraints in observable time.

Something like that.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

I took a closer look at this.

First - nobody stole nothing from anybody. It is not Russian or American idea, not Putin's or Trump's. It is Jewish idea, Old one. Ginzburg is a jew, all that Altmans, Ellisons and Co is jews. Jews are obsessed with idea to inject something into humans for a long time. First they tried to convince humans to inject shit, then they tried to scare humans into injecting shit, looks like now they try to lure humans into injecting shit. Nothing new at all. :)

However I didn't find anything about govt financing of that crap in Russia, unlike US $0.5T

Just don't buy that new Jewish lies, as usual, and everything will be OK.

CrazyRussian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not really, but I'm trying :)

Most of my initial understanding of internal US politics comes from Braindead TV series, which was unfortunately cut after the first season. :)

CrazyRussian 4 points ago +5 / -1

This is a dead end situation, if I understand correctly. Left-wing MSM will never ask about that because they don't want this things to be released, and Right-wing MSM will never ask about promised release to not undermine their Trump dude in the eyes of their audience. So, next press-conferences or whatever events where press will be allowed to ask questions, will never have this questions asked.

And those who want and will ask that questions will never be allowed to do that.

CrazyRussian 4 points ago +4 / -0

The difference is that those actually work and practically useful. :) Well, most of them. :)

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Scientology is not very different from all that "alternative" media with tons of "snake oils", "safe VPNs", "healthy food" and other overpriced and useless shit ads.

That guys just sell overpriced ohmmeters instead of "vitamins" and "special health kits" and use different stories to attract their audience.

It is not hard to imagine similar business that will base its cult on revelations from "Zion Elders Scrolls" and will sell them printed in good quality for $1000 along with IDK, "herbal pills kit for removing Elders influence". There are enough idiots and for sure there will be those who will buy that easily.

All of such cults, without any exclusion are disgusting swindlers.

They are not so far from totalitarian sects like Falun Gong or Aum Shinrikyo who go slightly further in criminal activity and force/convince members not just buy some shit, but to gift/transfer all their wealth and assets to the sect leaders.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

But like any criminal, they are vulnerable to leaving behind clues.

Only those who are leaving clues behind are caught thanks to that clues and then named "criminals". That does not mean that all criminals leave clues. Just those who don't leave clues are not caught, so they are not named "criminals".

Logical fallacy similar to one like "all trucks are cars, so all cars are trucks".

I have heard that masons signal each other through public news and use code words. For masons, it seems 33 is a number frequently used.

Masons is a LARP created for nobility, to control and consolidate their power in the interests of puppet masters and allow horisontal connections for the efficiency of that control. Of course they will signal each other, just like those LARPers who obsessed with Tolkien fairy tales f.e..

So perhaps jews are using code words or clues to signal to each other, whereas those not in the know are prone to dismiss "Cohen"cidences.

Why do a tribe with a very specific face features could have a need to signal something to each other? Their faces are signals by itself and more than enough for jews to do their "teambuilding".

It is like to explain specific nigger's manner to talk and move with necessity to constantly signal their belonging to the black race to each other.

Masons needed signals, because they could be from completely different etnicities and they are connected only with masonry. This is not the case nor for jews nor for niggers. Latters don't need special signals to get that they belong to the same group (tribe).

Or perhaps satan just leaves his mark on things.

More like that. It is just oversimplified and personified description of what is probably happening. On the level "Devil lured me to become alcoholic".

When the devil leaves his mark it is just sixes

Not necessary "sixes". There are tons of marks, from Star of David or Sephiroth Tree to plain ugliness of people and objects includingt needless complexity, illogicality and other stuff we percieve as "unnatural" or "disgusting".

Basically a lie is the mark of evil itself too. No good thing will ever require a lie.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dinosaurs went extinct 66 million years ago

It was 65M years ago when I studied in school.

The earth spins around the sun 66,600 miles per hour, goy

Six feet distance, goy

Very few and very specific countries use that weird and obsolete imperial system. :)

jews lying

They always lie. It is very strange if somebody will specifically mark his regular and routine activity.

Usually humans and even animals somehow mark only very special situations, not normal one.

By attributing this marks to the deliberate marking actions of jews who supposedly use it to mark their lying, you obviously assume that if there are no such mark, then jew is talking truth. It is very dangerous assumption.

No, jews do not mark anything. Why should they? And you should never trust any jew, regardless of presence of any marks.

CrazyRussian 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would stick to Jalapeno_gringo theory about evil precipitation in physical form when it reach saturation threshold in something.

It's like a mark that appear by itself, not like some satanist purposedly created it.

CrazyRussian 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hamas isn't surrending (at least independent regiments), it is IOF partially leaving Gaza to reduce constant losses.

IOF had huge losses during past year, they are simply out of people now. If they continue, they will have to grab people from the streets, just like they do in Ukraine. But it will be Jews, not some Slavic people, they can't afford that.

CrazyRussian 3 points ago +4 / -1

Hardly that device, you talking about, named by some as "General Chutzpa of Federal Reserve" is just some computer. No doublt computers could be used to maintain its operation, but device itself is something else.

Meanwhile in "They Live" it wasn't just a computer too.

And about location of this device - it is probably Fort Knox. That is why it was never audited since 1974 and even 1974 audit is very questionable. Fort Knox is the most secured place in the world, far beyond any other military base or research facility and even US president could not easily access it. If you want to find a place where some alien tech could be, Fort Knox is the first and best candidate. Amazing how UFO crowd stick to all that "Area 51" and other stuff and completely ignores Fort Knox.

CrazyRussian 5 points ago +5 / -0

Lack of imagination among those who allowed to be script writers for Hollywood.

There is more interesting question - there is an endless list of interesting, unique and original stories written by SciFi writers, that could be scripts for really interesting and entertaining movies. But even if Hollywood decide to film something, it removes everything interesting and mindblowing from the SciFi story and add all that uninteresting and boring "feelings and relations" into the movie script. None of such stories was ever filmed as they are and there is always some script writer who pervert and distort the original story, inserting this completely unneeded "feelings and relations" stuff and removing as much SciFi as possible.

Also, even franchises that was rare exceptions from that rule (TV series, mostly) always eventually was castrated down from SciFi story about miracles of Universe to that fucking "feelings and relations" shit.

The plots you tell about have the same pattern - minimum SciFi stuff and maximum "feelings and relations". That's why they are popular in Hollywood.

CrazyRussian 4 points ago +4 / -0

OP looks far-stretched, but I like your "crystalline structure of evil" theory. Where the evil concentrates in some place above saturation level, it become to precipitate in physical form just like salt from saturated solution.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not wise to take seriously any political declarations from the politician who is not in charge yet. Better to see what politician will really do and then do any conclusions.

As far as I understand, good lithmus paper for Trump will be declassifying JFK papers with zero redactions and Epshtein list in full. If he will not do that, then there is senseless to expect anything from him.

As for NAU - I remember this idea at least from 2000s, there even was Amero currency banknote samples circling among not wery mainstream internet and other stuff at the time, but nothing about that project was done ever. IDK, may be this idea is just somehow attractive for whatever actors Trump is trying to summon on his side before inauguration for whatever reasons and nothing more.

Adding territories is a huge government spending, it could be attractive to some players, but on the other side, adding tens of trillions to 35T debt (not even talking about external US debt) looks completely insane. To make NAU somehow real, US have to get rid of Federal Reserve and completely rebuild whole US financial system. I doubt Trump will be allowed to do that, even with that unknown pro-NAU players on his side, but who knows.

CrazyRussian 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ask why all these executives who installed the DEI and argued for its favor are now claiming "oh gosh that DEI was horrible", maybe question if this is not pattern and plot.

Answer is very simple. They are not executives/owners/shareholders, but puppets.

It's the question "whose puppets are they?" that should be rised everywhere by everyone.

CrazyRussian 3 points ago +3 / -0

I always thought that Obama was nothing more than diversity hire. How that dumb nigger, who know nothing about anything could be architect of something? Why that "Obama control everything" narrative pop up in recent years only, but not during Obama term f.e.?

IDK, but for me all that "Obama is a Black Master of Deep State" is like "President Biden made a decision".

What's with that Obama guy? How from nobody he became shadow master of puppets?

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

That doesn't make sense. The West has been ruled by fanatical internationalists since WWII also and that didn't stop them.

West only declared internationalism, never really practicised it. Combination of rotten Western aristocracy with its "burden of white man" with Jewish financial and cultural elite could be for anything, but internationalism.

Soviets was Russians who never had this "burden of white man" with system that didn't depend on bankers.

What percentage of children even go to Church?

If you mean every Sunday services - very few, of course. But religious holidays and overall Orthodox heritage - is very noticeable. Just a day ago - a lot of children with parents in churches and streets, everybody cheer each other and so on. Even not religious families baptize their children and celebrate Orthodox holidays. It is accounted as a matter of course, really. And most people at least trying to follow common Orthodox faith principles. Standard "thank you" in Russian is literally shortcut for "God Save you" - "спасибо" = "Спаси Бог" from Orthodoxy.

However, Orthodox Christianity here is not forced on people, may be this is one of the reasons it is popular here. :)

Well, we also have "Old New Year" holiday.... Don't even ask. :)

I knew the Red Army helped get the narrative going. I remember reading that they came up with the insane initial figures of the victims in Auschwitz but looks like they exported their propaganda to the west.

Red Army didn't care much about specific etnicities. Figures of USSR citizens found in German concentration and labour camps was huge, because the war was huge, with large areas occupied by Germans who need workforce, but that does not mean that jews was the largest group. In reality, Jews was the first who flee en masse to the East of USSR when the war started, so not many left on occupied territories. Most civilian losses was Russians by absolute value and Belorussians by rate. When Germans got that they failed (mid-1942), they began to destroy everything and kill population in areas they couldn't hold. They also tried to move anything of value and those who could be a workforce to the Reich while retreating. But there was no much jews, because most jews flee long before.

Then, I suppose, jewish propagandists used that huge figures of displaced and killed people in their chutzpa.

It wasn't hard for jews to convince West this figures are their only, because West just don't have any clue about the scale of USSR participation in WWII. They don't even know who really won that war and how insignificant was USA/UK/France role in it. :)

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Come on, no one demonized the Germans quite as the Soviets and they sure as hell didn't miss the golden opportunity to blame them for "the greatest genocide in history".

All post-WWII USSR Communists, including leadership was extreme internationalists so highliting one etnicity over another was a no go. Simple as that.

Russians are such Holocaust deniers that they erected a memorial synagouge-museum in their capital city.

It's jews who build it. For their own money. It is sinagogue, a meeting/praying house for jews, not Holocaust museum intended for propaganda among goyims, like they built in historical center of Munich f.e. In the same special place (Victory Park) there are otheк religious buildings of other religions, built with parishioners financing like church and mosque, both much larger, meanwhile.

Meanwhile, any buptized Orthodox Christian will be penanced by church for visiting sinagogue according to canonical rules. This was one of the hugest reasons of big backlash when jews tried at the time to force their holohoax narrative on civilian schoolchildren and proposed mandatory excursions to synagogues to "introduce" holohoax. This attempt failed, since most Russian children are batized in Orthodox Church.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

what is this Russian wiki you linked?

Just an attempt to make an independent wiki in Russian that will not induce vomit.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

So what might a Russian teen think when they hear about USA passionately blabbing 6 Million genocide?

USA passionately blabbling about many things, but I don't think Russian teens care much about what USA propaganda blabbling about. Tons of that things does not match reality, based on lies or insanely hypocritical. Yet another thing just does not matter.

Fortunately, Russian youth got a good vaccination against Western propaganda virus on the example of their parents who survived 1990s, when all what USA government tried to push here turn out to be lies and cheating. From "free market" to "gay rights". It's hard to believe, but at the time of BLM shit, Western propaganda tried to push the same narrative in Russia too, despite there is absolutely no any ground for that narrative at all. Even rare African students who study in Russian universities laughed out on that stupid attempt.

Narrative about some special and worst of all suffering of jews during WWII will never find any ground here because it is hard to find a family in Russia that was not touched by WWII one way or another and suffered. And here comes jews who declare that they somehow suffered more and so have to be specially praised and respected for that. It's a clear invitation for unconditional GTFO for that jews with their narrative.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +3 / -1

According to mainstream history, the most notorious of the Nazi war crimes is the purported Holocaust.

This is not the case in Russia and never was in USSR.

How can it not fall into this category?

Simple. Jews was not and are not accounted as special in Russian history including history of WWII. There definitely was enemy war crimes, and many etnicities suffer much more than jews from them. Making jews somehow special is clearly denying or diminishing enemy war crimes against others. In case jews began to insist in their holohoax here, they could be easily made a suspects in a case with that criminal article on diminishing enemy war crimes.

Jews was very active trying to open an official Holocaust museum and push this scam into school programs in Russia in early 2010s, but now they sit very quiet. All they had achieved at the time was some Holocaust corner in Jewish center in Moscow, and a website that didn't last long.

In fact it was precisely the USSR regime that concocted the biggest lies and propagandized the hoax.

In fact, the word "Holocaust" was not in Russian vocabulary until around late 1960s.

The communist regime was primarily jewish and propped up by foreign jewish financing and logistics even after Stalin's purge

After Stalin purge very few jews was in positions where they could somehow try influence Stalin's path for country. That is why jews hate Stalin more than anybody else. He was one of those who was able not only to get rid of jews, but force some of them to obey and work against other jews and whole jewish supremacy narrative.

It was the first country to criminalize antisemitism and ban the Protocols.

Stalin's USSR is not the same as Lenin USSR. It was trotskists who banned Protocols and criminalized antisemitism. This was reverted then.

USSR accounted as most antisemitic country in the world. All Western countries easily affirmed refugee status to any soviet Jew who flee from USSR.

On the official level Zionism was declared antihuman ideology. USSR openly supported Israel rivals on all levels in all wars Israel started since its creation. Government even made official educational documentaries like "Тайное и явное (Цели и деяния сионистов)" (Secret and Explicit: The Aims and Acts of Zionists) created in 1973 in Moscow documentary films studio. You could see it here - https://archive.org/details/the-secret-and-explicit-goals-and-deeds-of-the-zionists with English subtitles. Just to get some clue of how things really was in USSR.

Even Khrushev does not allow jews to rise head, destroying their attempts to infiltrate into culture and education - search for "bulldozered exhibition" f.e.

Jews was able to gain some control in Russia only after USSR fall, tha happened not without their interference. This was quite good vaccination for Russian citizens who clearly hate all that jewish "reformists" and their ideas today. Even Putin, being hardcore internationalist, was forced to get rid of multiple jewish oligarchs and politicians, to keep some popularity in Russia. That is the real reason why all Western MSM hate Putin to the level of hysteria.

There are no any specific criminalisation of antisemitism in Russia, "Inducing inter-ethnic hatred" is still criminalized, after jewish rise in 1990s, and was heavily used against Russian nationalists, but now it is heavily used against anti-Russian elements, including jews and their assets.

There is a case in a court now on banning jewish Sokhnut organisation in Russia. It is controversial, because from one side Sokhnut is obviously full of Mossad agents and used as a center for NGOs coordination and financing, but on the other side it helps a lot get rid of jews in Russia with their program of "repatriation" into Israel.

Jews definitely cause a lot of harm in Russia, especially when obtain any power, but Russia always cleaned itself from that parasites eventually, regardless of system or person in power and sometimes in a very strange way.

CrazyRussian 8 points ago +8 / -0

Pedowikia is under jewish control totally. Russians are not allowed to change it. Even in Russian language segment, say CNN does accounted as AI, while any Russian media does not. None of moderators of Russian language segment live in Russia.

Russian wiki-like independent project, without foreign jews in moderators, have following article about holohoax: https://traditio.wiki/%D0%A5%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82 (in Russian, use translator)

CrazyRussian 10 points ago +11 / -1

Holocaust denial is not in any way criminalised in Russia.

Jurgen Graf, one of first ones who debunked holohoax with actual historical data got sanctuary in Russia.

Holohoax was never something important in Russia at all. WWII accounted as Great Patriotic War in Russia, war against invaders, not a war for the well-being of the jews.

Praising WWII enemies and denial of their war crimes on the territory of USSR is criminalised in Russia. Holocaust denial is in no way fall into any of this categories.

There is even no any Holocaust museum in Russia, despite decades long attempts of jews to create one (using taxpayers money, of course). Holocaust is not in school textbooks, there are no any "Schindler List", "Anne Frank Diary" or other mass-media propaganda crap specific to holohoax narrative.

Interesting, that in 90-s after USSR fall, many jewish journalists and other humanitarian crap wrote articles about how "it could be better if Germany had won over USSR and how they could drinlk bavarian beer now" en masse. Jews hate Stalin much more than any foreing dictator including Hitler for obvious reasons.

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