9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +3 / -0

farm & tractor supply store has it.

any farm/livestock supply store will carry both. it's OTC for horses. dosages are proportional by weight. one syringe is for a 1250 pound horse, so for a 250 lb human, that's 5 doses.

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

generally managed more at the local level and "profits" theoretically go into returned interest on members' savings accounts. even the staff/employees at the top are likely to reside in the area, so are more likely to be personally invested in and know the people in the CU's region/community. the priority of a CU's senior executives isn't going to be the quarterly NYSE price. from what i've personally seen/looked into, they generally make better loan decisions and have better strength ratings than most banks. i guess it's possible, but CU's don't seem to get involved in big development projects and all that exposure. CU's certainly didn't go as overboard with the lending that created the '07/'08 mortgage meltdown.

9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Partying Canuck GLP Anon gets told that the mRNA vaxx is a two-step depopulation plan that will cause 5 billion deaths

So I did coke with an "elite" and they loose lipped it big time.

has been around for awhile. iirc, i saw the screencap first in '21. there's another similar one with a tech guy who works for, and occasionally parties with, "elites" in New Zealand. and another with a guy whose childhood friend made big money in tech and gained access to the club.

don't doubt the possibility of any of them. even if they're all larps, the stories fit the patterns & facts we can all see for ourselves.

9035768regginwolg 4 points ago +4 / -0

inho, the builders of all the various pyramids and ancient structures had methods of manipulating sound/ultrasonics and used wave interference patterns to shape/break/trim materials.

i also suspect they had methods of creating molten rock, or were able to heat rock enough to be more maleable and the temp control to keep the rock from just becoming a blob.

...wonder if there was an Annunnaki/Nephalim version of Harbor Freight, whose discount prices have been lost in the mists of antiquity.

9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +3 / -0

haven't tried yet.

the Target near me opens in a little bit and I can get some mirrors.

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +3 / -2

j͆u͆s͆t͆ g͆o͆t͆ b͆a͆c͆k͆ f͆r͆o͆m͆ T͆a͆r͆g͆e͆t͆ w͆i͆t͆h͆ s͆o͆m͆e͆ m͆i͆r͆r͆o͆r͆s͆. s͆e͆t͆t͆i͆n͆g͆ u͆p͆ n͆o͆w͆.

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +4 / -2

t̵̡̩̞̥̫͎̝̋͆͑̌̌̊r̶̜͓̰̭̃̔͂̔i̷̱̜͕͙͍̠̒̏ͅẻ̴̡͇̖̱̻̺̇͛͒͜͠͝d̶̰̍̑ i̷̱̜͕͙͍̠̒̏ͅt̵̡̩̞̥̫͎̝̋͆͑̌̌̊ ẘ̶͈̅͠i̷̱̜͕͙͍̠̒̏ͅt̵̡̩̞̥̫͎̝̋͆͑̌̌̊ḧ̴̘͉́͌̿̐̈ s̸̢̰͕̪̰̪̒͊̊͒o̵̖̪̣͕̜̘̅̓̕m̷͙͎͎̲̩͊̃ẻ̴̡͇̖̱̻̺̇͛͒͜͠͝ m̷͙͎͎̲̩͊̃i̷̱̜͕͙͍̠̒̏ͅr̶̜͓̰̭̃̔͂̔r̶̜͓̰̭̃̔͂̔o̵̖̪̣͕̜̘̅̓̕r̶̜͓̰̭̃̔͂̔s̸̢̰͕̪̰̪̒͊̊͒ i̷̱̜͕͙͍̠̒̏ͅ g̷̰̠̒͛̇̚o̵̖̪̣͕̜̘̅̓̕t̵̡̩̞̥̫͎̝̋͆͑̌̌̊ f̸̱̟̏̌͌̍̌́͘r̶̜͓̰̭̃̔͂̔o̵̖̪̣͕̜̘̅̓̕m̷͙͎͎̲̩͊̃ T̷̡̛̳̼͔̜̮̤͛͝͠ạ̵̻̇́̈́̔̅̏͝r̶̜͓̰̭̃̔͂̔g̷̰̠̒͛̇̚ẻ̴̡͇̖̱̻̺̇͛͒͜͠͝t̵̡̩̞̥̫͎̝̋͆͑̌̌̊. d̶̰̍̑i̷̱̜͕͙͍̠̒̏ͅd̶̰̍̑ǹ̵̛̍͌̑ͅ't̵̡̩̞̥̫͎̝̋͆͑̌̌̊ ǹ̵̛̍͌̑ͅo̵̖̪̣͕̜̘̅̓̕t̵̡̩̞̥̫͎̝̋͆͑̌̌̊i̷̱̜͕͙͍̠̒̏ͅc̶̟͈̦̬͓̤̭̏ẻ̴̡͇̖̱̻̺̇͛͒͜͠͝ ạ̵̻̇́̈́̔̅̏͝ǹ̵̛̍͌̑ͅy̴̢͕̥̹̝̍̔̓̏͜͝͠t̵̡̩̞̥̫͎̝̋͆͑̌̌̊ḧ̴̘͉́͌̿̐̈i̷̱̜͕͙͍̠̒̏ͅǹ̵̛̍͌̑ͅg̷̰̠̒͛̇̚.

9035768regginwolg 4 points ago +4 / -0

it's not a matter of whether anyone tried.

it's a matter of whether anyone came back.

9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +4 / -1

much paranormal qualifies as or shares territory with conspiracy because it gets covered up, denied, and/or obfuscated by the government/established powers.

an example might be like, ohhh, i dunno, say maybe a vid getting pulled from YT for an unexplained reason.

9035768regginwolg 4 points ago +4 / -0

lol. that's the Kentucky Flappy Chicken parallel world.

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

hey, OP, how can you sift signal from noise at GAW? imho, they became to overrun with true belivers and shills after their first 6mo or so to be worth the time. haven't been to 8kun in forever, either.

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

yep. he comes close, but doesn't take the plunge. i suspect if he didn't have viewers, he'd have faced pizzagate, the jq, holohoax, etc. square on several years ago.

we're about the same age, started from alot of the same positions on the left, and progressed in our respective thinking on alot of the same timeline (if you're familiar with r/WayOfTheBern, the original users/subscribers there followed roughly the same pattern/progression and timing post SR & PG; a bunch of us were q-tards). i just didn't shy away from the evidence the way JD seems to have.

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

i got nose fucked dec '21, but after they'd stopped jamming it up to your brain. i was ready to slap the nurse's hand away the moment it hurt, and she stopped after just the swab part was in my nostril. i asked "That's it? I was worried you were gonna jam it up there." and she said they'd stopped going way up the nasal cavity.

this was TX, so there may've been some pushback more than other states.

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

doesn't explain dustification, like the antenna tower at the top of the building that literally turns to dust and disappears as it falls, or the fact the debris pile should've been higher, even as spread out as it was.


also doesn't explain witness reports of cars/vehicles flying through the air, the vehicles with clear delineations between oxidized and unoxidized portions of the body/sheet metal, or the vehicles that burned/oxidized blocks away from the WTC.

doesn't explain the pics of Israeli "art students" pictured next to boxes of detonators inside the WTC, or how the areas the planes supposedly hit just happened to be where the "art students" had one of their big messages photographed.





also: building 7 - https://www.metabunk.org/files/WTC-7-Collaps---Previously-Unreleased-Footage-of-WTC-7.gif

and - https://i.makeagif.com/media/6-10-2015/O52Ri6.gif

by DrLeaks
9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

yeah, tallestshil disappeared for awhile. i thought it had finally been banned, but maybe it was just on vacation or another assignment.

have you read it's comment history? primo examples of a couple shill/fed techniques, if the account isn't mostly AI

9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +3 / -0

i knew i should have escaped into the PNW woods back in May. fuck.

by DrLeaks
9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

payback for us flooding beijing a few weeks ago :)

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

1 to 2 years it will be made clear it was always for eID and CBDC

this is what i think Trump's role will be. Trump suckered the right into accepting much of the covid narrative. Trump will do the same with EID/CBDC's

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

an admission of failure on their part.

it's not failure. it's deliberately restricted access. the internal combustion engine, the airplane, radio/communication electronics were all things that were accessible to average people and gave the individual more power & freedom.

(((tptb))) absolutely don't want to be giving the masses anything that allows them more self-determination. it's why Tesla's work at Wydencliffe got blocked. green energy is a perfect example. all of the technology, resources, and legislation is focused on large scale wind & solar farms. there's no resources or legislation geared for the individual homeowner who wants to put something up with a 5-10' blade diameter on their own property (like many farms had prior to wwII) to augment what the power company supplies. local zoning laws/boards will actually get in the way for the individual homeowner who tries that unless they're out in the country somewhere. solar is better, but still expensive and prohibitive for alot of homeowners. there's vibrating rather than spinning blade tech that can scale up so homeowners can augment what the power company supplies, but no one is pushing that.

thorium is likely another one of those scalable techs that leads to decentralization. in this case, so smaller groups of people, like say a 5,000 person town could build and maintain a thorium reactor.

the underlying issue isn't that (((tptb))) have directed resources into unproductive research, though (((they))) have done that (like with cancer). the root cause is (((tptb))) want to maintain their power and status, and keep the rest of us down & enslaved. alot of tech endangers that control and parasitism.

9035768regginwolg 4 points ago +4 / -0

the breakaway civilization already happened, at least once; likely 2 or 3 more.

mercury isn't necessarily for power, but controlling/manipulating electric fields for "anti-grav"

for anyone with a technically/STEM oriented mind, anything one can find and read/view on schauberger is worth making the effort for. i strongly suspect that schauberger's principles are simple enough to be utilized by any jack-of-all-trades or shadetree mechanic or ham op to build a craft. the materials don't seem to be exotic, but having resources to purchase, manipulate, and fabricate 1-10 tons of steel/iron, copper, and aluminum, and an appropriately sized workspace is probably beyond most.

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