9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

we would be ripe for military foreign invasion.

you don't live in Texas, do you. newsflash: we're BEING invaded. i've seen it on the construction sites. there's MS-13 tatts everywhere.

i hope your faith isn't misplaced. kids are being sacrificed while Patriots who would otherwise act trust The Plan.

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was fully onboard the Q train, pre-tripcode, until a few weeks after Biden was elected and "release the Kraken" turned out to be a huge crock of shit. Until I admitted I'd been conned, I followed Mouthy Buddha and other bakers religiously, in large part because of the deltas, AF1 flight paths & pics, and crazy "coincidences" like BDT/Blunt and Direct Time.

When push comes to shove, Team Q let covid happen, allowed American Citizens to die, and allowed the fabric of American society to be torn apart. On top of that, the United States, YOUR FUCKING COUNTRY, is being literally invaded right now by illegals. BLM summer and the permitted escalation of violent behavior by blacks has cost how much money and lives? What white-hats there may've been were removed or outmaneuvered, and Team Trump/Q let it happen or had a part in engineering the neutralization, otherwise we wouldn't be being INVADED right now. As far as I'm concerned, Flynn is a traitor and part of a huge psy-op.

There's so much Team Q didn't follow thru on. Where's all the indie made films about the various aspects of the cabal's child trafficking and satanic rituals? Team Q implied there were a bunch in the works or ready to go. As far as I know there were just a couple, and the one that got the most play had more insinuation than hard fact/connections/evidence. Just from what we learned from the crumbs and what the bakers found, there has to be soooooo much more damning evidence that could've been trickled out to normies from '17-'20. Even aside from the satanic ritual/child trafficking shenanigans, there's stuff Team Trump could've brought up to keep in Americans conscious, like Nesarra/Gesarra, Antarctica, JFK... not to mention what a joke DJT's pardons were.

While you're waiting for the general public to "wake up", how many kids are getting sacrificed? Were white-hats going to take real action, there's already been a shit-fuckton of damning testimony and evidence enough for arrests and even outright mutiny against the cabal/DS. It hasn't happened for a reason. Durham, like Q, is an opiate and a distraction to keep Patriots like you and me waiting and sidelined. It's like how Q said "We're saving Israel for last" placated all the Q followers who were wise to the JQ, but didn't do anything to really raise awareness of the JQ to those with a passing or casual interest in the Q drops.

I don't disagree about trying to wake people up. I've lost longtime friends, work, and even places to live because of such efforts. But pointing at what people like Durham, are supposedly doing, which isn't telling us anything we didn't already know or have evidence for, that then results in nothing just feeds into the "2 more weeks, right guys?" meme. Trusting Durham has made otherwise very perceptive people like Brian Cates and Tracy Beanz look like fools and suckers. By now, pretty much everyone knows the system is fucked. There's better mileage to be had by raising awareness of the JQ, which, by default, also raises awareness of the cabal, satanism/Moloch-ism, sacrificing children; as well as providing answers as to how both blacks and illegal immigration are being used to tear America apart.

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

don't feed the trollbot

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

PSA: if "why is ____?" is a negative or social ill, the answer is pretty much always "jews".

9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +4 / -1

2 more weeks!!!!

if anything real was going to happen, it would've happened by now. guarantee i was as big a qtard as anyone else here and bought into the whole "Durham bringing THE PAIN" bullshit as much as anyone. the system is too corrupted to correct itself, and has been for years if not decades.

9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I bow to our new Amish overlords.

9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +3 / -0

google translate sucks at Moloch-to-English

9035768regginwolg 4 points ago +4 / -0

for those of you wanting to avoid products/media associated with the celebs who signed, here's a link: https://archive.is/nepwP

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

i don't know why mods allow that bot to shit up the threads.

9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +4 / -1

RFKjr still promotes the global warming schtick. He's great on vaccines, but doesn't apply the same logic or skepticism to other issues. In the end he's another sheepherder/controlled oppo, just like Bernie turned out to be.

Any pol that isn't flirting with naming (((them))) or outright pointing at (((them))) has a major, fundamental flaw in whatever politics or positions that pol is espousing.

The single biggest problem in the U.S. revolves around the jq. Wake me up if RFKjr highlights AIPAC's tentacles woven throughout congress and state legislatures.

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +2 / -1

good vid, ty! but probably way longer shenanigans have been going on with the same groups.

i'd be thoroughly unsurprised if there were 5+ family bloodlines mucking about, playing power games since the middle ages, and 2+ since the time of the pharaohs, long before Jesus walked the earth. definitely some secret/not-so-secret societies have been around for milennia, maybe a couple even since Sumer was a thing.

even if the two links below are a larp, they absolutely describe something that is 100% possible, if not probable.

1 (good luck slogging through html text; PITA but worth it)


9035768regginwolg 5 points ago +5 / -0

DEA tried the same thing with kratom. kratom was very much a small, niche drug until people found out it was useful for treating opiate addictions. big pharma then sicc'd their attack dog on the American People and lost.

fuck the FDA. fuck the DEA. fuck the ATF. fuck the FBI. fuck the CIA. fuck ALLLLL the treasonous U.S. 3-letter agencies. they're all parasites and traitors to the American Constitution and ideas espoused in the Declaration of Independence.

by DrLeaks
9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

degenerate behavior opens access. the more degenerate the behavior, the easier it is to be controlled. some don't manage the trade-off very well and get caught.

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

came across this article many years ago and thought, "I mean, it's physically possible but it's all pretty far-fetched, way out on the edge of 'conspiracy theory'."

Fast-forward to the present...

yes. ever since 2016 and Seth Rich, the Podesta e-mails, and the 7 Goddesses thing in S.Korea... I always knew there many of the "usual conspiracies" were rooted in fact, but I figured they were islands of different sizes in a sea of "normalcy". Now, I've realized just how utterly and completely hoodwinked and bamboozled we've been for generations, even centuries.

9035768regginwolg 0 points ago +1 / -1

none of the shit we're seeing is going to stop until Americans realize there's no peaceful solution. not just grooming, but the political corruption, outright lying by our "elected" leaders, fraudulent "elections, American institutions being turned against Americans, the invasion of illegals, the lawlessness and criminality of blacks/Africans, the corrosion/destruction of families, poisoning of our food, continual erosion of freedoms, ad infinitum. (((TPTB))) are just going to keep pushing and pushing as long as we keep de facto consenting by inaction. the current restrictions and affronts to decency are nothing compared to what will happen when CBDC's become a thing.

power isn't given; it's taken.

9035768regginwolg 8 points ago +8 / -0

the /pol/ threads on this are great.

the design was crap. even the diversity hire lead engineer said the design wasn't safe. ...and then got sued by the company for saying so.

the testing was crap. they did one test down to 3000 meters, never to 4000. the acrylic used for the portal was apparently rated for only 1300 meters.

the billionaire cut corners and used crap equipment. they apparently used one of the least reliable video game controllers to control the craft rather than any sort of hands-on, direct controls. they seem to have relied on texting with their support ship for geo-locating themselves. the /pol/ threads are 100% worth skimming.

fucking morons.

9035768regginwolg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Retinal vascular occlusion (RVO) is the second leading cause of visual loss. It happens when blood vessels behind the eye get blocked due to vascular inflammation, damaged vascular walls, or blood clots.

i've read anecdotally that ophthalmologists/optometrists have been able to tell the vax'd just by clotting just during basic eye exams.

no refunds.

9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +3 / -0

meh. how many episodes of the Simpsons are there with how many storylines/multiple storylines, plot arcs, running gags, and scenes/situations? statistically, sooner or later, life is going to imitate art. especially as the referenced episode happened over 20 years ago.

not saying it wasn't predictive or influential of the reality we all create together, but this one seems kinda' "meh". if the episode had aired a week or a month prior to the current sub drama, that would be more eye-brow raising.

having said that, the current narrative around the sub does seem kinda' sus. TPTB definitely have some shit to hide regarding the Titanic, and if some adventurous, naive yahoos started sniffing around down there, i could definitely see TPTB arranging for an "accident". Jew or otherwise, TPTB definitely have total control of the media, and this story is getting a shit-fuckton of air time. Almost like someone is trying to control a narrative...

also worth noting, the sub seems to have been poorly designed with even crappier testing. NASA seems to have been involved in "consulting", so the TPTB would know how stupidly dangerous the sub was. if TPTB were trying to hide anything, they could have just let the dumbasses go about their business and kill themselves.

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