by DrLeaks
sandsmith 1 point ago +2 / -1

Probably winter vagina or climate change.

sandsmith 2 points ago +2 / -0

Feminism is female nature politicized. It was never "invented" or forced on women. That is what they are unleashed. Every single religion and religious text going back thousands of years warned of it and yet we still ended up here.

TPTB take advantage of this constantly, but this is their base nature, stop blaming it on others. If you let the dog off the leash no one should be surprised when it digs up the flowers and shits in the street.

sandsmith 4 points ago +4 / -0

Great, shut it ALL down.

sandsmith 5 points ago +5 / -0

No need to have Satan possessing people. Female nature unconstrained is this. You want to talk Christianity remember what happened in the garden? Who betrayed everyone?

This is simply who women are. Constrain them, or have them side with the serpent, but for the love of all that is holy, stop blaming everything but their own choices.

sandsmith 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm going to add to what u/Questionable did but throw in research papers (Pre-2020, really hard to trust the much after that).

Chitin and Its Effects on Inflammatory and Immune Responses

Role of Chitin and Chitinase/Chitinase-Like Proteins in Inflammation, Tissue Remodeling, and Injury

The role of chitin, chitinases, and chitinase-like proteins in pediatric lung diseases

Now some of the papers I stumbled upon were looking at using Chitin and Chitinase as therapeutics against fungus but the papers also raised concerns about inflammation and cancer. Nothing causative on cancer, but given that there were cancer risks in the lab controlled settings, wholesale consuming of chitin should raise some red flags rather than, "Eat ze bugs."

That said, the first link is probably the most interesting of them. They talk a lot about immune responses both negative and positive (especially positive for vaccine manufacturing) and then in the conclusion more or less say, "Getting this stuff out of the body is really hard and exposure really is not well understood. Please more people research what this actually does, especially since it is very hard to purify these substances."

sandsmith 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not going to lie, that graph is quite interesting. I would murder to have access to the original data set as well.

by pkvi
sandsmith 1 point ago +1 / -0

You worthless lying sack of glowie shit.

Example of two oil fields, only 15% ownership by the state with a HUGE portion being "others"

How about ANOTHER, 25% state ownership with a ton of other interests. You are a horrible shrill and every post you handshake fuck has made is disinfo at absolute best.

"The State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic is involved in all segments of the oil sector. SOCAR produces about 20% of Azerbaijan’s total oil output, and international oil companies produce the remainder."

80% is not enough room for a group of elite billionaires to meddle in, nope not at all.

sandsmith 1 point ago +3 / -2

Oh so what would constitute non-conspiracy pages? CNN? The New York Times?

God damn I'm skeptical of this too but could you smell ANY LESS like a fucking paid plant to shit on the forum who's name is...conspiracies?

They really are scraping the bottom of the barrel. Makes me error on the side of this stuff even more with crap like this.

sandsmith 6 points ago +6 / -0

Maybe my net is a bit wider but previous clients of mine have posted on various sources that a strange amount of their staff was dying. The pattern was so odd let alone these often included young, healthy people.

That plus the massive sigma increases in life insurance pay outs. Not seeing it as much anymore but to ignore numbers is nutty at this point (looking at you, 26 sigma drop in Taiwans birth rate.)

sandsmith 2 points ago +2 / -0

Give the amount of money the government has to spend on people through various government programs/welfare everywhere in the West, I'd argue they would much rather pocket that money and at a minimum are highly incentivized to want very large swaths of their people dead.

sandsmith 1 point ago +1 / -0

This might be the sloppiest false flag ever if this is verifiable. Heck, some of my unaware acquaintances are starting to doubt the narrative.

They are mostly unsaveable but I'm shocked that this stirred them in their sleep

by pkvi
sandsmith 3 points ago +3 / -0

Google should not be your go to search engine probably.

There are so many stories of this that even shitholes like the huffpo have articles about similar events going back to at least 2017 (oklahoma boming scam)

by pkvi
sandsmith 5 points ago +5 / -0

That seems...absurd. I am not very informed about this but I see anywhere from around 7k satellites to just under 20k manmade objects in orbit. This would literally be adding double the total amount of objects in orbit, and what, like more than six times the total number of satellites in orbit.

Holy shit, that number is absurd. There is zero chance this is something harmless.

sandsmith 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember kids. If it is not a government approved source, it cannot be the truth!

sandsmith 9 points ago +10 / -1

Yes because they didn't kill him means that death squads don't exist.

You fucking blue pillers are always the same. Might as well be talking to a tradcuck.

by pkvi
sandsmith 3 points ago +3 / -0

Definitely going to need more follow up on this.

That said, this is believable and if true, I actually feel a bit bad for the vax'd. Not THAT bad but, that pretty much means it's 100% non-reversible.

sandsmith 7 points ago +7 / -0

"underreported by a factor of 20"

The original series of papers pegged the estimate between 10 and 100 times. I've seen believable underreporting as high as 200. Honestly, given how much is being hidden, we should expect deaths easily in the millions. I wouldn't even doubt 5 million dead in the US alone.

by pkvi
sandsmith 13 points ago +13 / -0

I guess "jumped" is the new "thrown off the building by agents."

sandsmith 2 points ago +2 / -0

What I noticed when the general nat soc movement came into the red pill world and tried to convert a lot of people, every, single, time, everything was the jews. They would forgive any sin by weak men, women, anyone who was white and threw responsibility to the jews.

I think it's a case of they got one thing right and then applied that solution to everything. They certainly don't help the search for deeper truths anymore.

sandsmith 3 points ago +3 / -0

Will the conservatives finally figure out that they're hated by the services they use? Will they stop giving money to people who want to destroy them and their children?

I have my doubts, especially with how freaking effective the propaganda is.

sandsmith 14 points ago +14 / -0

This is less conspiracy and more, everyday common knowledge.

I jest but education has been completely corrupted for a while but how blatant it has been surreal at times seeing some of these people.

sandsmith 2 points ago +2 / -0

Given his connections to the WEF I'm not sure if it's safe to say whether he's telling the truth or bucking TPTB's plans.

I mean I sure as hell hope so, but I don't think it's safe to assume he's being honest.

sandsmith 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is good info, thanks! I am dead serious about the switch so now I have a good place to start from.

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