they want to overstimulate you with exciting nonsense
I've never been more bored in my life.
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So, no stars, It's a still shot, Africa covers the whole face, and we have a resolution that's lower than Kkrieger Beta?
- Sure, why the fuck not?
"Tunnels under city". Which gave me this. But won't show any under city tunnels. Those videos I have to find by accident.
Just using the search function from the video sites.
Right. But are you capable of staying on topic, while focusing through the noise?
If you can't see it, then clearly it doesn't have the functionality of a central bank controlled digital currency.
And if you think this is a 'Trump' issue, then clearly you are suffering some kind of syndrome.
Try making your arguments without simply saying 'orange man bad'. O.K?
The statements ring true regardless your understanding of the shape or size of our realm.
I'm not familiar with it myself. It's just a random video I found while trying to find videos on under city tunnels. Which is something I have trouble searching for.
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Yes, Ayh could always ignore you. ㅤ But Ayh'm not going to do that. ㅤ As that would be silly.
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ As for lazy; ㅤ You are explicitly lazy of thought and execution, relying on the viewer to inject meaning into your words through the assumed good intent on your part.
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Not Good.
-̱͞|͞מ͟͞͞פ͟ו͟͞͞ק͞פ͟͞͞ק͞|̊̆ ‡.̗̀́
But I won't 'say that'. As Ayh know that you are against this. So, Ayh don't understand why you are saying this (texting this), or how you are presuming to do so in another man's name. Now do you expect us to go find the actual video you took this screen cap from for context, or should we just ignore you outright?
Phone-tards Discussion:
do I need to speak to be sentient?
- No, just comprehend.
are deaf people sentient?
-Yes, deaf people are sentient, though impaired in their abilities for higher comprehension. (obviously).
- Their language was created by the greater society.
- If you are deaf from birth, you are at a severe disadvantage.
- Though they may be less vulnerable to manipulation by language manipulation.
Question: What does melancholy taste like when you think without words?
This is literally what controlled opposition looks like. it's slightly off target, and easily disproved.
You had my attention upon seeing the Nerdrotic thumbnail.
2 moderators on another site I frequent disappeared on the 6th and 7th of last month. Couple of mouthy cunts. Poof. No goodbyes, stopped responding mid thread.
The key word here is 'enable', and I don't do 'what if's'.
How did “That was a great operation,” become "It was a brilliant operation"? I guess we'll never know.
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