no_ez 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hahah remember the dude with the jamaican or ethopian accent that made all those RUS/UKR videos showing damage and was all like “THIS IS BOOSHIT, AYF ACHE WAHR!!” 😂

no_ez 1 point ago +1 / -0

Behind The establishment there is another establishment, and behind that is the council of the enemy. If you are in the Bible, then you know who the enemy is.

Right now, the modus operandi of the ruler of the kingdom of air is to DESTROY for CHAOS, and to rebuild/rebrand in his image.

So we can see, why James O’Keefe can be useful. He is a jack-in-the-box, unknowingly.

Skip to 30 min in this video and watch for about 4-5 minutes. https://rumble.com/v4m7x5z-jason-christoff.html

no_ez 3 points ago +3 / -0

What the actual fuck? We are told that the third reich swastika was a perversion of an ancient Indian symbol… but i looked it up on yandex, and in a russian language currency collector website, scrolled down, and yep, the 1917 bill presented in this video is found there. Wow.

no_ez 1 point ago +1 / -0

Really dig the song. Wish i could shazam and listen at the same time. 🤷🏻‍♂️

no_ez 3 points ago +4 / -1

“ the jews”

Just as with any group, there are higherups with malicious intentions that hide in these groups, promote a “oneness” and group identity within the group.

The laymen are always left holding the bag, while the ones they vouched for, escape to the next group.

To the outsider, and the true believer (aka sap), they appear as a cohesive and unbreakable unit.

Examples include: All of America supported War in Iraq, All of Jews support Nettenyahu, An Italian would never eat at the Olive Garden, All southerners were rich slaveholders, etc.

As Ozzy said: “The media sells it, and you live the role.” Very Marshal McLuhan of him… the cheeky bastard.

no_ez 3 points ago +3 / -0

I used to do the sign a lot because I was raised on 80s and 90s movies, but I switched to the Shaka around 2019. I know, I know, cool story, bro.

no_ez 2 points ago +3 / -1

The idea of “sides” in this world of conspiracy research is passé.

Was it Rockefeller who said “my favorite thing to do in regards to competition is to control it.”

Blackrock owns everything. Conflict creates more profit than peace.

We need to look at the bigger picture. Who would benefit most from war? Demons, weapons manufacturers, and those malthusian micromanagers who long for depopulation and total control.

no_ez 1 point ago +2 / -1

Jews will be the scapegoat for the big-daddy luciferian globalists (some of which claim to be jews but are not).

They have been for a long time. The rich luciferian “jews” paid off or escaped Germany’s labor camps, and the commoner and middle class jews got their shit stolen or worse.

In the end, the big-daddy luciferian globalists got what they all wanted, destruction of a well-loved leader, millions upon millions of deaths, (human sacrifice) a new ethnostate from which the middle east could be lended to and controlled, (huge vacum of power after the Ottaman empire was destroyed in WWI), and a new beta-test (aka A/B test) we call “the cold war” to see if communism or capitalism would be the best beast system. (Surprise, it’s China’s special blend of the two)

no_ez 4 points ago +4 / -0

😎 he said “the noticing.”

no_ez 1 point ago +1 / -0

Absolute bullshit propaganda to sell you “non-fat dairy products.” The only way to absorb any vitamins or nutrients in dairy is through lipids, aka fat. They want you sick!

I haven’t touched dairy in 13 years though, and i only would again if i could buy from amish.

no_ez 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ya’ll even read the pandemic simulations? Event somethingerother and the other one? Both talk about sewing as much chaos and eroding as much public trust in institutions as possible.

Then… the “savior” comes. It’s gonna be even worse.

It will restore public order, but with a dystopian nanny state iron fist.

Ed Dowd insinuated this. He said they are akin to comic book villains and everything will come out into the open. Then he said, “i’m not worried about this (the scamdemic and the killshot) being exposed. It will be exposed. I’m worried about what will be next to replace them.”

WEF & Zionist Jews will be the fall guys. The limited hangout operation of the true deepstate.

no_ez 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unholy communion. Goes hand in hand with child sacrifice (abortion).

Human beings’ DNA is encoded to worship. As Bob Dylan once sang, “you gonna have to serve somebody.”

Bone (sic) apetít.

no_ez 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fact or Fiction? If you watched this vid, check out pt 2 uploaded 3 days ago:


no_ez 3 points ago +3 / -0

Revelation of the method

no_ez 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, Microsoft news just published an article a couple of days ago that said dark matter doesn’t exist. And here, millions, or billions of Euros have been spent to look for and research it. There’s definitely a spiritual aspect to all this.


no_ez 4 points ago +4 / -0

Inspired me to write a poem:

An All-pastel Flag Impaling Deep In The Pascha 3/30/2024 ————————-

With the bunny and the egg letterhead, (symbols of fertility) an executive proclamation for the Western calendar’s Resurrection day: “Anything but The Lamb.”

The cult of infertility, through the cult of pharmakeia now “breastfeeding.”

A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand, and what have you to say for this, high-priestesses of hermaphrodic Ishtar?

You poor souls who have been misled and groomed, you are more “visible” than ever. More visible than the beardstubble poking through your foundation.

Christ is King, God help us.

no_ez 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think you are spot on, except there is no redemption for demons, only demonically possessed humans.

Because the eternal realm is the past, present, and future all at the same time, the demons cannot make their way back to God’s realm. They rebelled once in eternity, so they are eternally in rebellion.

no_ez 1 point ago +1 / -0

The antifederalists wouldn’t ratify the US constitution without the bill of rights. These rights are inalienable and are from God. These are not privileges or allowances from any ruler or government.They cannot be infringed by the government.

So, despite my antagonism to this— i can see this interpretation as legit.

However, if they didn’t make the firearm with readily available materials, it should be illegal for them to purchase them from a seller. Kind of like marijuana decriminalization proponents, legal to possess, illegal to buy. But you can’t just grow a firearm… you could get a 3D printer and make a ghost gun.

I dunno, just spitballing here.

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