llamatr0n 1 point ago +1 / -0

The 1215 Charter of Incorporation includes a clause stating in modern language

every year the newly elected Mayor must leave the safety of the City, travel upriver to Westminster and swear loyalty to the King or else it will be crushed.

which is the purpose of the Lord Mayor's Show

llamatr0n 1 point ago +1 / -0

oi mate, what's that fucking green thing on me plate?

llamatr0n 3 points ago +3 / -0

Meet the Mayor


But the 1215 Charter of Incorporation includes a clause stating in modern language

every year the newly elected Mayor must leave the safety of the City, travel upriver to Westminster and swear loyalty to the King.

which is the purpose of the Lord Mayor's Show

llamatr0n 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have not given you a negative response,

sorry, I didn't mean you. My comments on these are downvoted and I'm getting other comments than yours

So please stop trying to tell other people what I am doing or what my motives are

where did I do that?

llamatr0n 1 point ago +1 / -0

I brought reciepts

I even showed them you

8 retards in c/conspiracies seems low

llamatr0n 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's amusing the negative response I'm getting here, seems people think I am pro vax for remembering what people like Cahill were saying.

People are regressing to the centrist "everyone was over-reacting, except me".

But my point is people were claiming "everybody (or 50%) dead in 2 (or 3 or 5 or 10) years"

And I haven't even got into the 5g graphene nanobots

llamatr0n 1 point ago +1 / -0

hehe oh yeah

"everybody dead in 2 years" would have been better

llamatr0n 0 points ago +1 / -1

Here's two prominent voices making such claims:

“I believe they’re going to be used to damage your health and possibly kill you. Seriously. I can see no sensible interpretation other than a serious attempt at mass depopulation,” said Yeadon. “This will provide the tools to do it and plausible deniability because they’ll create another story about some sort of biological threat and you’ll line up and get your top-up vaccines and, in a few months, or a year or so later you’ll die of some, you know, peculiar explicable syndrome and they won’t be able to associate it with the top up vaccines.”

Until 2011, Michael Yeadon worked as the vice president and chief scientist in a drug discovery research unit at Pfizer. The division he headed focused on allergy and respiratory medical research — not vaccines or infectious disease. At the time of the unit's closure, research focused on developing compounds that targeted asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

video here - https://archive.vn/l0VtP

UCD PROFESSOR DOLORES Cahill Dolores Cahill — until recently was the chair of the Irish Freedom Party — claimed COVID-19 mRNA vaccines will cause widespread deaths in the coming years.

Cahill specifically alleges that “anyone who’s over 70 who gets one of these mRNA vaccines will probably be — sadly die within about two to three years.”

“And I would say anyone who gets the mRNA injection, no matter what age you are, your life expectancy will be reduced to you know die, if you’re in your 30s, within five to 10 years,” continues Cahill.


llamatr0n 0 points ago +2 / -2

is that when the 5g carbon nanobots kick in?

llamatr0n -1 points ago +1 / -2

ok mate

you're demostrating your significant thinking skills with your assumption

have you tried having a shit?

llamatr0n -6 points ago +2 / -8

still waiting for all the vaxxed to die. I thought they had 2 years to live

llamatr0n 2 points ago +3 / -1

I think you're assigning more power to PDW than it actually has. They seem to think it's the most important forum in the history of the internet. Just look at all the "don't post that, it makes us look bad" comments you see.

e.g. "Shit like this really makes this site look bad."

llamatr0n 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wouldn't imagine anyone causing trouble would be a Trump supporter

llamatr0n 1 point ago +1 / -0

"oh, ok"

said no white man with power ever

llamatr0n 7 points ago +7 / -0

which will then be contracted out to the private sector - aws, goog or azure

and then leaked

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