posted ago by iloveturtles ago by iloveturtles +14 / -1

In a world of misinformation it's hard to find people who tell the truth, even if it is inconvenient. Here is my list. I am not saying they are always correct, but I think they are being intellectually honest as they are willing to say what they believe is true.

Catherine Austin Fits Investment Advisor, former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner

Gonzalo Lira Now deceased video blogger who was living in Ukraine.

Alex Christoforou Commentator and journalist known for his work with The Duran, a platform focusing on geopolitical analysis and international politics.

Dave Smith Stand-up comedian, podcaster, and libertarian political commentator.

Jimmy Dore Stand-up comedian, political commentator.

Chris Martenson Economic researcher, futurist, and founder of Peak Prosperity.

Robert Barnes Attorney known for his work in constitutional, criminal tax, and civil rights law.

Carlo Maria Viganò Italian archbishop and former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States

James Sheeder Bruno Investments and Tiktoker https://www.tiktok.com/@brunoblockchain

James Corbett An independent journalist, researcher, and the founder of "The Corbett Report.

Scott Ritter Former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer and former United Nations weapons inspector.

Ian Carroll Tiktoker. https://www.tiktok.com/@cancelthisclothingco. (I am surprised this guy is still alive)

Dr. Peter McCullough American cardiologist, internist, and epidemiologist who has gained prominence for his views on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jeffrey Sachs American economist, public policy analyst, and former director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University

Mike Benz State Department official during the Trump administration, where he focused on issues related to technology, cybersecurity, and international policy.

Yanis Varoufakis Greek economist, academic, and politician known for his critical stance on austerity measures and his role in Greek politics during the country’s financial crisis

Submissions below worth mentioning: Glenn Greenwald, Whitney Webb, Aaron Mate