The prophesy of the last Pope - Pope Francis
It was a short lived successor to The_Donald on Reddit, and got pretty popular for a minute.
This isn't the first time the US gov forcibly moved a population of people from their homeland. #Gaza #TrailofTears2

Meet the new western backed leader of Syria. Maybe someone should let the US State Dept know.

Dollar Crisis is Imminent According to

Deleted Reddit Thread Outlines Interesting Details on 1968 RFK Assassination

This is the reason I prefer to post here and not in r/conspiracy
The Adelsons are still one of Trumps biggest donors
JD got his start at Theil's hedge fund and through the lobbying of David Sacks, Trump's campaign short listed Vance as VP.
Since then Trump has gotten a significant of financial support from Thiel, Musk, and Sacks.
Vance is their guy, the long game is to move him to the Presidency, perhaps in four years, maybe before that.
Vance may be a cross dresser, but he will be president.

Argentinian President Javier Milei's 2024 Davos talk (translated to English by AI)

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