posted ago by no_ez ago by no_ez +4 / -3

I’ve been sporadically watching livestreamed parts of The RNC convention…

…the only way to describe it is a surrealist shitshow.

Reactions/words that come to mind are:

pantheist cult metamodern post-postmodern Bizarre/Bazaar Humiliation Ritual

Difficult to watch.

The vibe: a highschool graduation ceremony taking place in a funeral home on a distant exoplanet in an undefined time.

Everyone there looks confused.

America officially died tonight. I’m calling it. July 15, 2024. We are now living in post-America. The hand of fate has carved the epitaph.

Hello (Multi-Polar) world.

Tl;dr: Ancient mediaforms (The Colosseum, The stage performance) Boomer mediaforms (television, the radio announcer voice, TV commercials based on the emotion of fear) & Internet Age mediaforms (The livestream, the podcast, the algorithm)

…all coalesced into what can only be described as a polymorphic pastiche of failure.

Tl;drTl;dr: It just didn’t work*

(* as in an art critic saying, “I get what they were going for, but it just didn’t </it>work.”)