ewxilk 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think they probably are deliberately releasing this info bit by bit. They can't hide it forever after all. So they're releasing info in small managed doses to get masses acquainted with what they are doing to them.

It's the same old frog being boiled gradually tactic. If it's successful, in a few years time everyone will know that chemtrails are a thing and no significant resistance will follow because everyone will be already used to it.

ewxilk 2 points ago +2 / -0

I kind of suspect that much of electronic and pop music is being generated already. Most of it is incredibly unoriginal and uniform. You have to plow through mountains of shit to find something even remotely listenable and worthwhile your attention. Sure, vocals are still performed by real people, but the music itself - if not entirely generated already - might as well be. With quality standards as these, we won't notice a difference.

ewxilk 6 points ago +6 / -0

They just don't give a fuck anymore. At this point they're just fucking with normies. And you know what? They can do whatever they want - show any amount of hypocrisy, openly laugh in our face, anything... Normies still won't get it!

On the other hand, maybe that's what they want? Maybe they want even most dense normie to actually get (at least to some degree) how heavily they are being fucked by TPTB. Maybe it's some kind of revelation of the method thing...

ewxilk 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not really about separating information from the source... It's more about intent and purpose. What he tells here is true. Sure. We all know that. Why do you assume those politians do not know that? They do.

It's not about knowing as such. It's about intent and what comes next... and next, I imagine, there's a lenghty debate divided along political lines during which large part of society will become totally in favour of social credit score, while the rest will know no better than to simply follow the herd. And thus, step by step, those things are being done... I wouldn't be too surprised if all the contracts are already sealed and the necessary software is already being in development if not fully developed already.

We have the same goals. Of course social credit score is an abomination and of course it should be stopped. It's just that some see in Peterson fake/controlled opposition while others assume he is genuine... I do not know which is it, but my first thought was of Overton Window, so here you go...

ewxilk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Considering he may be one of them, one of the purposes behind this might be to widen Overton Window.

It goes like this: The digital panopticon and social credit score is already a done deal. It is already in the plans. What they need to do now is to somehow sell it to the general public.

Enter Overton Window. A way to coerce people into accepting something they would never thought of to accept otherwise.

It goes something like this and consists of several phases:

  1. First that something is simply unthinkable. People go about their lives without even thinking about it. (In our case that would be total suveillance and social credit score.)

  2. Then the concept is being entered into public consciousness as remotely possible, but still generally unthinkable.

  3. Next step is making it technically possible, but still widely unacceptable.

  4. Next comes the debatable phase. It is still unacceptable, but somehow becomes debatable. Various public debates are initiated. Pros and cons are being weighted. <--- This is where we are at now and quite possibly the very purpose of Peterson's speech was to move public perception from unacceptable to debatable phase.

Following phases are as follows:

  1. Generally acceptable.

  2. Encouraged and favourable.

  3. Mandatory.

In any case, it's just a thought. I don't know if I'm correct or not. Quite possibly Peterson genuinely wants to warn people... But if I'm onto something, then other terms to look up would be Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis and Hegelian Dialectic. Or, to simplify a bit, the same old Good Cop - Bad Cop thing we've all seen in the movies.

Also, the fact that it is being published by Forbes - of all fucking places - does not help. Not in the least.

ewxilk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, exactly. It's not like this is some super hidden secret information. The internet is a product of the establishment. Everyone knows it. And still people believe it's like some spontaneous thing that kind of appeared out of nothing without any specific purpose or reason.

ewxilk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, that's a good point. Not having a smartphone in 2010 was not a big deal. Even in 2015 not having one was ok. Not having one today, however, is a whole different matter. You can't simply not have it anymore. These days not having it means a statement.

ewxilk 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was techies expanding the world.

I think, that's a very naive way to look at it. Sure, at the bottom levels it might seem like that. Hell, I was one of them too - one of those naive souls who believed tech is cool and making the world a better place. However, at the top levels it is never that simple. Quite the opposite. It's about long term plans and in particular: influence, control and wealth. It is never about simple and naive ideas like better future or such.

As u/SmithW1984 has already mentioned, it is all about the goals of those at the top and not about beliefs or values of those at the bottom.

In other words, bottom level engineers and developers were duped as well. Yes, in a bit different way than general public, but duped nevertheless...

ewxilk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, if you yourself do not have any specific goal in mind, then yes, it might be hard to see where your invention leads. On the other hand, if you do have a specific goal in mind, it's not that hard to steer things in certain direction, to reach that specific goal. It's not so much about predicting events as consciously and deliberately steering them in a certain direction.

I already mentioned smartphones. Those almost certainly were designed as control and surveillance devices from the very start, but from the viewpoint of average person in 2010 it might have not been that obvious.

I don't see any reason why the internet could not be planned as a control and surveillance grid from the very start. Look backwards from today's standpoint and you could see it quite clearly. You could even divide it in approximate phases. Like development phase, introduction to the public phase, voluntary and fun phase, optimistic phase, mandatory phase, oppressive phase etc. Currently we are at the very end of optimistic phase and entering mandatory/oppressive phase. When fun and games are not quite over yet, but you can already feel and smell all the shit ahead of you.

ewxilk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you mean that ironically? Or seriously? You never know these days...

ewxilk 3 points ago +3 / -0

When were smartphones ever "fun and games"?

When they were just rolling them out. Somewhere about 2010 or so. Society was still happily living without them - you know - with real human contact, in person conversations, empathy and all that stuff. Smartphone was just this cool new gadget to show your friends and play with occasionally. Basic mode of interaction with the world was still mostly grounded in reality. Since then all of that has changed significantly.

My point being that, of course, it was a con from the start. The coolness part was just a bait to lure people in and I see the same with the internet. The endless and free information part was just a bait. Nothing more. As soon as it started to get in the way of control an oppression, they have started to gradually turn all of that off.

ewxilk 1 point ago +2 / -1

Kind of reminds me of New Age believers waiting for their Aquarius Age. There are differences, but the very basic idea is quite similar. Namely, that there is some chosen in-group that will get special treatment and will end up in The Good Place if they follow some particular doctrine and do the right things this doctrine is telling them to do. For christians it's belief and prayer. For newagers it's positive vibrations, celestial consciousness and other similar stuff.

Reality, of course, is that everyone will get buttfucked if TPTB gets away with what they're planning for us. What actually could help would be to stop waiting for some kind of saviour, realize the actual situation we're in and to plan ahead accordingly. Prepping, withdrawal from the system as much as possible, organizing local communities with like-minded people... Those kinds of things...

ewxilk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not only nazis - communists had a similar operation as well. Operation Trust. It was almost literally the same thing. As if secret agents working in secret to bring down communist regime, while in reality it was the other way around.

Just sit tight and trust. Everything will be a-ok. Any day now. Just two more weeks.

My God, people are gullible!

ewxilk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, being right is a hell of a motivator and for some admitting mistakes or being wrong is almost impossible thing to do.

Also, I think it might be connected with my original post. Namely, that this is a question of blind trust vs critical thinking. Seems to me those Q folks operate mostly on trust and belief. It's just that they trust different authorities than mainstream normies, but the very mode of thinking is not that different. Normies trust and believe in mainstream media while Q folks believe in Q drops and their interpretation.

Or in other words, being on this side of the fence does not necessarily mean critical thinking is involved. Sometimes it's just a belief in different authorities than those on the mainstream.

My worldview also has changed dramatically over the last few years. Just as you say, almost my entire way of seeing the world has crumbled to dust and now I'm in a process of stitching together a new one. Is that easy or comfortable? Of course not! But I can't continue to live in illusions and pretend like nothing has happened either.

ewxilk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah yes, backwards reasoning. I've seen that a lot. To be honest though it's not limited only to normies, a lot of non-normie people do that as well. Especially Q types of people. Absolutely no matter what happens in the World it will all be twisted and turned over and backwards in order to fit already fixed conclusion that good guys, white hats or whatever are in control and we should all just trust the plan, which is going along well. Just two more weeks, guys!

ewxilk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Those are some good points. Especially about normies of past being normal not because they've arrived at it themselves, but simply because they were told to behave normal.

One way of looking at it is that they've kind of outsourced most of their critical reasoning to some other entity and as soon as some other information arrives their subconscious gets its defenses up in no time. Actual reality or truth does not matter that much anymore. What matters, however, is whether that new information contradicts and/or threatens outsourced one. That's why ridiculous stories about Dobby are ok and even welcomed, while serious information about real life issues is a big no-no.

ewxilk 6 points ago +6 / -0

I do not really see what's the conspiracy here. Stupid people are everywhere - that's not a surprise nor a secret.

On a lighter note, under his name it reads: a bit more than a dummy. I think Kiril might have overrated himself a bit.

ewxilk 3 points ago +3 / -0

So basically some part of population as literal unconscious NPCs. Hmm, could be... I'll check out that link you provided.

Still, I find it quite hard to comprehend the possibility that they simply can't. After all many of them are nice people overall, intelligent, with good sense of humour etc. It's only when the question of defying authority arises they kind of lock up. Almost like they have some red line in their minds that is simply not to be crossed no matter what.

If so, then that's probably the reason why they don't look into things. Perhaps unconsciously deep down they know that if they do look closer, that inevitably will lead to questioning authority and their established beliefs. In other words: uncosciously they know that at least some of the conspiracies are true. They simply can't bring themselves to accept that.

ewxilk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, exactly. Sometimes it really does feel like living in some kind of zombie apocalypse.

ewxilk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Damn right! Among all these Santa seems to be the most believable one.

ewxilk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, blind trust in authority and not looking closely into anything seems to be their default mode of reasoning. Or in other words: it's not that they can't, it's that they simply won't look closer into things. They have been conditioned to trust and that's what they're doing even while staring right into the face of completely contradictory information.

ewxilk 4 points ago +4 / -0

You are right as well. Laziness, cowardice and seeking personal gain are all involved. I don't think all of them are making conscious choice though. Some - maybe, but probably not all of them.

It's not only about larger conspiracies and lies - they believe various stupid and obviously false trivia as well. It's like one day they read that drinking too much cofee is bad and they tell it to everyone. Week later they read that coffee is good for you and they parrot that as well. No critical thinking or pausing to reflect involved. They simply believe any information that comes from their designated source of authority. Blind trust and not looking into anything is their default mode of reasoning.

by DrLeaks
ewxilk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those are not predictions, those are their plans. Well, at least some of them.

ewxilk 2 points ago +2 / -0

True. Just changed user agent on Firefox and delay disappeared. Adblocker is still active and no delay (as well as ads), so all their talk about adblockers is bullshit.

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