We all know that the internet is a product of US military agencies. Yet, the default idea is that the internet means (more or less) free flow of information and a good thing in general.

But is that so? Could it be that the internet was just another con from the get go? Just a bit longer one than the rest of them. After all, we've seen it before.

For example, smartphones. At the start it was all fun and games. Then it got a bit more serious, but still nice and cool. And now it has turned into opressive slave device, with constant suveillance, that is almost compulsory to have and quite hard to live without.

Is the internet any different? It started as this highway of information, rainbows and unicorns and all that. But now it gets more and more censored, more and more oppressive with each passing day. If current trend continues, at the end it will be nothing more than totally controlled tool of oppression. Could it be that that was its design from the very beginning?


Seriously, it's like the default setting of most normies is set to maximum trust. They just read something and immediately trust it. They are told something and they simply trust it. Just like that! Does not matter what exactly it is or how absurd or unbelievable it is. If said information comes from some percieved authority, they'll simply trust it!

Sure, after a while they might start to question some things, but the very default is immediate trust.

Other huge problem is the inability of masses to comprehend complex concepts. You can put all the information right in front of them and they still won't be able to understand anything. Even if they start to understand something, usually they revert back to fallback questions like: who are they, why would they do it, it's not possible for everyone to be in on it or - at the very least - it's simply not possible, because that can't be true.

Who needs censorship when the masses are so dumbed down and their thought processes are so inert that even given all the information sitting right in front of them they still seem to be completely unable to get it?


So, the theory goes that we currently live in a strictly stratified class (or caste) society.

We have business class, entertainer class, politician class and, of course, the masses - subclass. No one gets successful in business unless he's from business class. No one gets to be a famous actor, musician, popstar etc unless he's from entertainer class. And so on, and so on...

The catch is that the masses are not necessarily informed about the real state of things and instead are being fed bullshit stories about garage inventors, bedroom singers turned popstars, businessmen pulling up themselves by the bootstraps and other such nonsense, while in reality no one gets anywhere substantial unless it's approved.

Any thoughts? Or have I been reading too much into Miles Mathis lately? This is not directly from Mathis, but if we extrapolate his writings we get to strict caste society I have described or something very similar.


We currently live under extremely heavy information overload. Constantly, day by day, 24/7.

I'm fairly sure this is intentional.

For example, average lifespan of Reddit post is about a day, maybe a bit more. All of social media is constantly regurgitating the same points over and over, arguing about the same topics over and over again, ad infinitum. Which is exactly the point of it all. Create overload so heavy and intense, that nothing really matters anymore.

Human mind is incapable to operate properly under such pressure. There's tons of info unloaded into our heads daily. Good info, bad info. Wholesome info, unwholesome info. Most importantly, lots of it. Hell, I can't even remember when was the last time I was actually bored. Like, not intentionally going out to touch grass or consciously avoiding media, but simply bored... with nothing to do. That kind of thing simply does not happen anymore. There is no reflection, no idle thinking about this or that, unless one consciously decides to do that.

That's the reason why instead of relying on facts, logic, rationality and common sense, most people simply give up and resort to trusting some kind of authority. For some it is government or science. For others it could be some kind of new-age guru or some other truth sayer. It does not matter. What matters is that people have outsourced their reason to someone else. Which is exactly how they want it to be.

In Soviet Russia one single article criticizing the government could travel underground from hand to hand for years. It would be read and reread. It would be illegally reprinted or even rewritten by hand. These days, however, a single article no matter how truthful or how damaging does not mean anything. Hell, even ten or hundred articles mean almost nothing. Everything is being reduced to screaming contest. Whoever makes the loudest or most authoritative scream wins.

TLDR: Constant informational buzz is a psyop of sorts. It is being created intentionally in order to suppress clear and rational though process, to prevent masses from thinking for themselves.

I'm looking for more recent (about five years) books and audiobooks. Specifically I'm interested in geopolitics, global scams (covid, climate) and - perhaps less known subject - how new age sprituality and religion is used by globalists to achieve their goals (for example, Sadghuru - a member of WEF - Dalailama and Pope - all of them are pushing globalist agenda).

Have something in mind to recommend? Thanks.


Just a speculation and wild extrapolation, but what if NWO is not something they plan to implement, but something that is already implemented and has been for at least 100 years by now?

We can all see that most of what currently goes on in the world is engineered and orchestrated with specific goals to achieve. Covid scam goes without saying, of course, but the same could be said about current Ukraine/Russia situation, 9/11, Middle East, climate scam etc, etc.

So, what if most or even all recent historical events also were engineered? What if our historical narratives are simply lies and nothing much else?

For example, NWO could have started with WW1, which was engineered and implemented in order to get rid of Old World Order - old monarchies, dynasties, old wealth, old power and such. After it most of Europe was not monarchic anymore, but became national republics with supposedly democratic governments. Large multinational institutions were put in place. Again, supposedly to maintain peace, but in reality it essentially was One World Government in the making.

Then came WW2 which introduced severe limitations of freedom, a lot of new taxes and, most importantly, very simple and easy to understand narrative through which it was easy to control masses from all sides. Divide the world into good side and bad side. Nazis vs Allies during the war and Soviets vs West after the war. WW1 narrative was too messy and too hard to follow. Who fights whom? Why? Which coutry is on which side exactly? It was all too messy and unclear. WW2 hovewer was and still is presented as some kind of epic fight of good versus evil.

And now there's Phase 3 which started at the beginning of 2020 and is now being actively escalated in many various ways. After this phase NWO might come out in the open which up until now has been hiding behind various countries, organizations and such.

TL;DR: NWO already exists and all of 20th century events did not just happen out of the blue, but have been purposefully engineered and implemented with specific goals in mind. Most of official narratives, historical as well as current ones, are simply lies.


There are various types of Hopium theories. Ranging from tame kind-of-making-sense ones to very wild really out there theories.

Of course there is Q. Then there is Musk who will save everyone. Then there are various assortment of Trump is still in charge theories.

On the far end of it there are really wild theories about some kind of epic battle going on between good and evil behind the scenes. White Hats versus Black Hats. Some of those theories are that White Hats have already won, that all presidents and officials are being replaced with White Hat controlled clones, while real ones are in prison. Recently I even heard that Musk is a clone. Previous one was bad, you see, but this one is good and will save the day. Or another wild one is that Turkey earthquake is a good thing. It's just White Hats cleaning up the evil.

In a word. Nothing to worry, folks! Good has already won. Just sit tight and enjoy the show. Watch the stars and make good vibrations. Everything is going great.

Of course no one can explain why, if good has already won, this show is even needed. Also, seems to me those White Hats are not that different from previous reptilian evil Black Hats, so what exactly makes them good? No one can coherently explain it. Something, something about humanity needing to cleanse itself through blood and suffering or something like that.

I have come to the conclusion that all this Hopium stuff is just another psyop designed to neutralize and misdirect dissatisfied crowd... and a very dark one at that. Just like TV believers live in their small bubbles believing government cares about them, now we have conspiratorial crowd living in hopium bubbles believing that everything is going well and we'll be saved any day now.

So, what do you think?


So, the C fraud. By now there are tons and tons of examples where so called experts and officials turned out to be completely wrong (or simply put: they lied). I'm thinking of compiling a list of all wrongs by the governments and their designated experts versus all things critical (conspiracy) theorists were right about.

Kind of like us vs them infographic to show to the normies.

For example: 2 weeks to flatten the curve - false. Everyone who said that this is only the beginning - true.

I think it would show very persuasively how utterly false and untrue almost everything the governments and their designated experts say is and how surprising amount of so called conspiracy theories are true.

Any suggestions, ideas? Perhaps someone already has made something similar?