controlled from Houston with masterful predictive skill since it faithfully pans upwards to follow the LEM's assent despite the delay in transmission to and from the surface of the moon.
That "skill" should have been the tipoff to the 2+ Billion gamers who've struggled with laggy controller-drivers and internet connections fifty years later.
As actual 'Westerners' are starting to rethink consumerism and endless-growth...
Musk, Gates, Bezos and Zuckerberg want those 'acquisition urges' and spending behaviors beamed into every "designated shitting street" in the Global South. In return they offer corrupt dictators 'modern' social-control technologies.
"But Mom; isn't a 'settler' like Little House on the Prairie?"
No, Virginia; in this case, it's more like Himmler's program of relocating "ethnic Germans" into occupied Poland.
Ja, das ist der Lebensraum.
...the American Psychological Association
Keepers of the DSM.
The sterling organization that allows itself to be pressured by acitivists into voting "disorders" into and out of "existence", such as globohomo and troonery.
Their diktats are uncritically accepted by courts and law-enforcers, because "Science™!".
There will have to be a severe political realignment in America. But before that can happen, expect many seasons of terrible disorder.
...and that "realignment" promises to be orders of magnitude more tramautic than the recently-concluded 'Ukranian Fall Offensive™'.
The Chosen Noses™ are very protective of "Middle East History".
Articles like this, and events in the US's time in Iraq have led me to believe something (or a number of 'somethings') in 'Mesopotamia', if brought to public consciousness, would totally destroy the whole Abrahamic Fairytale Narrative, and undermine the tripod of 'belief systems' it supports.
That 'something', justified sending the U.S. Golem on a side-mission during its time in Iraq, to either:
- Confiscate that 'evidence', or
- Bury and pave over 'inconvenient' history.
Meanwhile, we had the "Taliban" blowing up religious artifacts, and "ISIS fanatics" are busy destroying historical sites in Mesopotamia, Syria and elsewhere. At least that's what we're told...
Disclaimer: Note I said "side mission". The destruction of Iraq as a coherent "nation" was still the primary goal.
Let me know when an "algorithm" can fill a pot-hole or build a bridge. And how is Dubai, who imports pretty much everything, going to pay for food; let alone all that bling?
"Disruption by inventing favorable stats" is in no way 'futuristic'; it's only applying beep-boop blinkenlights to scams used by failing organizations forever.
Meanwhile in the "Arsenal of Democracy®", our budget-busting 'defense industrial plant' couldn't produce one month's worth of 1944's output of planes, tanks, ships and ammunition; not even if they were given the entire Federal Budget.
1990 "Incubator Girl". I was on active duty military at the time. When I found out the truth of that matter in 1992, I stopped competing for promotion and filed retirement papers.